Weigh in's...

Iv'e been working hard and eating within my calorie goals for about 3 weeks now. I went to the gym last night and was sooooo HURT cause it said i gained like 5 pounds.... I was p*ssed :(
This morning i went into the gym steeped on the same scale and it said i gained 1 pound? I don't know what im doing wrong?
Last year i lost 45 pounds (gained some back). I NEVER gained EVER working out then. just lost and this time I have lost NOTHING :(
Any suggestions?
Thanx :)


  • bruceseverson
    You might have overestimated your activity level when you set up your profile. Try revising your profile and setting your activity level one notch less and see if that helps.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • smart_shauna
    the best time to weigh yourself is first thing in the morning before you eat