About to give up...

Okay I am having a hard time with trying to lose "weight" I am not neccessarily trying to lose any pounds but i am trying to lose inches from my waist and legs.

I (no word of a lie) used to eat at LEAST 3,000 calories a day. A typical day of food was a crossant with cream cheese icing for breakfast, a doughnut for a snack, then a cinnabon for early lunch, a sandwich and pasta for lunch, some other pastery for a snack, a normal dinner of meat, carb and veggies, then like half a pie for dessert. ( I work in a bakery ). I would not do any exercising, other than normal walking around for daily life.

I decided 4 weeks ago that I want to lose a few pounds or inches from my belly and came here to do it properly. It told me to eat 1,200 calories a day and I should lose 6 pounds in 4 weeks. I have been very good and cut back to 1,200 Calories a day like it says to, and have been exercising almost daily. But I am in week 4 and have not lost a single pound or even centimeter from my waist or legs.

I am losing motivation to eat 1,200 calories a day when I love to eat food constatly, I want to eat everything all the time.

I am frusterated that eating less and exercising has had no effect, I feel like I might as well go back to eating whatever I want if it doesn't change anything and be happy that way.

I'm just wondering if anyone knows why I see no results, if there is something more I could do.

I haven't given up yet but I'm getting very frusterated.

Thanks all!! (that was a good vent :P)


  • DKBelle
    DKBelle Posts: 585
    Check out if you really eat the right calorie amount. You might have a same problem like I, that your body is in starvation mode!
  • miatavixxen
    miatavixxen Posts: 373
    Get in some weight training workouts. I know a ton of people swear by the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. 25 minutes of circuits - would definitely help define your body. You can totally do this. I thought I had no willpower, now I find I have TONS (thank you MFP buddies!)
  • Renea_Kay
    Renea_Kay Posts: 189 Member
    One...1200 is the bare minimum. Truly you should probably eat a tad more than that. Also do not just count calories. Watch your fat, sodium, and surgars too! Do not give up!
  • vanadia
    vanadia Posts: 18 Member
    First, hang in there. Second, maybe make an appointment with your physician and have them do some blood work to check your hormones and everything.

    You may also want to slightly increase your calories if feeling deprived is making you want to quite. Better to lose at a slower rate than just give up. Keep at it.
  • staciekins
    staciekins Posts: 453 Member
    Ok...for women, the minimum deficit is 1200 cals net/day, men is 1500 cals net/ day.
    All you have to do is make sure your net is a minimum of 1200 cals.
    If you eat 1200 cals, then burn 400, your deficit is at 800 cals, so you would need to eat that 400 to keep it at 1200. It has been proven in numerous studies that your body CAN, but not always go into starvation mode if you do not get your minimum. Some people hit their starvetion mode after others, but it will happen. Not only can this happen, but you are also depleting your body of the nutrients it needs to stay healthy as well as fight off diseases. When your body goes into starvation mode, instead of digesting and dispelling the food you intake, it stores it because it "thinks" it needs it to stay alive. It's like your body is hoarding what it feels it isn't getting enough of.
  • crystal10584
    it's hard to gauge when you have so many "quick add" calories in your diary. do you get in at least 8-8oz glasses of water a day? are you eating your exercise calories back?

    it can be a large number of things. when you're down to the last few, it's always harder to lose (or so I've heard... i'm only 18 lbs into my 73 lb journey)
  • brewingaz
    brewingaz Posts: 1,136 Member
    I think you're starving yourself, in which your body will actually hold on to fat. You should check out what your BMR is. There are numerous ways to calculate it, even have a tool on this site. If you are eating less than the BMR, you're starving your body. You have to eat to lose weight! NO JOKE!
  • murf19
    murf19 Posts: 453 Member
    Try upping your protien level and lowering your carb #. Do a little bit of exercise eachday. Eat good fats for snacks, nuts, olives...
    my 2 cents. Everyone is different and you have to play with your numbers to get the results you want. Skip the scale and go by look and feel.
  • Jassper
    Jassper Posts: 25
    Double check your calorie count. If you truly cut back to 1200 calories plus added exercise, you should have dropped at least 5 lbs by now. Are you sure you are not cheating yourself? What do you typically eat a day now?
  • lbetancourt
    lbetancourt Posts: 522 Member
    I took a peek at your diary. You have a lot of "quicK-add"' calories?? What are you eating? I know it's tough, I don't have a lot of weight to lose but I LOVE to eat and getting into the habit of counting my calories and being honest about what I was eating was difficult. I still struggle.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I think it sounds like you aren't eating enough. If you're working out and only eating the 1200 calories - your body is going into starvation mode. This would explain why you aren't losing any weight OR inches. Your body has slowed your metabolism and is holding onto fat because it is scared you aren't going to give it enough food. Try upping your calories to compensate for the exercise. Everyone has a minimum amount of calories they need in a day just to survive (mine is 1452). I have to eat a minimum of 2000 calories a day in order to keep my body going and to lose weight. If I go under the 2000, my body stops losing weight.
  • crystal10584
    Check out if you really eat the right calorie amount. You might have a same problem like I, that your body is in starvation mode!

    omg, according to this i need 1440/day for fat loss.. :T oops. 240 calories short a day... maybe I should give it a try... :)
  • ItsAsha
    ItsAsha Posts: 78
    If you're exercising everyday, you're most likely building muscle....and muscle weighs more that fat. Try taking your measurements, you will see progression then.
  • debbiequack
    debbiequack Posts: 275 Member
    I've been really struggling with a plateau. Want to share what you are eating?

    I assume I'm gaining muscle mass, as well... My BMI is slowly dropping.

    Don't give up-- everyone is different but everyone CAN get healthier!

  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    All i can think, is that the sudden amount of calorie loss is causing your body to feak out and store everything you eat.
    Which means there are only two things you can do...
    The first one its too go up in calories, risking the chance of getting bigger for a couple of days, but over allmaking it a lifestyle change rather than a crash diet.. If you want to loose weight you'l have to exercise..
    Or the second thing you can do, it keep at 1,200 and just wait another couple of weeks until your body has no option but to start eating your reserves...
    The 1st option is ofcourse the healthier one...
    But i say do which ever one is going to make you happier!
  • ReneeOfTheFae
    I agree with "vanadia": Go to your doctor for a hormone check. It is entirely possible that you may have a thyroid disorder; specifically hypothyroidism. I have that, and once I was put on meds to replace the hormones my thyroid wasn't producing, without even trying, I lost ten pounds over about 6 months. Definitely something you should look into.
    Just don't give up. There is a reason your body isn't responding. You just need to figure out what that is, and go from there. We're all here if you need us! *^_^*
  • starboardzor
    Like somebody else said, by your diary nobody can even tell what you're eating. On one day you quick added 1200 into one meal and that was it. I don't like to assume anything about anybody, but my guess is you aren't being accurate with your calorie counting. I really don't understand how somebody can exercise daily, eat only 1200 calories, and not lose a single pound. Something is missing in this equation that at least calls for a doctors appointment... or a more honest and precise food diary.
  • Khamerta
    Khamerta Posts: 23
    Thanks all for your comments, my quick adds lately are usually the same foods as my first weeks I just know how much calories are in them so I just add it rather than searching for the food again. I definately eat back any calories I lose exercising thats no question, I find myself exercising so I can eat more because I enjoy eating so much. (that 1200 quick add was a cheating day :P)
    I have a very muscular body already so its not that I'm adding muscle and like I said Its not the pounds I care about its the inches.... sorry its so hard to try to answer all the additional questions
  • susyj
    susyj Posts: 28
    I looked at your food diary and most of the entries are “quick calories”. You might try actually logging every single thing you eat individually. It takes a little more time, but it really holds you accountable. Also, make sure you are eating most of your calories in fresh veggies and fruit, grains and proteins (I call it a ‘plant strong’ diet). Avoid processed food. You will be amazed at how you feel. If that doesn’t work, see your primary care physician for blood work.....DON’T GIVE UP!!!!!!!
  • agdeierl
    agdeierl Posts: 378 Member
    Check out if you really eat the right calorie amount. You might have a same problem like I, that your body is in starvation mode!

    Ok this is making me nervous. It says I should be eating almost 400 more calories than MFP says! but I guess there's no built in deficit, so it's basing it on the assumption that I will have the same exact workout schedule each week? I'm a little confused and worried now that I'm not eating enough and that's why my weight loss has been so sluggish.