Back fat!

Does anyone have tips on getting rid of those creases in your back? I can't stand them

ANy suggestions would be appreciated!!!

THose are my major problem areas!



  • luppic8
    luppic8 Posts: 580 Member
    I have had a lot of success using resistance bands. I have been able to tone my arms lose inches in my waist and shrink those nasty little back rolls! Good luck!
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    As you lose weight, you also lose body fat. As you reduce the amount of body fat you carry, you will see a reduction in all of your problem areas.

    Work on your proper diet, sleep well, drink water, and get cardio time in each day. It will take some time and dedication, but results will come with diligence!
  • MeganMac17
    MeganMac17 Posts: 90 Member
    I'd love suggestions too!

    On a complete sidenote, I'm liking the profile pic! Go White Sox!
  • ninyagwa
    ninyagwa Posts: 341 Member
    There really is no way to "spot train" you'll hear it a million times I'm sure of it. But if you just strength train the muscles in those areas you should see some toning happen, but you can't specifically target them. Also I don't know what your body is like, we all look different and we all change at different paces and in different ways. If you have a gym membership most places will show you machines that work areas you are interested in targeting, and if you don't want to ask, almost all machines (the newer ones) have pictures on them that show the muscle groups they work.

    Good luck on your fitness journey!
  • FlyEaglesGuy
    FlyEaglesGuy Posts: 436 Member
    Run on Incline as much as you can. Also the Stairmaster works wonders!!!
  • OBXGal
    OBXGal Posts: 113 Member
    My back fat used to touch itself (so gross!) Since I've joined MFP, of course my weight has decreased along with my back fat. I still have a ways to go, but I can definitely see a difference! Just keep doing what you are doing and it will happen.