Ugh I'm Fed Up!

I'm so done right now. I don't want to care about what I eat or how much I exercise! I just want to be done with this whole scheme!
Sure, I'm not happy being fat, but at least I don't constantly stress over calories in - calories out!
I'm back down to 190 and I'm ready to give up and just accept that I'm going to be fat forever.


  • a_stronger_steph
    a_stronger_steph Posts: 434 Member
    Hon, are you sure this isn't the exam stress speaking? I'm sure you are stressed about EVERYTHING at the moment!! Exams are the worst... but they will be over soon. And you know what? You might go over a lot while you're studying, but that's not the end of the world. You'll get back on track when exams are over. You've come so far already!!! Don't give up now, because you can totally rock this. <3
  • 145Karen
    145Karen Posts: 80 Member
    We all feel that way sometimes I know I do a couple times a week! But I know I need to change for ever not a temporary fix I hope you refocus and know its in your reach you can do this! send me a friend request we can help each other! Never Give Up!
  • sara21
    sara21 Posts: 37 Member
    Don't give up! You've done such a great job so far!!
  • mmellor
    mmellor Posts: 146
    Ok...I know how you feel, because I to feel like it's so much easier to eat what I want then to worry about calories in vs. calories out...I get it! However, I always know how I feel when I'm "lighter". Try to remember why you started this journey in the first place? You have had some great success...down 20lbs - that's amazing! Think of how you will feel when you reach your "goal weight" Stay focused and just take each day at a time! Good Luck
  • Mommyof3texans
    It's tough being patient and doing this for a long time especially if you see it as a diet and as having lots of restrictions. I try to eat foods that I enjoy as well as being healthy that I will continue to eat after I reach my goals. This is something we all should be doing in life, eating healthy and exercising.....not just to lose weight in the short term.

    I'm kinda nerdy so I like the tracking and measuring and reading labels so I'm probably not the right one to be giving out motivation lol. Hang in there and find a place for something that you really enjoy so you don't feel so restricted.
  • bbygrl5
    bbygrl5 Posts: 964 Member
    You feel like this right now, but I promise you, you are always going to want to reach your goal weight, so make this the time in your life when you commit! It took me too many years to finally scream out that enough was enough.

    Just take it a day at a time and whenever you want something, don't deny yourself, plan for it. Whether it's in the form of a free day or free meal or just having a little something you want everyday and coming in under calorie.

    Don't give up! I promise you that you are capable of doing this!! When you feel too overwhelmed, you NEED a free day, but make sure you get back to it.. the most important thing. *hugs*
  • wintermama13
    wintermama13 Posts: 172 Member
    Hon, are you sure this isn't the exam stress speaking? I'm sure you are stressed about EVERYTHING at the moment!! Exams are the worst... but they will be over soon. And you know what? You might go over a lot while you're studying, but that's not the end of the world. You'll get back on track when exams are over. You've come so far already!!! Don't give up now, because you can totally rock this. <3

    If this is the case I'd say..don't worry about it all then. Focus on your exams. I find exercise to be a great stress reliever when I can just zone out and push myself. I agree about always having to keep track and count and write everything down and everything it just seems like I can't even live. If you need to take a day or two or more off, go ahead. Just keep in mind that shiny goal you have and how great you are going to feel when you reach it!!
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    Check this out:

    PLEASE try it. Right now. Tell me how it makes you feel.
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    Well first of all it isn't a scheme! Diet pills, diet gimmicks, and such are schemes! I don't consider 190 fat but realize you want to lose weight! I don't know exactly what there is to say to you except this is a lifestyle change and you have to be ready to change! I don't think there is any better way, or more effective way, than calories in - calories out and while it may be stressful to you it is what works.
  • olyrose
    olyrose Posts: 569 Member
    Don't stop! Maybe ease up a bit if you really need a break. Go to maintenance weight, or find some treats that you can eat without making yourself feel guilty. I agree it's no good if it's consuming you and stressing you out. Maybe try planning meals ahead of time, so you only have to think about it a couple times a week instead of all day every day? Good luck!
  • laneyb356
    laneyb356 Posts: 25
    DON'T give up! Everyone gets fed up once in a while and that probably happens about once a week. I haven't been here that long but for just having started I am trying to get over my first hurdle which is a head & number game. With 30 lb lost doesn't that feel good? So just think what 5 or 10 more will feel like. Find a way to make it easier for yourself. I find it hard to fit in exercise on a regular basis but I try to walk at least 1 mile (and then I usually forget to record it). I still have my 12 oz. nonfat milk caramel macchiato 4 times a week. That's a compromise from16 oz. and I know I gotta cut back somewhere else. That's my pack-a-day habit :-) Hang in there, summer's a comin!!! It will feel sooooo good.
  • Azuleelan
    Azuleelan Posts: 218
    I'm so done right now. I don't want to care about what I eat or how much I exercise! I just want to be done with this whole scheme!
    Sure, I'm not happy being fat, but at least I don't constantly stress over calories in - calories out!
    I'm back down to 190 and I'm ready to give up and just accept that I'm going to be fat forever.

    I'm sure you would rather stress over how fat or ugly you look and how others will judge you, and how that super cute guy won't even look at you, and how that mini skirt is only for skinny girls, and how that lady in the subway would rather stand than sit next to you, and how that girl makes that disgust face when she sees you eating doritos... Yeah, you should just stop this and be that happy and free! :tongue:

    Come on girl, go to the success stories section and compare the before and after of all those people... it is hard, but it's also the right thing to you not only for your stress levels but for your health. People die from being fat and from bad eating habits, don't be one of them. You are already here, just stop thinking and keep on going!! :flowerforyou:
  • calmmomw3minimeez
    calmmomw3minimeez Posts: 499 Member
    Please don't give've come too far to stop now! You've got so many ppl here that genuinely care about you, your success and your welfare and you've just put in way too much work to let it go. I know stress can have a bad effect on you(believe me I know), but maybe you just need to relax maybe even take off a day or two from the logging, and once your head is a little clearer you won't feel so overwhelmed. Hope you feel better...stay with it girl, you can do it!:glasses:
  • anewattitude
    anewattitude Posts: 483 Member
    You just need to re-group and focus on why you joined this site in the first place. You obviously wanted to make a postive change for yourself but weight doesn't just come on overnight, nor does it come off overnight either. I know how frustrating this process is and how difficult it can be at times. Take it one day at a time and don't be so hard on yourself. If you want it bad enough, you WILL make it happen. I can recall several times I was practically in tears because I was over on my calorie intake and still starving but what helps get me through it is the support and motivation of others. You will find that here!

    Best of luck :)
  • jmoyo1
    jmoyo1 Posts: 4 Member
    If you were Happy before you started this journey, we would not be talking to you. Now that you have accomplished all this weigh loss you are a bit tired and perhaps "FED UP" ( calories 5, carbs 2gm, sodium 3 gm for using the word FED) but if you go back, and I am not talking about the weight, you will find that to RE-START takes more out of you than the first time.

    Do not call yourself fat, call yourself "happy". Congrats....... on the piercing....and tattoo.....

    SAVE A CHICKEN..... SAY NO TO CHURCH"S, KFC....:noway:
  • foodforfuel
    foodforfuel Posts: 569 Member
    That is the OLD you talking. This is the NEW you talking:

    Why I Want To Get In Shape
    - My future family. I don't want my kids growing up the same way I did.
    - My health. I want to be able to live a long, long life, and always have lots of energy!
    - Cute clothes that I can't wear on account of my size.

    My Inspirations
    •My... itsy-bitsy teensy-weensy yellow polka-dot bikini...
    •An eventual belly button piercing.
    •Believe it or not... Kelly Osbourne. If she can do it, so can I!
    •Nylon Magazine - I want to be able to wear the styles they showcase!

    Don't forget these things! They BELONG to the NEW you!

    Losing weight is hard. Being overweight is hard. Choose your hard.
    You can do this, you know you can! One day at a time. Giving in now would only add to your stress, imho. I wish you all the strength you need to get through this point in time. :flowerforyou:
  • Sonnut
    Sonnut Posts: 57 Member
    Take a deep breath. Seriously, you're almost to your half way mark. That's an accomplishment! You're not going to lose all this weight at once, it took a long time to put it all on, so be patient and try not to stress over the specifics. Generalize if that helps. What have you learned? Portions? Good vs. bad choices? Awareness? Those are simple things that will carry over into your long term success in keeping it off.

    Be honest with yourself, doesn't it feel good to have lost what you have lost? I've only lost 14 pounds since mid-January and I love how I feel so far, but I'm not killing myself to do it. With what I've learned, I can keep applying to my daily life and gradually I'll be where I want to be. If not, I sure feel so much better about myself with what I've already accomplished. I don't want to throw it all down the toilet, and it would be a shame for you to do the same.

    Don't stress about the counting, let MFP do it for you. Try to make good choices, lighten up your goal if you need to. Find things that you enjoy eating that work with the plan. Indulge in your favorites from time to time so life doesn't suck.

    You can do this. Lots of people have. Take a deep breath, re-group, and continue your efforts. You won't regret it, no matter how long it takes. You will be mad at yourself if you let it all go and end up back where you started. You can do this.
  • canadianchickie
    Remember Kelly osborne!!! :):smile:

    I can relate: it's hard transitioning into a new-er and better healthy lifestyle, and ooohhh so easy to fall back into the old. There's a reason you joined MFP and a reason you've come so far!
    We may never be able to be like our 'speedy metabolism' buddies, however, sometimes the grass is greener right? We don't always know about the personal struggles and stressors that were/are theirs... and perhaps they've had their moments too?
    I think all women feel this unrealistic pressure, that sometimes feels insurmountable!
    But break it down, bit by bit, piece by piece and remember why you started, and why you've fought this long and this hard!

    Perhaps a re-look at some of your goals and motivations is needed? What's really going to drive you and set that motivational fire under your butt?

    I was looking at some of the community posts and one of the things that stood out for me is-
    it's not about being a stick figure model.... who may or may not be healthier than you.... (probably not healthier)...and looks like **** because they smoke, and drink, and starve themeselves (in person! Airbrushing sure helps!)
    it's about getting healthy, feeling good, and being energetic and loving life - and being fit to boot.

    they say it takes 21 days to make a habit... then once it's habitual you may not have to worry so much about calories in- calories out.... having the habit of enjoying a healthy lifestyle makes it easier - and not as challenging.

    plus think about all those people who have to make a concerted effort with their diets:
    vegetarians, low sodium, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, pregnant women, anemic women, diabetics.... etc.

    so it's not just us that have to focus on eating the right types of food: and developing good habits right now will prevent alot more restrictive diets in your future years (if everything went to pot and God forbid, you all of sudden had heart disease! or diabetes!) .... now that would be tough!

    And... being pretty damn close to the same weight as you.... I know how you feel. But you know what? i am alot healthier now than I was thirteen years ago at 130 lbs, but i smoked, drank, stayed up all night, ate one meal a day and didn't exercise. I know that exercise, eating right, not smoking, not drinking, getting proper sleep makes me alll around a billion times healthier, and I trust that if I keep up the hard work i will be smoking awesome hot, and super crazy healthy with energy to go a million miles and be the best I can be.

    Keep your chin up!
  • kbickel
    kbickel Posts: 19
    I felt this way last week and took a break from the counting, I also took a break from MOST of the exercise, only exercised 2 times the whole week instead of everyday and twice a day, it didn't really hurt. I know how you feel, I feel like sometimes I wear it on my head, Keep on going hon, it will get better, take the breaks when you need them!
  • get_it_gone2012
    Thank you all so so much!
    I really needed to be reminded of why I'm here; and that I'm doing this for LIFE!
    I don't know what I would do without your constant motivation and support - I'm going to take this one day at a time again and just focus on being healthy.
    Thanks :heart: :heart: :heart: