Always over in my fat content...HELP!!!!!

I am trying to eat healthier foods each and everyday, and making sure that I pre-plan all meals in advance. However, even if I am under my calorie goal, I am ALWAYS over in my fats and proteins.
Ie. I take udo's oil each day, and then today I ate cashews which put me over the top.

Anyway, any suggestions for better foods I can eat - or websites I can go to for some lower fat recipes? My first order of business has been to lower the amount of calories I eat at each meal, and now the next goal is to lower the fats in my diet.

Thanks in advance!


  • MrsChristinaG
    depending on what your budget for groceries is.... You might want to check out They plan your meals out to the T for 2 weeks, provide grocery lists, recipes, and caloric values on EVERYTHING
  • mjg08060
    mjg08060 Posts: 104 Member
    its okay to be over in your proteins, its actually a good thing to have more proteins than carbs because carbs just convert to sugar. You should try eating fresh vegetables, even quick steamer bags work great and maybe some fruits. Lay off the canned goods, unless you get vegetables sodium free and focus more on the fresh healthy foods that are unprocessed. They take better to me personally anyways
  • kirstinkrueger
    not all fat is bad for you (ie the fat in the nuts) is your diary open? I will go look and try to help as best i can!
  • kirstinkrueger
    Eat plenty of lower-fat plant-based foods (whole grains, fruits and vegetables). Limit meat to less than 6 ounces/day. Choose only fat-free dairy products.
    Use beans and lentils as a low fat, cholesterol-free protein source at meals or snacks in place of animal protein.
    Watch your calorie intake. Remember, "low fat" does not always mean "low calorie."
    Increase your physical activity to improve heart health and lose excess body fat.

    When selecting foods:

    Learn about the foods you eat by reading nutrition labels. Look for "low fat," "nonfat" and "reduced fat" claims on food packages. Focus on total fat, rather than on individual items. When selecting food, balance those with a higher fat amount against those with a lower fat amount to stay within your fat total or "budget" for the day.
    Choose lean meats, fish and poultry. Limit these to less than 6 ounces per day. Other good low-fat sources of protein include dried beans and peas, tofu, low-fat yogurt, low-fat milk, low-fat cottage cheese, and tuna fish packed in water.
    Choose skim or 1% milk.
    Enjoy low-fat cheeses (no more than 3 grams of fat per ounce) or nonfat cheeses or spreads.
    Try low-fat or fat-free versions of your favorite margarine, salad dressing, cream cheese, and mayonnaise.
    When preparing foods:

    Trim all visible fat and remove the skin from poultry.
    Refrigerate soups, gravies, and stews, and remove the hardened fat before eating.
    Bake, broil, or grill meats on a rack that allows fat to drip from the meat. Avoid frying foods.
    Sprinkle lemon juice and herbs/spices on cooked vegetables instead of using cheese, butter, or cream-based sauces.
    Try plain, nonfat, or low-fat yogurt and chives on baked potatoes rather than sour cream. Reduced-fat sour cream still contains fat, so you must limit the amount you use.
    When dining out:

    Choose simply prepared foods such as broiled, roasted, baked fish or chicken. Avoid fried or sautéed foods, casseroles, and foods with heavy sauces and gravies.
    Request that your food be cooked without added butter, margarine, gravy, or sauces.
    Request salad with low-fat dressing on the side.
    Select fruit, angel food cake, nonfat frozen yogurt, sherbet, or sorbet for dessert instead of ice cream, cake, or pie.
  • jenneyd
    jenneyd Posts: 308 Member
    I was noticing that I was doing the same thing. I started by low fat cheese, Cheese is something I will not give up lol. I also eat only half a serving of nuts at a time. I'm always reading labels on how much fat is in items now, so I can make better choices. I still eat my nuts and cheese and avocados, I just don't eat all of those on the same day! Good luck with this, it can me done!
  • canadianchickie
    thanks for the help - much appreciated!!! Will put to use immediately ... :):bigsmile:
  • kirstinkrueger
    let me know how it works out!!
  • Gillybean23
    Gillybean23 Posts: 9 Member
    By low fat products ... it helped me.