I've been having so much trouble

I've been so down about my weight loss for the last couple of weeks since my weight hasn't gone down but up, just a few pounds. I've finally decided today to get back on track. It's my food that gets me the most, I stay under my calorie goal of 1610 all day, with relatively healthy foods, and at the end of the night I end up eating more because I get so hungry. And its not good food either, like icecream and chips. I actually didn't enter my food over the weekend cuz I just didn't feel like it, which is so unheard of for me. Usually if I'm eating something I've got my phone out ready to type in whatever it is whether or not it puts me over for the day. I had just started trying to do the 30 day shred, and have given up on that as well, which is another goal of mine tonight, to do another workout. I would love some helpful advice or words of encouragement to help me out of my funk.


  • jeepzilla
    jeepzilla Posts: 201
    Could be water weight my weight goes from 200 dry clean weight to 203 with food or water, remeber it depends on what time of day you check your self If i want to look at my weight I'll check it first thing in the morning after i have gone to the bathroom...
  • joaniegray
    joaniegray Posts: 88 Member
    Plan a snack at night that fits into your 1600 calories - I have a snack every night before bedtime - I know this is frowned upon byt it helps me sleep to have an english muffin and peanut butter with banana.
  • meganwolsker
    You can do it! I just started 30 day shred yesterday and Jillian kicked my *kitten* :) I am dreading doing it today because my legs are so sore! Are you eating enough fiber and protein throughout the day? At the end of the day are you REALLY hungry (you know, stomach growling hungry) or do you just crave that junk food at the end of the day? Junk food is truly addictive and a hard habit to break. Good luck on your journey, I know you can do it! :)
  • purpl3sox
    purpl3sox Posts: 38
    I would suggest finding more foods that have larger serving sizes with fewer calories. So maybe instead of oatmeal for breakfast have eggs, or a low cal bread for toast with some peanut butter. Go for a lot of veggies. 6oz of baby carrots are only 70 calories, 1 cup of broccoli is 30 calories. That way you get more food, and more of the vitamins and minerals you need. Cut back on cheese, because although cheese is amazingly good, it is really packed with calories in not much space. Hope that helps a bit
  • afcparker
    afcparker Posts: 33
    You can do it!!

    I totally understand where you're at. I've been having a really bad two weeks and totally have the late night cravings everyday... What has helped me is when I want to eat after dinner there isn't anything to eat!
    We've gotten rid of all our junk food even "healthy" junk food is gone!
    Pretty much all we have in the house that doesn't need to be cooked are 100 calorie snacks and fruit.
    So that definatly helps. :) Clean out that kitchen!

    Also, save yourself a few hundred calories throughout the day so that if you do want some ice cream -or whatever--you're not going over your calories.

    Don't worry about feeling guilty or bad just know that you've already succeeded and you will continue to succeed!
    Everyday is a new start! Put in a few extra hard work outs, up your water to hydrate and fill ya up, and eat healthy! You'll get back on track!
  • jamicrow1
    I totally understand!! I am the SAME way! SAME 5 lbs up & then down....I drink water, ride bike & it doesnt budge. I stay with in my calories too...late night eating is tough for me too! My whole family does it & it makes me HUNGRY! They eat chips, chocolate, CRAP!!!!
    I just want to CRY! I want this so bad & I feel the people around me eat so bad I want it, its sooooooooooooooooo HARD!!!!!!!

    Hang in there!!!

  • sophjakesmom
    sophjakesmom Posts: 904 Member
    Everybody goes through motivation slumps. Just remind yourself that you don't want to go all the way back to the bad habits from before. Give yourself a "holiday" but make a committment to get back on that wagon after the holiday is done (sent a time limit for that holiday or it can go on forever.) I have been giving my self permission, on occcasion, when I am really tired or if I really would like that piece of cheesecake to sleep in or indulge, but I also try to limit it to just that situation or day. Then I am right back at it.

    You can do it! You have come a long way and are getting closer to your goal with every good choice you make ! Keep it up!!
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    These are all good suggestions. Also, don't have the ice-cream and chip in the house. Switch them out for low/non fat frozen yogurt and apple chips so that if you do go overboard at night at least it is a healthier option.
  • fraser9700
    first of all you have been to date, very successful in losing a nice chunk of weight. The next time You go to the gym pick up a 25lb. weight and know that you have already removed that much stress from your heart and joints and you should be proud of that. Here is what I do. I have 4 areas just like you on my food entry area. i take my daily intake of calories and divide by four meals. As for being hungry late in the day. I do not eat for 1 hour after I wake up or within two hours of bedtime. This four meal plan has started my weight reduction curve without making me feel like I was starving. By the way, I think you look great. Don't give up.

  • LyonInLondon
    LyonInLondon Posts: 41 Member
    Firstly - great job on losing the weight that you have so far!

    Are you sure it's because you're hungry at night? Or is it boredom? Or something else like that?

    Also good to think about your water intake.

    I like what the other poster said about factoring in a late snack that's within your daily calorie allowance ... I would just add that it might be best to keep it to a "light" snack, such as a piece of fruit or rice cake with natural peanut butter. Nothing too starchy you know? Or even a glass of skimmed milk - keeps you full and helps you get sleepy for bed :)

    And lastly - keep up the good work. You can make your goals!
  • suemar74
    suemar74 Posts: 447 Member
    What helped me (I'm on a 1200 calorie day):

    (3) 300 calorie meals
    (2) 150 calorie snacks
    Protein in every meal and snack
    Focus on the satisfied feeling, instead of looking for the full feeling.
    water, water, water. If I think I'm hungry, I will have water first because thirst actually feels VERY similar to hunger.

    It took some tweaking and trial and error, but when I stick to this system, it works. Also, if I have a period where I feel like I have a bottomless pit, I will make a small batch of broth-based veggie soup to help fill in the gaps.

    Don't give up...you're worth it!
  • callipygianchronicle
    callipygianchronicle Posts: 811 Member
    I will give you the advice I gave another friend, today. And that is to slow down, stop overwhelming yourself by trying to get everything right. You have lost 23 pounds. Don’t dismiss that. You can build on that success.

    Just focus on One Thing right now, until you get your groove back. Maybe it’s doing the 30 Day Shred every day, maybe it’s committing to a complete diary, regardless of what’s on it. Maybe it’s simply staying under on Fat, or getting all of your protein, even if everything else is out of whack.

    Maybe it’s planning a healthy late night snack every day. Put it in your diary first thing in the morning, or schedule it out for the whole week. Whatever it is that can make you feel like a success, do it. But just focus on one thing at a time.

    Just pick one thing and find success. Then add something else in, and so on, until you feel back in the groove and are recommitted to your plan.
  • ziggygirl2003
    ziggygirl2003 Posts: 33 Member
    Thank all of you guys so much, I didn't think I would get many responses with my post. Some very good suggestions and some that will be helpful. Others not much I can do about like the icecream, I'm not the one in my house that actually buys it, but I do help eat it. I will try changing up my breakfast, the oatmeal was going good for a while until I realized that sometimes breakfast uses more calories than lunch.

    I'll try on the cheeses, but I really like those laughing cow cheeses and there only 35 calories each with some triscuit crackers it's only about 185 and I use that every day with my lunch, I just can't help it, its so easy to pack.

    As for being hungry at night, what gets me most is that I usually don't go to bed until after midnight, it's more a psycological thing since I'm usually tired before midnight but for some reason I feel like I'm wasting time sleeping, which is silly I know. I will try drinking a big glass of water before I ever eat anything and I'll try not to eat anything at all. It's never a starving hunger but my stomach just feels empty and that I need food for it.

    I feel so much better after reading all of these posts, I felt a little silly at first asking for some encouragement, but not any more it's wonderful. You guys are great.