17 day diet, who is on it? No hating on here please



  • kirstinkrueger
    ah, ok. Thanks! I'll do that. I have 95 lbs to lose, so this could take a while.

    My opinion but from experience, dont repeat the cycle after the third round, once you get through the third round, you will have set a better eating habit for yourself, and stick with that :) otherwise when you hit your goal weight, unless you stick with the diet forever you will have a hard time maintaining. This diet is to help jumpstart your weightloss, not for long term. Same thing with any fast you may do.

    For sugar cravings, this may sound crazy, but get some grapefruit extract, and when you are craving sugar put some on your palms and rub your hands together, the smell and chemicals in it will get rid of your cravings almost instantly!

    Yeah after I wrote that, i read that once your done with the 3 phases, just do the 2nd and 3rd again, not the first. Ill have to try the grapefruit thing, as I couldn't stand eating it this morning lol, it was horrible!

    i love grapefruits! but eating it doesnt have the same effect for me
  • mrslondon
    mrslondon Posts: 146 Member
    Ok so more so than I thought, I am a carb freak. I knew I loved my pasta, bread, potatoes, but OMG this is nuts. Why am I craving these things so much? I am really hungry. Or am i? Do I just want the carbs that I know im not allowed? Either way, does this feeling go away, I look at it like that there is only 16 more days left, but that feels like forever away when all i want is a huge loaf of bread with a side of potatoes and cheese. HELP!!
  • rosey808
    rosey808 Posts: 91 Member
    I lost 3lbs in ONE DAY! Woohoo! I weighed myself this morning, don't know why, wasn't planning on weighing in until Friday, but I was curious. 3lbs! Holy cow! I actually jumped on the scale to make sure it was right and I wasn't hallucinating it.

    Now I'm on Day 2. Had hard boiled eggs for breakfast with some red grapes. I'm feeling good.
  • mrslondon
    mrslondon Posts: 146 Member
    Anyone know if you can substitute food? And is it ok to eat more fruit? I know it only says 2 pieces but for the most part, most days are only like 400 calories, so i added some more fruit today, is that ok? I dont eat salad so today I did egg whites scrambled for lunch, is that ok?
  • Stacey765
    Stacey765 Posts: 86 Member
    Hey all! I just started this morning, well... I tried to start yesterday, but I am such a night muncher! --> I killed it, BIG TIME. So hopefully I will do better today. Just keep trying to remind myself "only 2 1/2 weeks!! Only 2 1/2 weeks!" That doesn't seem too long.
  • Dee78
    Dee78 Posts: 16
    Ok so more so than I thought, I am a carb freak. I knew I loved my pasta, bread, potatoes, but OMG this is nuts. Why am I craving these things so much? I am really hungry. Or am i? Do I just want the carbs that I know im not allowed? Either way, does this feeling go away, I look at it like that there is only 16 more days left, but that feels like forever away when all i want is a huge loaf of bread with a side of potatoes and cheese. HELP!!

    Total carbaholic myself, but you know what.. Tomorrow is day 17 and I'm alive and don't miss it. No struggles. GL!!
  • mrslondon
    mrslondon Posts: 146 Member
    Hey all! I just started this morning, well... I tried to start yesterday, but I am such a night muncher! --> I killed it, BIG TIME. So hopefully I will do better today. Just keep trying to remind myself "only 2 1/2 weeks!! Only 2 1/2 weeks!" That doesn't seem too long.

    Hey don't feel bad! Yesterday I "began" and I was so mad and upset that by night time, i was eating biscuits and honey. Naughty i know. But today was a much better day!! Good luck!! I prefer to count down the days, for some reason it seems less haha
  • k_ewilliams
    I tried to do it like a month ago and I was doing super well on it, but I stopped when I got really dizzyone day and almost fainted. I got so scared, I guess my body just cannot handle the lack of sugar or maybe too little calories, who knows. Good luck with it
  • Landon06
    Landon06 Posts: 9
    Anyone know if you can substitute food? And is it ok to eat more fruit? I know it only says 2 pieces but for the most part, most days are only like 400 calories, so i added some more fruit today, is that ok? I dont eat salad so today I did egg whites scrambled for lunch, is that ok?

    I wouldn't eat even more fruit because you would be adding in a lot of extra sugar that you dont need. My calories have been low as well, thats why I snack on veggies throughout the day even when Im not really hungry! I hated salad before this, but I have had a large one daily for lunch. I add grilled chicken breast and a ton of veggies with a balsamic vinegar dressing. This is weird but I actaully look forward to my lunch of salad now because I have grown to love it!
  • smeklc
    smeklc Posts: 94 Member