
caberselli Posts: 34 Member
The vacation season is fast approaching & will present many fitness and diet challenges. I'm interested to know about your vacation plans. Where are you going? How are you planning to deal with the challenges?

Next weekend we are taking the kids to Busch Gardens Williamsburg. It shouldn't be a problem because it will be lots of walking (up & down hills if I remember correctly) and the food is too expensive to eat too much.

However, in May my husband & I are going for a long weekend (all inclusive except alcohol) at a resort in the mountains. Hopefully we can get some good hikes in, but I really just want to lay around and eat. I'm not sure about the cell / internet reception there either - so how will I track with MFP?



  • Irish_Norwegian
    I'd just keep a journal of what you eat and log it when you get home. We're not taking a vacation this year, but in the past I normally use my vacation time as a vacation from everything, including a strict diet! You can get right back on track when you get home. Good luck!!
  • deb_rn
    deb_rn Posts: 144 Member
    I am also going on vacation soon, headed to the beach for a week! I have lost 4 pounds and I hate to gain it all back in a week! I do like the suggestion posted of "being on vacation from everything"! I will just make sure that I walk every day and pick out healthy snacks to take to the beach!
  • anewattitude
    anewattitude Posts: 483 Member
    I don't have any immediate vacation plans but when I do go away the last thing I want is to be tied down to a computer or any other electronic device for that matter. I use that time to enjoy not having to stay connected because its my escape from all the day-day activities. If you are worried about how to track your food, then a journal would be your next best option. If you are doing alot of walking/hiking then you are still being active and enjoying the great outdoors! Just relax and enjoy your time away from it all!!

    have fun!
  • angiemartin78
    angiemartin78 Posts: 475 Member
    We are taking a mini vacation leaving this Thursday and returning on Saturday evening...We're taking the kids to the aquarium in Baltimore for Spring Break. Yay! (I'm so excited!!!)

    I'm taking my usuals (Slim Fast shakes, Earth Grains Thin Buns, Sabra hummus, Chobani fat free yogurt and fruit) with me for my breakfast, lunch and snacks but will have to be WAY cautious about dinner. I plan (good luck to me) to eat lots of grilled/broiled seafood and salads. It helps that we are staying at a hotel with a fitness facility and we have our own kitchenette in the room.

    When I return on Saturday and weigh myself hopefully it won't be too bad.

    Good luck to you on your vacations. It can be hard, but afterall, it is a vacation :)
  • nickyb632
    nickyb632 Posts: 98 Member
    oh i think about my vacation at the end of july every other day, and how i'm gonna stay on track! I'm going down the shore as usual, now last year i maintained my weight loss while there (didn't drive the entire time, so lots of walking, but totally lived off pizza & ice cream!) This year I plan to get out there and briskly walk at least 3 miles every morning and ya know not eat pizza CONSTANTLY (its just so damn good!) It's crazy because i was just thinking about all this about 10 min ago. I also didn't log a thing last year, i plan on logging everything... Good luck! We can do this! The great thing about summer is you can just go enjoy the weather and walk off some calories and burn some fat! Enjoy your vacations! =)
  • amuhlou
    amuhlou Posts: 693 Member
    My hubs and I are finally going on our honeymoon to Hawaii in just under a week (we're both MFP users).

    Our accommodations will have a kitchenette, so I am planning to pack our kitchen scale. We are going to get groceries and make our own breakfasts and lunches as much as possible to save money and calories.

    The exercise is definitely a big question mark for me. I'm planning to do a lot of walking/swimming/etc but I'm not sure if I'm going to log it. We really want to relax and de-stress (we haven't had an actual vacation in years) so I don't want to obsess too much. I think I've learned to make pretty decent food choices.
  • kathyw731
    kathyw731 Posts: 22
    When I am doing vacation, I allow myself a few things that are "vacation foods". That way I feel like I have enjoyed those. To me, one bite tastes the same as 50 bites, so try just a bite or two, or make a few bites last for 10. Mostly, we are after the flavor and enjoyment of that moment anyway.

    Load up your plate with good foods and eat those. If you are going to hike you will need lots of protein and you will need carbs for energy to do those activites. As you said, the activities alone should compensate for those calorie intakes. I put lots of veggies and fruits on my plate with a salad (low fat/cal dressing) and save the higher calorie items in a corner where I can eat them last.

    Doing MFP while gone? No idea. Take your laptop and use the hotel's internet access is the only thing I can think of. At the very least, write down what you ate that day so you have some a ccountability.

    I know one thing for sure, I have "gone off" program for three or four days and gained 5 pounds (mostly water), and seriously regretted it. I was very dissapointed in myself for losing control. I keep a diary of what I eat other than MFP and write my personal feelings and add photos of my stages. That was not a fun entry to make. The food in the moment was NOT WORTH IT!