Burning out at the 3 month/30 pound mark

I am approaching 3 months on MFP and rounding up a 30 lb loss and I am feeling burned out. Burned out on logging, burned out on exercise, burned out on the whole overwhelming project of "ME". It doesn't help that it is spring break right now and my kids and hubby are all on vacation and home with me - so - I don't know. I've been obsessively weighing myself again and starting every day disgusted, and just overall I am balking for some reason.

Is this a common feeling at the 3 month mark? What can I do to get out of this funk??? I have been sneaking little snacks here and there I know I shouldn't have and just in general being not 110% in it to win it like I was when I was in month 1 and month 2.

Appreciate any advice.


  • jodimitchell
    jodimitchell Posts: 86 Member
    take the week... enjoy spring break.. then get back on track!
  • Windi38
    Windi38 Posts: 164 Member
    take the week... enjoy spring break.. then get back on track!

    nothing wrong with that idea! might be just the thing you need....... it certainly wouldn't hurt, as long as you did get back on track! :)
  • SmashleeWpg
    SmashleeWpg Posts: 566 Member
    Agreed with above! We only get one go around at life, and it's all about balance! Enjoy the time with your husband and kids (but still make sure to take some time for yourself, too - balance again!), and try to remind yourself that this whole journey is more about our health and well-being than it is a number on the scale. Take a few days off, relax, get outside, have some healthy snacks, and then get back into the swing of things when you've cleared your head a little :)
  • MightyMom4
    MightyMom4 Posts: 180
    take the week... enjoy spring break.. then get back on track!

    I totally agree, take a week off and enjoy then get back to it. Hey, 30lbs in 3 months is something to be proud of and you deserve a little break, don't burn out and just quit. You can do it!!!
  • denitraross
    denitraross Posts: 325 Member
    start something new - get a new cookbook, start a different exercise...I like variety in everything - I go to a different class every day of the week and do a different workout...I try new recipes out that are healthy and get excited when I find something new I like...

    Set a new goal for each week, whether it is to met your sodium everyday, to hit a certain amount of calories burned - something to get your fired up again :)

    Don't however, take a week off - if you do, it will be soooo hard to get back on track (I know, I did it over the holidays and it felt like I was starting from scratch)!
  • SmashleeWpg
    SmashleeWpg Posts: 566 Member
    And a big PS - CONGRATS on 30 in 3, that's so inspiring!!!!
  • christy_frank
    christy_frank Posts: 680 Member
    Agreed! Take a week or 2 off. Don't do NUTS or anything but give yourself a forced plateau & switch to maint. goals for a week or 2. WTG on the 30 lbs in 3 months. That is AWESOME!
  • danielleeeee
    I feel like you've been in my head the last couple days because I can totally relate! I'm nearing the three month mark and I am so exhausted from the constant obsessing over food. Let me know when you find the secret to getting re-energized. Good luck.
  • bsed18
    bsed18 Posts: 41 Member
    I am right there with you. Exactly 30 pounds, almost 3 months. I am still working out and monitoring my diet, but not nearly as diligent as before. There are two things that have got me more motivated this week.

    1. I have taken to liking jogging, so I have challenged myself to become a "runner". I have a new challenge--a 5 k. I haven't set a date yet for it, but I am slowly buidling up my stamina on the treadmill. I am really excited about it!

    2. I thought "yay, 30 pounds...time to get a few new clothing items." Yeah, right. The clothes I tried on fit better, but I was completly devastated that my wonderful 30 pounds hadn't taken me much further from my largest clothes size. Was completely disapointed and left the store with nothing.

    So, I have done two things--found a new challenge and had a reality check that (for my size) 30 pounds is good, but not good enough. Find yourself a new challenge or go try that dress on maybe purposefully in the wrong size to get you kick started again. Whatever you do, don't give up on. Keep moving.
  • legacysh
    legacysh Posts: 464
    I think its natural to get a little burned out. I wouldn't suggest taking a week off, but rather loosen up a bit. Still log everything, still do active things with your family and enjoy some yummy stuff, don't go overboard. Just remember that it isn't a quick fix. Every 2-3 weeks I change my goals a little, try something new in how I approach my food and go shopping for something that picks me up a little, like a new shirt or lipstick. Then I also try to read all those progress reports with before and after pictures to get re-inspired. Lastly, reach out to support someone else who is struggling. There is nothing that makes you feel better than helping someone else get past these moments, you also forget your own issues for a little while.

    good luck!
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    Too much too soon.

    That's a lot of weight WAY fast.

    Studies show the slower you take it off the more likely you are to keep it off.

    I'm a big fan of a series of small changes.
    If you completely revamp your diet, it's way easy to revert to old ways in times of stress.
    If you make a series of small changes, food still offers you some sense of comfort.
    sort of a comfort continuum, and after a while the first small changes will seem comforting in themselves.
    You don't have to be perfect you just have to do better.

    Also rather than being uberstrict with the target MFP set for me I did the math to find out the calories needed to maintain my goal weight and my current weight and I gave myself a range with 1200 as my rock bottom, lose 1 lb/wk as my target and maintain my goal weight as the top of my range. As long as I keep within in this range I'll lose. I tend to naturally zig zag my calories 3-4 at very close to my target and then a higher calorie day closer to the top of my range.

    As long as I stayed under maintain my current weight calories I won't gain. So no need to throw in the towel, just pick-up where I left off.

    Once I found ways to lessen the stress, I found it way easier to focus on the process and let the results follow. (It's what worked for me some people need the stress to get them motivated. Me I get scared and overwhelmed and don't see the big goal as achievable. Now, I only worry about it 1 lb at a time.)

    Use the tools that MFP gives us. Use the lose 1 lb a week as your target and 1200 cal as your rock bottom.
    Obsessing over dieting is almost as bad as obsessing over overeating. They both take away time and energy from living your life. So keep it reasonable. Yes, your body is your vehicle that has to last your whole life. (I want to run and kayak and dance, I want it to take me where I want to go!)

    So go slow, work the plan, plan for treats, both food and fun. This may have been a big push to lose the first 30, but you can't live the rest of your life feeling deprived. Give yourself a range, when you need a break, then up your calories to maintain your goal weight or even maintain your current weight, but keep tracking, just to be aware, we can't make better choices later unless we are aware. It will also help you from losing ground. You may take a break from losing, but you don't want to undo your hard work.

    Don't feel guilty over eating. We all have to eat and we can't make the healthiest choice with every mouthful. So as long as I'm doing better than I was, I'm moving in the right direction, I can improve a little here and a little there, and later on look for something else to improve.

    I figure if I've got a good plan that I can actually maintain I can keep this off for a long time to come, without feeling deprived.
    Hopefully I'll be having fun when I"m 80

    Good Luck
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    Good God I'm long winded sorry about that.
  • jlav3
    jlav3 Posts: 17
    As new as I am to this, I'm not sure I'm qualified to give good advise .. but I'm going to try! If I had reached that much, I'd go shopping to remind myself of the progress I'd achieved. I'd also take an old pic of myself and have it handy to remind myself of what I didn't want to go back to. Then I would take the week off from MFP and entering my data. I would still make good choices and try to stay on track but not beat myself up if I thought maybe I went over a day or so. Then, with the reminders of the progress, the reminders of the old self, and the removal of the responsibility of tracking, you should be able to stay somewhat on track. Then .. the week after .. jump back in :)
  • SolidGoaled
    SolidGoaled Posts: 504 Member
    I am right there with you. Exactly 30 pounds, almost 3 months. I am still working out and monitoring my diet, but not nearly as diligent as before. There are two things that have got me more motivated this week.

    1. I have taken to liking jogging, so I have challenged myself to become a "runner". I have a new challenge--a 5 k. I haven't set a date yet for it, but I am slowly buidling up my stamina on the treadmill. I am really excited about it!

    2. I thought "yay, 30 pounds...time to get a few new clothing items." Yeah, right. The clothes I tried on fit better, but I was completly devastated that my wonderful 30 pounds hadn't taken me much further from my largest clothes size. Was completely disapointed and left the store with nothing.

    So, I have done two things--found a new challenge and had a reality check that (for my size) 30 pounds is good, but not good enough. Find yourself a new challenge or go try that dress on maybe purposefully in the wrong size to get you kick started again. Whatever you do, don't give up on. Keep moving.

    I am having the same exact experience with clothes shopping! I am not small enough yet to really enjoy the cuts and styles that I want - And I have 55 more lbs to go, so why invest in clothes at this point, right? I have taken a liking to the thrift store - gets me a few pieces to carry me through while I am losing, at very little investment. Try it if you haven't thought of that yet.
  • SolidGoaled
    SolidGoaled Posts: 504 Member
    Too much too soon.

    That's a lot of weight WAY fast.

    Studies show the slower you take it off the more likely you are to keep it off.

    I'm a big fan of a series of small changes.
    If you completely revamp your diet, it's way easy to revert to old ways in times of stress.
    If you make a series of small changes, food still offers you some sense of comfort.
    sort of a comfort continuum, and after a while the first small changes will seem comforting in themselves.
    You don't have to be perfect you just have to do better.

    Also rather than being uberstrict with the target MFP set for me I did the math to find out the calories needed to maintain my goal weight and my current weight and I gave myself a range with 1200 as my rock bottom, lose 1 lb/wk as my target and maintain my goal weight as the top of my range. As long as I keep within in this range I'll lose. I tend to naturally zig zag my calories 3-4 at very close to my target and then a higher calorie day closer to the top of my range.

    As long as I stayed under maintain my current weight calories I won't gain. So no need to throw in the towel, just pick-up where I left off.

    Once I found ways to lessen the stress, I found it way easier to focus on the process and let the results follow. (It's what worked for me some people need the stress to get them motivated. Me I get scared and overwhelmed and don't see the big goal as achievable. Now, I only worry about it 1 lb at a time.)

    Use the tools that MFP gives us. Use the lose 1 lb a week as your target and 1200 cal as your rock bottom.
    Obsessing over dieting is almost as bad as obsessing over overeating. They both take away time and energy from living your life. So keep it reasonable. Yes, your body is your vehicle that has to last your whole life. (I want to run and kayak and dance, I want it to take me where I want to go!)

    So go slow, work the plan, plan for treats, both food and fun. This may have been a big push to lose the first 30, but you can't live the rest of your life feeling deprived. Give yourself a range, when you need a break, then up your calories to maintain your goal weight or even maintain your current weight, but keep tracking, just to be aware, we can't make better choices later unless we are aware. It will also help you from losing ground. You may take a break from losing, but you don't want to undo your hard work.

    Don't feel guilty over eating. We all have to eat and we can't make the healthiest choice with every mouthful. So as long as I'm doing better than I was, I'm moving in the right direction, I can improve a little here and a little there, and later on look for something else to improve.

    I figure if I've got a good plan that I can actually maintain I can keep this off for a long time to come, without feeling deprived.
    Hopefully I'll be having fun when I"m 80

    Good Luck
    Thank you for this - I think keeping a "range" in mind instead of feeling hopeless when I go one calorie over my "rock bottom" number might help a lot!
  • sbanders
    sbanders Posts: 23
    I was feeling the same way and decided to up my calorie count ..(2weeks) I feel more content with food and I was just thinking I'm ready to go back to the lower count.. Just remember this is your goal and even though it's a new discipline it not meant to be punishment.
  • BreeWilder
    BreeWilder Posts: 133 Member
    I felt this same way a few weeks ago at around my 3 month mark. I took some great advice from some fellow MFPers. I had been working hard at Jillian Michaels and I took a week off of the hardcore workouts. I walked everyday, ate all my calories every single day and didn't worry about eating perfectly. It was the best thing I could have done. I've actually lost over 6 pounds since I took that little "break" and feel more energized and back on track! Good luck!
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    I have taken a liking to the thrift store - gets me a few pieces to carry me through while I am losing, at very little investment. Try it if you haven't thought of that yet.

    Genius! D'oh, I like to move down each size in my pants as I lose so I can feel a little push back when I eat more than I should.
  • Brroookkkkeeeee
    I can't wait until I reach the 3 month point,awesome job w/that hon....I would recommend taking a week off especially if you feel burnt out,but continue to eat right though :)