New kid on the block... hoping to make some changes.

Hello all,

Starting to make some major changes in my life, figured losing weight should be one of them.

A little nervous about the process BUT so far so good.

Hoping for the best, maybe some help?

Hope everyone is having a wonderful night...
Now let's do this!


  • RockyBoy2
    RockyBoy2 Posts: 21
    Welcome !

    Feel free to add friends including myself! This is great site, I have joined just a week back and totally loving it. Update your food diary and exercise diary, if you wish you can even make it public.

    All the best!
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    Welcome.... You'll love it here.

  • Mmmie
    Mmmie Posts: 31
    Welcome MFP is an Awesome community very warm and friendly
    feel free to add me
  • Sassysapph
    Hello. It seems like yesterday that I started here myself.... Oh wait. It was!!! (Darn this forgetful brain of mine lol). But seriously thought. I thought that logging on and creating an account on here was as good a start as any on my road to changing my body and changing my life. I have some very real expectations that I seriously believe can be achieved here. I'm looking forward to see how it all goes.

    With that being said, I welcome you to this community, and wish you the best of luck in all of your endeavors.
  • Sassysapph
    Oh, and one more thing... You can also feel free to add me to your support group. I am more than happy to encourage and be encouraged. Take care now. Good night.
  • mishelnkiki
    mishelnkiki Posts: 775 Member
    welcome!! u will LOVE it here. its like a home away from home where everyone understands everything ur thinking, feeling, and saying all at once. oh wait... its better then home! lol. i personally love it here. and the friends i have made here make it soooo much easier!