Any Runners out there?

crunkpunch Posts: 25
edited September 26 in Fitness and Exercise
I started running last summer with the Couch to 5K program. It was a great start, I quickly became addicted. Over winter I used the treadmill, which I hated... but I liked it more than cold weather.

I'm back outside now and training for a 5k race on May 14th. Any experienced runners have any good tips for me? I'm pretty slow and only running about 2.5k right now.


  • Runner_mick
    Runner_mick Posts: 115 Member
    I have been running for about 2 and a half years. I started the same way, Just started to lose weight and now have become hooked. The only advice I have for you is get fitted into the proper running shoes for you by a professional if you havent already. everyones gait is different and to prevent injuries, you MUST be in the right shoes. Also don't increase your mileage too soon. I made that mistake 2 summers ago and caused a stress fracture. Only about 10% more a week. Take enough rest days and cross training days as well. Feel free to add me. I love to talk about running :)
  • hessond
    hessond Posts: 224 Member
    I agree with afcavegirl. Also check out It is a free website, and they have a kinds of info for beginners and advanced runners!! Good luck...running is addicting!!
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Nothing is wrong with being a slow runner - your alot faster than the people who never try to run ... and alot faster than those people who sit on the couch and wish they could be you.

    I started out running 30 seconds and thinking I was going to die ... and now I run all the time. Im a running addict!
  • Ditch the shoes. Get Vibram FiveFingers or run barefoot. I thought it was absolutely crazy till I tried it, now I would not run in running shoes if you paid me. I know it sounds crazy, but read Born to Run, or just try it, and see if you still think so. But start slow, if you have been running in "supportive" shoes your feet will be very weak at first.
  • Thanks! My shoes were new when I first started running, but are now a year old so I've been wanting to get properly fitted for a new pair.

    I've only been focused on time, not distance for my runs. I've been trying to work up my endurance by running for longer periods of time. I think I need to start changing my mindset and trying to go the distance instead. I was reading an article the other day about training for a 10k in 10 weeks, they suggested running in intervals of 10 mins run, 1 min walk for the entire distance, slowly building up the distance. I think I might start giving that a go.
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    Yep, I'm addicted. Like afcavegirl, you need good running shoes fit specifically to me, the money is worth it. I am biking and swimming more now because I am training for a sprint triathlon but I still have the most fun while running. Just have fun with your first 5k! Your adrenaline will kick in on race day & you will be fine. I did my first 5k in November while it was 38 degrees outside...and I live in Arkansas so that cold weather was a shock to my system compared to what I was used to. On top of that, I had only ran 3 miles one time before. But it was a blast! I did another one on Thanksgiving Day in freezing rain and sleet in below freezing temps, but I just laughed the whole time because it was SO FUN to be out there on a National Holiday with all of these other crazy running addicts. You will do fine! And feel free to add me as a friend!
  • I've been told that going into the race you should be able to run 80% of the distance and adrenaline will carry you the rest of the way. If this is true than I should be awesome!

    I'm not worried about how fast I finish, I just want to make it across the finish line! It will be such a great accomplishment when I do because less than a year ago I was running intervls of 60 seconds and walking 90 seconds and I thought I was going to die lol. I'm up to running 20 mins straight now.
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Ditch the shoes. Get Vibram FiveFingers or run barefoot. I thought it was absolutely crazy till I tried it, now I would not run in running shoes if you paid me. I know it sounds crazy, but read Born to Run, or just try it, and see if you still think so. But start slow, if you have been running in "supportive" shoes your feet will be very weak at first.

    I think those Vibrams are a great for most people... but I have yet to see an obeses runner in them... or someone with extremely high arches. When I dont have significant arch support I can hardly walk because it feels like my feet are broken...
  • anzura
    anzura Posts: 171
    Emmaleigh47...I love your ticker!! The first full year I was a runner I had a goal to run 1000 miles. I did it and it felt awesome. Can't say I've done it since, but I'm close each year. Good luck!!! It's a great accomplishment!
  • You should subscribe to it is an awesome website that gives tons of advice about running. I started running on Sept 1, 2010 and did my first 5K on Thanksgiving Day 2010. I have since run 2 -5Ks and 3-10Ks. I read once (on that if you keep siging up for these runs it keeps you motivated and it is very true. I average around 1 a month and I have really enjoyed doing them. Good luck to you!
  • nimmi1302
    nimmi1302 Posts: 48 Member
    Second the and suggestions- great websites.
    I started running 5 years ago, I used to get totally winded at 30 sec. But in the last 5 years, I have completed 3 half marathons and multiple 10K's- and yes, I am a running addict!
    Keep up the effort and you will be running long, peaceful distances in no time!!
  • Thanks for the tips everyone! I'm going to check out those two websites.

    I went out with my friend last night, it was a great run. She's done running clinics so she was giving me tips. I think I might look for one in my area to try out.
  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    I've been told that going into the race you should be able to run 80% of the distance and adrenaline will carry you the rest of the way. If this is true than I should be awesome!
    In any race shorter than possibly the marathon, your longest training runs need to be at least 20% longer than the race distance if you want to race well. You can finish with less, but adrenaline is not a substitute for training.
  • tlcAK
    tlcAK Posts: 671 Member
    Ditch the shoes. Get Vibram FiveFingers or run barefoot. I thought it was absolutely crazy till I tried it, now I would not run in running shoes if you paid me. I know it sounds crazy, but read Born to Run, or just try it, and see if you still think so. But start slow, if you have been running in "supportive" shoes your feet will be very weak at first.

    I think those Vibrams are a great for most people... but I have yet to see an obeses runner in them... or someone with extremely high arches. When I dont have significant arch support I can hardly walk because it feels like my feet are broken...

    I would live to try them but I'm just now getting back into running. I use to be a runner then had an ACL replacement...then got pregnant and had to stay off my feet. So I'm back to square one...walking/running to get my endurance back. I've always wondered about those shoes. Thanks for the post. I'd love to be apart of your groups. I've been keeping track of my walk/runs with the Nike+. I love it. It's easier for me to do it that way then try to remember to log it in a book all the time.
    ....Anyone had an ACL replacement??? I've been donig pretty good but some days it hurts and is really stiff. Just wondering what are the best stretches for it. Thanks!
  • giggles007
    giggles007 Posts: 22 Member
    Great post/thread - Im tagging on because i have started running since Janury and find it difficult to meet with like minded people who love to run....I couldnt run at all at first but gradually built it up....I still think I have a long way to go but Im patient and like to buid speed up gradually....interval training is the best method i found (note i was obese at 80kg when i started: Im 75.5 kg so running with that much weight was hard at first......)

    But you guys have given some good advise and tips which i will hang onto and definately will refer to those website.

    Recently my knee has started to hurt so im am concerned as i dont want it to prevent me from running since its what really motivates to go to the gym....and ibecause of running I am losing weight....But tonight i will try swimming to take the edge of running/possible knee injury...i really do hope its nothing serious....Good luck with your running.....
  • I've been told that going into the race you should be able to run 80% of the distance and adrenaline will carry you the rest of the way. If this is true than I should be awesome!
    In any race shorter than possibly the marathon, your longest training runs need to be at least 20% longer than the race distance if you want to race well. You can finish with less, but adrenaline is not a substitute for training.

    I'm not 'racing' per sey, my goal for my first 5K ever is to make it across the finish line! I'll wait for my second race before I try to improve time. With that said, I am most certainly putting in the training time, I'm not going in cold hoping that adrenaline will carry me to the finish line.

    Right now I'm running about 2.5k so I have 4 weeks to double that. I intend to gradually add the extra distance one run at a time.
  • Runner_mick
    Runner_mick Posts: 115 Member
    I agree Vibrams are not for everyone. I personally wouldn't trade in my Brooks for anything! Find what works for you.
  • tlcAK
    tlcAK Posts: 671 Member
    Great post/thread - Im tagging on because i have started running since Janury and find it difficult to meet with like minded people who love to run....I couldnt run at all at first but gradually built it up....I still think I have a long way to go but Im patient and like to buid speed up gradually....interval training is the best method i found (note i was obese at 80kg when i started: Im 75.5 kg so running with that much weight was hard at first......)

    But you guys have given some good advise and tips which i will hang onto and definately will refer to those website.

    Recently my knee has started to hurt so im am concerned as i dont want it to prevent me from running since its what really motivates to go to the gym....and ibecause of running I am losing weight....But tonight i will try swimming to take the edge of running/possible knee injury...i really do hope its nothing serious....Good luck with your running.....

    Swimming can be more gentle. Just be careful with it too. I know with my knee (acl replacement) that sometimes swimming can hurt too if you dont' use proper techniques. Good luck though. Take it easy.
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