Big weight loss goals, looking for friends!

nkdstevenson Posts: 4 Member
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
Hello! I have a weight loss goal of about 100 ponds in the long run, but with short term goals in the mean time. I just want some friends who will keep me in check with exercising and food consumption. I have also started a blog to talk about certain things pertaining to my weight loss.

My blog is most certainly not meant to replace My Fitness Pal, but I am hoping that with these two avenues that I can lose a lot of weight. I have been taking the time to promote MFP in my blog. I look forward to talking to some new people!!




  • Hello my name is Della and my goal is to just continue to live a fit life. I am using Fitnesspal to stay on target with my caloric intake as I complete the workout program that I am currently doing called SLIM IN 6. I am doing it with a group of ladies that are in my fitness challenge sooo with staying on top of my food intake and getting those workouts in, I expect to see some different changes! Keep up the great work everyone!!!
  • Hi Nikki! I'm a Nikki too! and i also have long term high goals. i need to lose at least 120 lbs to be considered "overweight" with the help of mfp holding me accountable for everything i put in my mouth... i've lost 19 lbs so far!
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    :flowerforyou: Welcome to MFP!!
    :happy: Tracking your food, and Journaling are two of the biggest keys to success~~Right behind exercise, of course!!!
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    welcome! i have about 150 lbs to lose total, and i've knocked out 13 since mid- february. no matter what, if you dont give up you will make it :) feel free to add me if you like :)
  • Hi there, welcome to MFP! I'm looking to lose around 100lbs, possibly more as I near my goal. I'm 35lbs in and things are slowing a little but I remain motivated. Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like some friendly encouragement and good luck!
  • Kurrah
    Kurrah Posts: 10 Member
    I have big goals as well! Request sent.. let's do this!
  • I'm going to loose around 145ish. Don't hesitate to add/talk to me. Welcome! and Good Luck
  • Welcome!!! This is a great place for support and tools you need to be successful! :bigsmile:

    I too am on the long journey and LOVE this site!
  • krg7
    krg7 Posts: 15
    Hey I'm on a mission as well! We can do this!!
  • knachelle
    knachelle Posts: 13 Member
    I am excited about this website. I am new and I am looking to make progress with my weight. My ex-boyfriend lost almost 100lbs. using this website....... Hopefully this website and my ex's motivation I can make it to the next level.
  • MarkNH
    MarkNH Posts: 65 Member
    Good Luck - Welcome to a great place for support and motivation !!!!

    Feel free to friend me if you like.

  • bestdaysahead
    bestdaysahead Posts: 90 Member
    I am looking for friends too. I have over 100 pounds to loose and have started a couple of weeks ago. The first week was wonderful. Over ten pounds lost in one week! The next week about six pounds lost. Then I gained five in one weekend! I am contributing it to "water weight" and not giving up!!! I will be your friend in this endeavor and maybe we can keep each other motivated.
  • I am with you!! I too looking for weight loss friends to help me along the way. This is a great site, I love the calorie counter!! :smile:
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