Insanity Day 2 (& I thought I was in shape!)

I started Insanity yesterday with my husband and 2 teenage kids. I have lost 16 pounds since and have been working out a ton on the elliptical and walking (usually about 1-1.5 hours or more 6 days a week). I really thought that I was getting into decent shape until Insanity! OMG! This morning I did day 2 (plyometric cardio circuit) and I thought I was going to die! I logged 40 minutes of circuit training on MFP but stopped a lot to catch my breath. Do you think that my heart rate was up enough to still log the entire 40 minutes? Am I the only one who felt this out of shape when they first started? Will this get better with time? It is odd becuse the tiredness and soreness really didnt hit me until I got to work, I worked out at 5AM and got to work t 8, like my body was still working after I stopped the workout now its ready to crash! Sorry about the rambling, I guess Im just excited to have started this and hope that I can stick with it, the results should be great!


  • hypergrl
    hypergrl Posts: 188 Member
    No I'm doing Insanity and I'm in my second week and I seriously thought that I was doing good, but I felt weak when doing insanity. So don't feel bad it it kicks you butt!
  • tgo6st1
    tgo6st1 Posts: 4 Member
    I am on day eight of Insanity and I am following the diet. I am a little disapointed in my pounds on the scale but am very proud of myself when I finish the workout. You should log the whole fourty minutes because of the interval training.
  • skeele
    skeele Posts: 72
    I need to get a program like that to do. Thought about doing P90X, but am pretty sure I am not in shape enough to do so... so thought about doing Chalean Extreme. I love the beach body workouts.!! Good luck on your Insanity!!!!
  • jennyfair24
    jennyfair24 Posts: 273 Member
    Insanity is awesome! Crazy but awesome! LOL The best way to determine your calorie burn would be to wear a heart rate monitor. I bought a simple one from Walmart for less than $30 a year ago and its worked fantastic :smile:
  • Angel1029
    Angel1029 Posts: 459
    Insanity is an amazing program but tough! Even if you have to stop a few times to catch your breath you're still burning calories but just make sure you get back in there and dig deep.
    Good luck and if you need any help with anything just message me!
  • amberfranklin1
    amberfranklin1 Posts: 79 Member
    I plan to get a HRM soon, but figured I would wait a week or two, after forking out the money for Insanity! I like to spread out my spending, then my husband does not seem to care as much! LOL!
  • Jenncool
    Jenncool Posts: 1
    Insanity does get better!!! When I started I thought I would never be able to complete every bit of an insanity work out without breaks. After a couple of weeks, I could get through and actually use correct form! Weight may not fall off immediately due to building muscle quick, but I have friends who followed diet while doing insanity and lost 20lbs in a month. Word of caution! Stay on track and ease back into Insanity if you miss a couple of days! I sprained my lower back doing jumps after 3 days missed and sitting in a car on long trip. Proper form is a must! All in husband and love insanity. Very tough work-out!
  • sksscott
    sksscott Posts: 9 Member
    If you're worried about being ready for P90X, there is another 90 day program by Tony Horton called Power 90 that is specifically touted as a way to get ready for P90X. Debating between the two myself. Not sure, but I think resistance bands are all you need for the Power 90, no weights or pull-up bars like P90X.
  • JustGila
    JustGila Posts: 23 Member
    Have you done the first fit test? When I did the first fit test It was a riot. I could barely move and was totally overwhelmed by the intensity of the workout-that was just the fit test.
    Luckily that was over two weeks ago and after following my MFP diet religiously and not missing any insanity work outs I did the second fit test and kicked *kitten*!!
    I cant tell you how often I need to stop in the middle of a workout to laugh at myself, thinking "there is no way I can do that." But I can basically do everything now. It's still very hard and I am always out of breath but thats how I know I am doing the best I can.
    I havent lost any weight really but I have lost about an inch all over in my measurements. Stay positive-we can do this!! feel free to message me if you have any questions.
  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
    When you really get your heart rate up, it doesn't shoot right back down as soon as you stop for a minute, but make sure your "breaks" are for less than a minute and jump right back to it. Your calorie count should stay pretty accurate.
  • hypergrl
    hypergrl Posts: 188 Member
    So it's true don't pay attention to the scale more than the measuring?
    I'm new here is there a way to bookmark this thread? I can't find something like that at all!
  • amberfranklin1
    amberfranklin1 Posts: 79 Member
    I forgot to mention that with my schedule I will only be able to do five days week. As I stated before i am doing this with my family and we are only able to get all of our schedules to match 5 days a week. I plan to follow the calendar as it says and just know that we will not finish in 60 days. The most that we will have off will be 2 days in a row. Has anyone else had luck with not following the calendar to a T? I will still do my walking and elliptical in addition to this.