Feeling a bit defeated...

crankyrobot Posts: 74 Member
edited September 26 in Motivation and Support
I checked the scale this week and I went up a pound! But two days ago it said I'd lost a pound. Am I flip flopping? Is my scale working?

I admit I did binge a little this weekend, but I did the same last weekend and still lost weight...


  • strapple
    strapple Posts: 353 Member
    try weighing yourself once a week instead of daily (i know its hard omg i still cheat sometimes)

    its totally normal for your body to fluctuate 2-4lbs daily so dont let it get you down

    if you dont believe me try weighing yourself before and after going to the bathroom (you know what i mean)
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    Sounds like normal fluctuations. If you weigh often, you'll see these. It's normal. Many of us like to watch the scale go up and down and up and down and up and down. Others prefer to weigh less frequently because the fluctuations bug them mentally. Weight doesn't come off in a straight line. You are probably doing just fine, even with a weekend binge here and there. As long as you're on point 6 days a week.
  • whitneysaenz
    whitneysaenz Posts: 125 Member
    Our bodies fluctuate for a number of reasons. If you took in a lot of sodium, it could be that you are retaining water. Really, it's hard to know. Just remember, that our weight will most likely not be the EXACT same every time we weigh, even if it's only been a day or two.
  • slapshotgolf
    slapshotgolf Posts: 163 Member
    I'm sure your scale is fine...small fluctuations are normal, so please don't get discouraged. This is a long term journey, and while weighing in daily or weekly helps you stay on top of things, those short term results should not impact your long term objectives. Body chemistry/water retention/sodium intake, all impact short term weight losses and gains - look at things critically after a month before making any drastic changes...chin up!
  • crankyrobot
    crankyrobot Posts: 74 Member
    Yeah, I used to weigh myself only once a week, but then I kind of wanted to check more frequently so I could see how my body fluctuated based on my exercise and eating habits. I still only record once a week. I guess we'll see what tomorrow says :)
  • biattah
    biattah Posts: 3
    hang in there and be honest about what you are eating. definitely fluctuations occur but sometimes we see the results of this week -- next week. and, if you cheated a little last week and still lost weight, those extra calories might just be catching up now. but, a pound is a pound and your body can naturally fluctuate that much just inside of one day.
  • price805
    price805 Posts: 20
    Your weight naturally goes up and down up to two pounds. Don't get discouraged. It could be a number of factors. I find that my weight has flipped flopped up to four lbs when I haven't had regular bowel movements. I know that's disgusting, but waste could still be moving through your system especially if you are eating things that are not good for your GI tract.

    Remember the tortoise and the hare: Slow and steady wins the race.

    Just keep going and try to limit your binges. It's okay to indulge but not okay to binge. Keep up your hardwork! You can do it.
  • I notice that if I don't take my weight doing the same time of day or point my scale in the same directions, I will get different results. Therefore, I weigh myself first thing in the morning, and I marked a spot so I know where to place the scale.
  • BrianJLamb
    BrianJLamb Posts: 239 Member
    Dont feel bad. Two weeks ago I gained 7 lbs from a weekend binge. Some of it is still hanging around. I have been stacking fiber and water and working out, but I cant reach that low again.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    Your weight can actually dip below your true weight, too.

    I dropped 2.2lbs in two days last week and hit my lowest number: 120.4. But it came right back and has been steady (although I'm down .4lbs from my weigh in before that).
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I weigh myself first thing in the morning and I've noticed that if I don't get as many hours of sleep I won't lose the same amount of weight overnight, which can seem like a weight gain. One day this weekend, I tested this and got up around 6am (my usual weekday waking time), peed and weighed myself. I drank some water, went back to sleep until 8:30 (I love weekends!) and repeated the process. I'd lost 1/2 pound in that 2 1/2 hours. That 1/2 pound meant the difference between my appearing to have lost weight, or not, since my weigh in the morning before.

    You're better off keeping to an "official" weekly weigh in and ignoring the in-between fluctuations.
  • crankyrobot
    crankyrobot Posts: 74 Member
    Thanks everyone for the supportive words. I'm definitely going to try and quit binging. It can be so hard sometimes. The last two weekends have had birthdays EVERY DAY. I count my alcohol calories too, but I think I might need a break from booze altogether.

    I need to do this!
  • sbanders
    sbanders Posts: 23
    I'm on the scale all the time but I only update my weight weekly.. Even though the scale goes up and down I feel a little less like I'm on the roll coaster..
  • I know what you mean, i had bought a weight watchers scale and that scale was saying more then ever or less lol! I ended up taking it back. i was weighing my self weekly but i decided to do it monthly, better for me. my addvice to you and actually all of you if u agree with me. i rather weigh my self at the drs office. there scales are more accurate, why because 1 im a nurse and i know how the scale are and 2. they come in monthly to balance out
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