looking for other mums with yound children :) I need support



  • misscrystal00
    Hi there ill be your weight lose friend i am 23 yr old mother of a 3 yr old son and i have been putting if off for to long i also need a lil boost I am also new on this site and so far found it very motivating and great :glasses:
  • PrincessKittenpants
    I have a 18 month old and am here if you need some support:)
  • kkbeard
    kkbeard Posts: 20
    I'm a stay at home mom of 3. Feel free to friend me. We can do this!!
  • kshaw09
    kshaw09 Posts: 48
    Hi everyone, My name is Kay, and I have a very busy 2 year old Boy, would love to offer some support, and get some
  • rainydayboys
    My boys are 2.5 and 4.5... it's a wild time around here!
    Hopefully we can encourage each other...
  • AmysNewBeginning
    AmysNewBeginning Posts: 244 Member
    I run a daycare in my home...enough said, huh? LOL! Add me I would love to help you and you help me! WELCOME, I just joined last week and this is just what I needed!
  • rexkt
    rexkt Posts: 41 Member
    Add me!! I'm 27 with a two year old and i'm a stay at home mom as well. I know how hard it is because the last thing you want to do after chasing around a wild toddler all day is exercise!
  • WorkingMomGetsFit
    WorkingMomGetsFit Posts: 70 Member
    Me too......2 boys with lots of energy!!!!:tongue:
  • cinca
    cinca Posts: 25
    I'll add you. I'm new here and would like the support as well. I need to lose 70lbs or more if I can. I have three kids (13, 7, 2)
  • juliehh73
    juliehh73 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm julie 38 years old with 5 children (3 of which are stepchild, but live with me) and I work full-time. I too would love to hear how working mums cope with losing weight along with keeping a brood of hungry children happy.

    PS to J I have sent you a friend request :laugh:
  • hellsbells1
    hellsbells1 Posts: 62 Member
    Hi i'm a stay at home mom to 3 boys 3,7,11 years old and could do with some mutual support also. Feel free to add me! :bigsmile:
  • kcarreno
    kcarreno Posts: 48
    Hi Jen,
    I am also 27 years old and a stay at home mom to two spoiled little girls. My oldest is 2 and a half and the youngest is 9 months....it's a struggle but we can do this!
  • Shantre
    Shantre Posts: 66 Member
    I am trying to lose 50+. I have 3 sons and 1 daughter. I'll add you!
  • rhalse
    rhalse Posts: 32 Member
    Any of you can add me as a friend too! I have an almost 3 year old boy and a 10 month old girl. I have a hard time finding time to exercise. I go to the gym during lunch. I wish I could get up early in the morning to workout, but I don't get enough sleep as it is. Every time I try to do situps or pushups they come over and tackle me or climb on me.
  • stayathomezookeepa
    stayathomezookeepa Posts: 110 Member
    Thanks SOOO much everyone! I added all of you! We can do this, us moms have to stick together. :)
  • lolly1979
    lolly1979 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi i have 3 children (12,9 and 8) plus a full time job so i know how hard it can be to divert from healthy eating. Im new and looking for some buddies also.:happy:
  • Chynadoll00
    Hey I am 30... with a 2 and 3 year old with a lot of energy! Trying to lose weight feel free to add me to your weight lose porgram! I need support and like to help make a change!
  • JunkFoodJane
    JunkFoodJane Posts: 150 Member
    Hi :) you can add me if you like, I'm 26 with an 18 month old son ++ 2 step sons. I can definitely use all the support I can get! I'm happy to reciprocate.
  • gretahausen
    you came to the right place. I will be a cheerleader for you! I am also a sahm with two kids (4 and 1) I am trying to lose about 50 lbs. I know we can do this! ''friend'' me if you like.
  • Contrary03
    Contrary03 Posts: 289 Member
    It is harder to diet when you have little ones, right?!... Even my 4yr old is a bad influence! Just yesterday he was eating a sundae cone, ate most of it, then handed the bottom of it to me and said "here mommy, i can't finish, you eat it!"... You KNOW i took a BITE!...LOL Good luck~ Be strong!!!