Rough times...venting



  • a_freeman
    a_freeman Posts: 116 Member
    thanks and his reasoning is he just isn't happy....he did this over a year ago and had an affair, i forgave him and let him move back home and now he just says things do not feel right here? doesnt really have a reason other than he says he wants to better himself?? zits hard trying to explain to my 9 year old that his daddy left to try and better himself without his family bc he wanted to do thing "for him" and he couldnt do that with a family (did NOT tell my child that) but he does not understand :(
  • sethra
    sethra Posts: 26 Member
    i guess i should proofread before replying didnt realize i had so many typos there
  • a_freeman
    a_freeman Posts: 116 Member
    My Dad did the same thing when I was 15. He's been through 3 more wives since. The odds are against him ever being satisfied. As my Dad got older, he realized he had what he really wanted and he gave it up. You can't get back lost years. I'm a little sad for you husband. He's made bad choices that sameday he will regret
  • Peschuntz
    Peschuntz Posts: 270 Member
    I think everyone's mettle is tested from time to time. Almost everyone here would probably be feeling much like you described. Surround yourself with a good support network, think about counseling if you are overwhelmed and if you are able, work out your anger and depression with exercise. Your success is the best revenge.
  • snickerpants
    snickerpants Posts: 44 Member
    Bad news! Good for you for turning to MFP instead of binging. I hope you find some solace in the fact that the people here support you completely!
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    keep shredding!! those guns will make you feel stronger and independent!!.....good for you for not binging
  • LaineyLuvsChad
    OK Guys perspective. If you want to get even and make him forever sorry he walked out on you, look great, feel great and live a happy life. You don't need him. You've got you
