Lazy person looking for Motivation

Hi Everyone!

I'm hoping to lose some weight by exercising and would like welcome some encouragement. :) I usually find an excuse as to why I can't so I'm hoping that some of you out there can help me motivate myself. I'm tired of saying I'm going to change and not actually doing it. So if anyone is willing to help out, please add me! :)


  • OLP76
    OLP76 Posts: 768 Member
    We can be here to support you...It starts with yourself, like anythin' else in life - you need to train & teach your mind & body. Once it becomes a good habit and doesn't feel like a 'chore' you are goin' to LOOOOOOVE it....! :happy:

    Best wishes on gettin' started! :wink:
  • abbie017
    abbie017 Posts: 410
    Consider yourself added! We all need that extra push to keep us going, and the support here is amazing! Best of luck to you!
  • krledvina
    krledvina Posts: 12 Member
    I used be that way too with working out. Hated it!!!! Now, if I don't do something every day, I don't feel right. I just took 3 days off from doing any workouts because of some major chaos in my life. Bad idea....I ran just 2 miles yesterday and I felt so, so much better. Its the best stress relief in the world. I stay motivated by watching biggest loser and knowing that I will feel great afterwards! It didn't happen instantly though, it took about 5 solid weeks of working out every day to finally feel like I couldn't get through the day without a workout. You can do it!!!! It also helps to set mini goals, like so many minutes of a week, or so many calories burned a week. I have a heart rate monitor and I aim to burn 3000 calories a week.
  • myopinion
    Thank You all! I just did 15 min. on the treadmill-not much, but I do feel good. :) I will have to talk myself into doing it, but I believe with your support I can do it. I already feel motivated to get another 15 min. in later tonight. I will let you all know how it goes later!
  • perrytyra
    perrytyra Posts: 357 Member
    Start with walking. I get bored walking alone, so maybe there is someone willing to walk with out. Also, I exercise while watching tv. Walk in place, jog in place, I use light weights while doing it. Find ways to fit in exercise.

    Yesterday I went to church with my husband and daughter while they were doing band practice. I was going to print bulletins for Good Friday, but found out someone else had already done it for me. So I walked around a large room while they practiced.
  • ElizabethRN59
    ElizabethRN59 Posts: 168 Member
    Consider yourself added- I love motivating other people, because that in itself motivates me!! Good luck with your weight loss journey! Looking foreward to helping you stay motivated and hit your goals!!
  • loodoo87
    loodoo87 Posts: 33
    I was always too lazy to do exercise and like you i would find an excuse to do something else or even nothing at all but even after a week of watching what i eat and making sure i do some sort of exercise every day (or most days) I feel great and already can see the difference and feel an amazing difference. You will get more energy out of doing exercise and in a few days you will feel like you want to do something all the time instead of sitting around doing nothing. Even just going for a 20 minute walk, the hard part is pushing yourself to go for the 10 minutes one way but once you get there you can come back again, knowing that you have done something. Maybe even when you get to that 10 minutes you might feel like you can push yourself a bit further and trust me, it feels great when you do. The other night i was going to go for a 30 minute power walk. When i got to the 1/2 way mark for the 30 minutes, i decided that i was feeling so good and it was such a nice night that i went for the whole hour. I felt great after!
    Just keep going and stay positive, every little bit helps and it all adds up to the end result you are looking for. :)
  • jenfunfur
    jenfunfur Posts: 263 Member
    The key thing with starting with exercise is to have fun. For me that is dance workout on the wii, long walks with my partner & working on my veg patch. I can't stand going to the gym or running & know that if i tried to do that as my exercise programme i would never motivate myself. The key thing is to get moving, walk to the shops, wash the windows, skip, hula hoop anything just to get your body used to moving. You will get there i was very lazy at the start of the year, now i do some sort of exercise every day & lost 15lb so far :)
    I've sent you a friend request heres to getting that butt moving x
  • myopinion
    There a lots of great tips here that I will try out! I think the hardest thing for me is that I can easily talk myself out of exercising. I usually say that I will start tomorrow and never do. :( I also hate to figure how much calories are in certain foods. It just seems so time consuming. This website seems like it takes the guess work out of everything though, so it's kind of encouraging.