
I need motivation hard core. I'm having a hard time not feeling bad for my breakfast even though i'm still under for today and I'm going to the gym later. What is my deal?! I'm having a hard time with wanting to snack and, i just dont know.

I think I'm at the point where I've been doing this for a good 3 weeks so I'm almost in the habit, but I want to break the habit so bad! Gaaaah.

Definitely needing motivation...and tips on not snacking!


  • rebeccaS85
    rebeccaS85 Posts: 141
    Oh man I know where what your talking about. I was soo good for about 5 weeks then about 2 weeks ago I just crashed. If you want to snack try healthy snacks, veggies, fruit, some high fibre cereal. Good Luck! If you feel like snacking try doing a workout video online - I like the Leslie Sansone walking videos.
  • BamBam1113
    BamBam1113 Posts: 542 Member
    nothing wrong with snacking. Just gotta find something healthy to snack on!
  • KayLeigh6710
    You know you can't derprive yourself of everything you love, you won't succeed that way.... Two weeks ago I had a cupcake... it was wonderful.. and I lost 3.5lbs that week. HAHA:blushing:

    Don't give up everything.. this is about portion size too!

    You can't do it, don't give up.:flowerforyou:
  • JanaGentry
    JanaGentry Posts: 4 Member
    Drink lots of water......get a buddy or buddies to motivate, enourage and keep you on track!
    You can do it.
  • talysshade
    talysshade Posts: 273 Member
    And if you're like me and feel that fruit doesn't count as a snack (personally i think they're too sweet sometimes), do have something you really want, a piece of chocolate, or some chips, but make sure to only have a tiny bit. Having so little can make you treasure the moments you allow it to yourself more and it won't budge in on your calorie goal too much.

    Or, on a day you do end up snacking more than you wanted, compensate with a light meal like a simple salad or just a lot of vegetables and no meat for one night.
  • danipals
    danipals Posts: 143 Member
    There must be something psychological about the 3 week mark! I can always go hard-core with eating well for three weeks and then I get bored and don't want to put in the effort anymore or get tired of feeling left out of what everyone else is doing! That is why I've done every diet imaginable! I follow one like a game for a few weeks, get bored and hear about someone doing well on another one, go get the book, follow that...... over and over.

    Forget your breakfast, like you said, you are under calories already so who cares. We need to figure out how to still be able to eat "normal" things once in a while and make them fit into our day. (I did that with lunch today!)

    Good Luck and hang in there! You can do it!

  • lulutm
    lulutm Posts: 57
    Allow yourself a cheat.... One day a week! Then get right back to that diet/exercise plan!!!
  • adandsar
    adandsar Posts: 3 Member
    The best snack is one which combines good natural sugars like a piece of fruit with protein, for example nuts. The combination will keep your body working ... whilst you enjoy a snack
  • hawinnicki
    Things I like to snack on are fage 0% greek yogurt with 1 tablespoon of flax seed and 1 tablespoon of agave nectar honey or brown rice cakes, grapes, carrots, pretzel slims, and apples. All followed with one or two glasses of water. If you eat things that are healthy you will feel full. Also, if I snack and feel guilt afterwards I wait 30 mins (for digestion), then do 50 jumping jacks and squats (you can vary this to your preference). Crazy it seems but, every little bit helps!
  • aflane
    aflane Posts: 625 Member
    You had a "bad" breakfast.... did you enjoy it? I hope you did (not being sarcastic, please note). Now it's time to get back on track. Today will just be a day that you went over on your cals. The universe will not end. You will not undo 3 weeks of good work with one out-of-whack breakfast. You immediately got back on schedule with lunch. Now have a healthy nutritious dinner -- DO NOT SKIP DINNER!!! If you skip dinner, you'll be starving later tonight and will snack on more bad stuff, OR will be starving in the morning and will make wrong choices for breakfast.

    In other words, you're HUMAN. You can have a "bad" breakfast, once in a while. It's okay.
  • julie_a_griffin
    julie_a_griffin Posts: 58 Member
    If I were you, I wouldn't cut out all my snacks. Have the occasional bit of chocolate to stop the cravings. If you're going to the gym, you can work it off later! Don't get rid of everything you're craving. You'll only crash that way and binge and lose all your hard work! :D
  • Improvised
    Improvised Posts: 925 Member
    Drinking water helps curb the snacking for me. If I brush my teeth RIGHT AFTER dinner, that keeps late night snacking away.
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    This is my personal opinion on the matter and I am sure there are a lot of people that will disagree. I beleive that if you want something, have it; in moderation. As long as you are within your calories for the day, it is not going to crash everything you've already accomplished. So you had a crappy breakfast, big deal. Shrug it off and eat healthy the rest of the day. I have not found that a crappy breakfast or a peice of cake or anything "bad" has gotten me off track. I'm still losing weight and feeling better and better everyday. Treat yourself so you do not crash and eat everything in sight.
  • leahsharee
    Measure out your snacks and put them in baggies. It helps me to know how much i have left for the day. Also, i try to plan the whole days worth of calories in advance. then i know, if i am going to have a treat, exactly where i stand with my calories. i make sure to have a snack at 10:30 and 3:00, knowing what time i get to have a snack takes the edge off and i don't completely fall off the wagon. In between snacking it is important to get your water in. Sometimes your mind thinks your hungry but your body says your thirsty.
    Today i had pretzel sticks with laughing cow cheese because i was tired of veggies.
    i also like light yogurts, Special K crackers, bagel thins (which are also great for sandwhiches), blue diamond dark chocolate covered almonds are great for a sweet tooth.
    Dont get rid of the things your love, just alter how much and how often you eat them.
    Good Luck to all!
  • chelsealjames
    chelsealjames Posts: 92 Member
    I agree with everyone... drink like 2 glasses of water, and eat high protein greek yogurt, or a tblsp natural peanut butter on toast or celery. Also I drink this "blueberry slim green tea" and it helps curb my appetite when i'm feeling "snacky"
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    You know you can't derprive yourself of everything you love, you won't succeed that way.... Two weeks ago I had a cupcake... it was wonderful.. and I lost 3.5lbs that week. HAHA:blushing:

    Don't give up everything.. this is about portion size too!

    You can't do it, don't give up.:flowerforyou:

    I work hard for my treats! or if I know I'm giong to be eating a little unhealthier come dinner - I take it light through out the day. Gotta give and take!!
  • LauRoxx
    LauRoxx Posts: 115 Member
    Hey girl!
    Let's go to the RAC together then tonight! I'm feeling a little low on motivation today as well and I always work 250% harder when I'm with someone else and I can push them too.

    Sound like a plan?
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