New guy with a lot of to lose

mrnice1058 Posts: 54 Member
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
Well i downloaded the app on my black berry after my doctor asked me about how many cals am i taking in a day and i had no idea. I didn't know that this had a website and everything to go with it. My name is Shaun and i am 6' tall i played football and basketball my whole life then i got older and didn't play as much but i eat as if i was still playing! I am currently 289 pounds and i want to get back down to 220 which is perfect for me since i am still kind of built just a lot of fat around my My diet sucks since i have a wife that cooks good and doesn't look at labels much. I just had her join the site lastnight so lets see if that I have a 20 month old daughter and i want to get into better shape so i can run with her and play with her as she gets older. I am also into car i have a 69 chevelle SS that i am restoring goal is to have the car out by june 1st and have 20 pounds down by june 1st :) well that's a little about me thanks for the site!!


  • Plumpqt
    Plumpqt Posts: 156
    This site is great there is a lot of support and many tools to help you along the way :)
    I wish you lots of luck.
  • pdxscarlett
    pdxscarlett Posts: 30 Member
    The good news is she's a good cook. I'm sure she'll find all kinds of ways to cut the calories down and keep the taste in. ;0)

    Good luck and stay determined
  • garifuna
    garifuna Posts: 24
    Welcome. Make friends here and we will all help you towards your goal. This is a great site!! I love it!!!
  • katya143
    katya143 Posts: 313 Member
    hey! there are awesome guys on this site! utefootball2010 is one of them!
  • dean0721
    dean0721 Posts: 143
    good luck with the challenges mate,

    Best place in the world to be is this.....
  • KTGoings
    KTGoings Posts: 3
    Welcome! This is truly a great site because it allows you to educate yourself on how many calories, fat, etc you are taking in plus its free. Its so liberating to be able to make healthier food choices when you have a great tool like MFP. Good Luck
  • Hi this site is great and gives you all the info you could possible need and friends are the bonus!!!

    o and if i can do it it must be easy too :) all the best in your weight loss im sure you'll do fine and reach your goal, especially if your doing this with your wife :)

    Helen :)
  • jljc_2010
    jljc_2010 Posts: 137 Member
    The first step is to recognize and realize, then we can go from there!
    Good luck!
  • mrnice1058
    mrnice1058 Posts: 54 Member
    thank you everyone! i am going to keep at it its only been a week since i joined no lose yet but i think they have me at to many cals a day for the amount i want to lose but we shall see!
  • Karenvonw
    Karenvonw Posts: 258 Member
    My husband and i are both on here too! Feel free to add us both Karenvonw and kvonwolf! Welcome and good luck! This is an awesome place to start.
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