Greetings to all!

Estrella30 Posts: 59 Member
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
Hey all! I am a newbie here! Lets get this started right ... looking for some great motivation! friend me.. =)


  • WELCOME!! You will love this site! After using it now for 7-8 weeks myself, I look forward to logging on and seeing how everyone is doing. Also it really makes you more aware of how many calories things are. So again, WELCOME and give me a shout whenever you're feeling lost and down.

    :flowerforyou: Angela:smile:
  • Estrella30
    Estrella30 Posts: 59 Member
    thanks so much Angela! :smile:
  • I've only joined yesterday. I love it so far!! Everyone is so nice!!
  • Estrella30
    Estrella30 Posts: 59 Member
    yes they are!!! i love it thus far! :happy:
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