Slipping, need some encouragement to get me motivated.

I am starting to not be motivated anymore. I did so well the first 2 months and I lost almost 20 lbs, but now I see myself not caring. Is is just a faze and I will get back into it??


  • bunnysone
    bunnysone Posts: 486 Member
    You need some goals! Set yourself a few simple, easy to achieve goals, relish in the fact you got there and move on with more goals!

    I have no idea of what capabilities you have now fitness wise, but im currently working on a biathlon challenge which means I need to complete 40km running and 100km cycling in stages over a week!

    Perhaps thats too much for you, but id love to help you set some simple goals to suit you to move you forward - feel free to message me xx
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    I feel like a hypocrit trying to answer this post since I posted a similar plea just a few days ago. Just hang in there. Take it one day (or one hour) at a time. I once heard that if you want to believe something, then you should act like you already do. I think that if we act motivated, even when we don't feel motivated, then those motivated feelings will come back.:blushing:
  • crunkpunch
    I seem to go through phases. I get really excited about working out and eating good, and I do well. Then I have a few bad days and it takes forever to work myself back up.

    The past couple of weeks I've had a lot of functions and it's been hard to stay on track. This past weekend I had a birthday party and baby shower. I told myself that today I get back on track, and I ate a cupcake, chips, pasta... yikes!

    I'm running race in 4 weeks, and hoping to drop at least one dress size before a trip to New York in June! I've gotta get back into it now!
  • ari_27
    ari_27 Posts: 88 Member

    ^ this website helps me get through each day.
    remember how good you feel when you lose weight and eat right..and let that be your motivation to keep going. you don't want to want to progress. it's an every day struggle, but you can and will do this.
  • SimplyDeLish
    This is a healthy lifestyle - and can take some getting used to. You can do this. If you slip and fall on your butt, you get back up, dust yourself off and keep going. That's exactly what you'll do now. You are worth it!!!
  • emersmurf
    emersmurf Posts: 27
    Don't give up! Keep in mind why you wanted to lose the weight in the first place. I know it's hard. I find myself slipping a lot too. But I look at my 3 energetic kids, my sisters and mom, and just get back in the game again. I sent you a request. =)
  • abaker768
    abaker768 Posts: 79 Member
    I'm right there with you! I had a food relapse this weekend, and just decided that I would start over fresh today. Good luck!! :flowerforyou:
  • ChrisR0128
    I go thru the same thing every now and then, I like to mix things up when i start feeling blaaaaahhhhhh about things. change up my food items or usually switch up my exercise program. I find I get bored with my routie and change it up about once a week. Hang in there and dont give up.
  • luppic8
    luppic8 Posts: 580 Member
    Losing 20 lbs should be a great motivator! Well done! Don't give up now you have come such a long way! I am rooting for you!
  • krise31
    krise31 Posts: 53 Member
    You have to ask yourself if you're content with the way your body looks and how you feel about it. I mean if you quit before you reach your goal you might A. gain the weight back and B. realize 4 months now if you had stuck with it you would be closer to your goal and in better shape. Forget about setting goals just think about the pro's and cons of giving up.

    Dont give up!
  • ninyagwa
    ninyagwa Posts: 341 Member
    You are doing awesome! What you need is to add some of us to your friends list, I noticed you don't have any. You know what kicks my butt into gear when I feel lazy, I know all those awesome buddies I have on here are going to tell me how awesome my workout was, and some of them will even tell me they worked out today because I did. What better motivator to have then to know someone else is motivated by YOU!

    Feel free to add me! I know you'll make it past your funk!

  • N_BEAST_MODE_24_7
    N_BEAST_MODE_24_7 Posts: 120 Member
    I am starting to not be motivated anymore. I did so well the first 2 months and I lost almost 20 lbs, but now I see myself not caring. Is is just a faze and I will get back into it??

    I posted this today:

    Before you decide to quit your workout, just remember this.......the hardest part isn't making the decision, its living with it!!! Don't be complaining to others about the way you look, if you quit!! NEVER GIVE UP, PAIN LASTS FOR A FEW MINUTES, BUT PLEASURE LASTS A LIFETIME! Now..... " GO GET 'EM "

  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    I am starting to not be motivated anymore. I did so well the first 2 months and I lost almost 20 lbs, but now I see myself not caring. Is is just a faze and I will get back into it??

    I posted this today:

    Before you decide to quit your workout, just remember this.......the hardest part isn't making the decision, its living with it!!! Don't be complaining to others about the way you look, if you quit!! NEVER GIVE UP, PAIN LASTS FOR A FEW MINUTES, BUT PLEASURE LASTS A LIFETIME! Now..... " GO GET 'EM "


  • a_reyes9288
    I'm the same way it seems like I only have two extremes... gung-ho fitness and nutrition plan or lazy blob that eats everything... it's sad I know.

    But this time I'm determined to stick to it!! Soooo in order to force myself to realize I need to kick my butt into gear everyday I put a bag of gym clothes in my car to remind me I need to work out and I have post its on my computer telling me to log onto MFP and log in my food and exercise.

    I'm not sure if this will help for you, but it's given me a constant reminder not to fall off my path.
  • Hedone
    Hedone Posts: 92
    Thanks everyone for the encouragement, it really helped me to get back in gear. Lost 4 lbs last week so that helped me too.