Steel Cut Oatmeal--BLECH!

crazywheaten Posts: 73
edited September 26 in Recipes
I was inspired by these board to make Steel Cut Oatmeal for the first time. Did the slow cooker recipe and sat down to my first bowl this morning that I had added peanut butter, cinnamon sugar and blueberries to. YUCK. What did I do wrong? I used 3 C of water and 1 C 1% milk. The texture is making me gag and it is SO bland. I am suffering through finishing it and now I have at least 3 more days worth. I need to find a way to make this taste better... I thought the texture was supposed to be sort of crunchy? Not like a mouthful of paste! HELP!


  • its a like it or leave it thing....

    EVERYONE I know who likes Steel Cut Oatmeal HATES instant and rolled cut.... I LOVE instant Oatmeal but GAG at Steel Cut

    I buy both because the choice is also split in my household.
  • I've never made Steel Cut Oatmeal in the slow cooker before, but I feel your pain if it turned out to be goo.

    Try adding cut up apples and/or nuts to add a bit of texture and variety. I also love lots of cinnamon (skip the sugar) in my oatmeal.
  • TrainerRobin
    TrainerRobin Posts: 509 Member
    I think that she's right -- some folks like it and others don't. I love the stuff myself. Made some for my sister and she thought it was "ucky." But that changed when she added a touch of brown sugar and gave it another try. Now she's hooked. I haven't tried the slow cooker method, but just do mine on the stove top and it's "done" (for me) when it's been on for about 45 minutes. I like it to have a little "bite" left.

    It might not be for you, or you may want to try another method of preparing it (or serving it up).

    Good luck.
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    I was inspired by these board to make Steel Cut Oatmeal for the first time. Did the slow cooker recipe and sat down to my first bowl this morning that I had added peanut butter, cinnamon sugar and blueberries to. YUCK. What did I do wrong? I used 3 C of water and 1 C 1% milk. The texture is making me gag and it is SO bland. I am suffering through finishing it and now I have at least 3 more days worth. I need to find a way to make this taste better... I thought the texture was supposed to be sort of crunchy? Not like a mouthful of paste! HELP!

    I always add dried cherries or cranberries and even sometimes yogurt to it...I HATE oatmeal...always have but I know how healthy it is for you and adding these really helps make it taste better and not like paste!
  • Emme1214
    Emme1214 Posts: 1
    Perhaps you over cooked it? I undercook mine (about 20 minutes on the stove after it boils) so that the grains maintain a nice bite to them. This way they're a bit more like a grain than like mush. Also, I've been eating them with cinnamon and a bit of brown sugar or maple syrup and it's been pretty flavorful. I've also heard of people making a savory dish out of them with olive oil and parmesan. Maybe you'd like that?
  • LoveLiveLift
    LoveLiveLift Posts: 459 Member
    I've also never used a slow cooker. I always cook mine on the stove top. I'm wondering if the recipe was right if it's pasty, because when I've made them they've always had a crunchy-ness to them. Maybe it's just a difference in slow cookers?
  • crystaltrejo
    crystaltrejo Posts: 263 Member
    the bag says 10 min for firm 20 for smoother, maybe try 10 min on the stove that is. Haven't tried in slow cooker. Try adding some kind of sweetener to it, honey, splenda, whatever your choice. I love mine!
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    I love oatmeal but when I eat it I can not go out in public if you know what I mean.
  • peteyTwang
    peteyTwang Posts: 250
    i'm eating a bowl full right now and LOVING it-- with a container of Raspberries, a spoonful of Flax seeds and some Maple Syrup. [no milk!] i cook mine on the stovetop...about 1/4 cup oats in a cup of water.
  • Mamapengu
    Mamapengu Posts: 250
    I agree, I don't think it is for everyone. Just because a lot of people like it doesn't mean you will!

    I've never done it in the crock pot but it seems that would turn it into a porridge, which never sounded good to me. I also don't like cooking it with milk-does something to the texture. But, I love adding milk to my bowel when I eat it. I cook it on the stove top with water and not the full 5 min so it's still crunchy , add nuts, raisins, for more texture and flavor.
  • ILuvLifehouse
    ILuvLifehouse Posts: 55 Member
    That does sound yucky I will stick with my instant since I finally got used to eating it.
  • ag0n
    ag0n Posts: 4
    I'm guessing you overcooked it a bit. The first time I made it in a slow cooker I overcooked it. If you have a timer on your cooker shoot for about 4 - 5 hours and then let it sit on warm. That will give you the slightly chewy texture you're looking for. It should be more chewy than normal oatmeal.

    Another tip I use is to put the steel cut oats mixed with whatever liquid you're adding in an oven safe bowl inside of the slow cooker, then slowly pour water around the outside of the bowl to fill up the cooker, just until it's below the lip of the bowl. This turns your cooker into a double boiler and will prevent any scorching of the outside of the oats.

    I like to add dried cranberries and raisins to my steel cut oats in the slow cooker before cooking them. They plump up and give the entire batch a nice flavor.
  • TrainerRobin
    TrainerRobin Posts: 509 Member
    Oh ... the comments on here about shorter cooking times, made me want to remind you that the different brands call for different cooking times. The kind I buy (admittedly overpriced, but my favorite) call for 50 minutes of cooking time, so 45 minutes leaves them with a "bite", while other brands that I've tried only need to cook for a fraction of that time (even though they look like the same steel cut oats that I typically buy). So read the container's instruction closely and follow that (maybe trying to undercook them a bit on the stove until you think they're the tastiest). :)
  • jpw430
    jpw430 Posts: 20 Member
    ... to the texture. But, I love adding milk to my bowel when I eat it. I cook it on the stove top with water and not the full 5 min so it's still crunchy , add nuts, raisins, for more texture and flavor.

    . :laugh:

    Please don't think that I am making fun of you - but it really made my morning! I know you meant "bowl" - but the addition of the "e" made it so much more entertaining!:wink:
  • watch48win
    watch48win Posts: 1,668 Member
    I didn't even know you could cook it in a crockpot, and it seems like it would overcook IMOH. I just cook it on the stove for 20 mins.
  • Thanks for all the replies! Yes, it tastes like paste and I hate to toss it but I don't think I can handle 3 more days of eating paste. I did the double-boiler slow cooker method and cooked on low for about 10 hours. I'll give it another go next week when I'm fully recovered (hahaha) with the stove top method. I love instant oatmeal, but I'm T1 diabetic and it raises my blood sugar too quickly. I was really trying to try something new and healthy and if after one more go of it I still gag eating it then I'll just resign myself to AM smoothies.
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    I had it for the first time last month. I thought, meh!! But then it occured to me, duh, it needs a dash of salt, a tsp of brown sugar, a tsp vanilla, cinn. and I really enjoy chopped nuts and maybe some cranberries in it. But it did need a little flavor. I got the quick cooking 5 min stovetop kind. And I used water only. I didn't overcook, but it was tender nutty. Now I actually look forward to it!
  • ebjax
    ebjax Posts: 8
    Ooh, ick. Toss the paste! And don't bother with slow cooker. Here is the very best steel-cut oatmeal recipe. This will make 2 servings (one for today and one for tomorrow) and will be sooo good..
    1) Put 1/2 c. steel cut oatmeal in a small saucepan.
    2) Add just under 2 cups water.
    3) Turn stove to high until oatmeal boils, then turn down to a simmer. DON'T cover the pan--you want the liquid to evaporate.
    4) While the oatmeal is simmering, cut up and chop a small apple (I leave the skin on) an put in in a miscrowave-proof cereal bowl. Sprinkle with cinnamon and nutmeg. Microwave on high for 2 minutes (exact time can vary see what you like). No need to cover the bowl.
    5) Meanwhile, stir the simmering oatmeal to check it. It's done when all the ater is absored--about 15-18 minutes or a bit more.
    6) Add a few walnuts to your apples, top with half the oatmeal.
    7) Enjoy this! I don't like milk on mine but I do put a sliver or two of butter to melt on top.
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