College students (30 lbs by Aug) week 1 weigh in



  • misschievousgrl
    ehh i think everyones a little confused.. I'll just post a message on the message board every week. we are all friends so it should be easy to find the message and everyone posts their weekly weight loss. and then we are all friends to support each other through this journey =)
  • rharris86dc
    rharris86dc Posts: 635 Member
    Hey everyone! I do my weigh-ins on Fridays, so i'm going to use last week's numbers.

    Starting this group, I was 192.
    Last weigh-in: 190!

    2 pounds, woot!

    Sounds like we are off to a pretty good start, keep it up everyone!
  • livbiv6
    livbiv6 Posts: 18
    Hey so I started at 169.8 and now I am 167.4 Total weight loss so far of 2.4 lbs! yay
  • greenhumanclay
    greenhumanclay Posts: 402 Member
    Awesome I also weigh in Fridays so I will post this coming Tuesday!! Look forward to reading others post for some more motivation!!!
  • Rachel_wa
    Rachel_wa Posts: 20
    I'd love to join in!! Going on vacation aug 3 and I want to look good!!

    04/06 SW: 156 lbs
    04/13 CW: 149 lbs
  • misschievousgrl
    Great job everyone.. If anyone else wants to join just post it here.. and if i missed anyone just let me know <33
  • livbiv6
    livbiv6 Posts: 18
    Great job everyone.. If anyone else wants to join just post it here.. and if i missed anyone just let me know <33

    This is amazing! I love the spread sheet!! :D Your Awesome!
  • Maxylicious
    Maxylicious Posts: 226 Member
    So i completely spaced and forgot to post my wieght on here on tues. I hope its not officially too late to join in. Not really easy to find a group for just college kids....

    My weight on tues was 192.6.
    Will def check back in for the weigh in

    feel free to add me :wink:
  • misschievousgrl
    not too late =) i'll add you in when we weight in.. tomorrow lol =).. I will post the link to the next message board tomorrow. Cant wait to see everyones progress
  • rharris86dc
    rharris86dc Posts: 635 Member
    The spreadsheet is looking awesome! Great idea!

    So it is "technically" Tuesday, haha. Since I'm here, I'll weigh in!

    Last weigh in was 190, this week's is: 187.5!
    2.5 for me (and we'll see if that was "real" or if I was just having a really good day, lol)

    Happy posting, everyone!
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    SW: 136.5
    W1: 135.5
    W2: 133

    This week I lost 2.5

    Edited because I made a trip to the bathroom and reweighed afterwards which took my down 1lb!!!
  • toramo
    toramo Posts: 15 Member
    Hey is it too late to join, just found this group.... My current weight is 170