New and slightly confused

spoiltrotten1 Posts: 18
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
Hello Everyone, My name is Jennifer and I am new to MFP. I just started MFP this past week, I am on day 8 of dieting and would love more friends to keep me motivated and also get some good ideas on healthy meals and fun excerises to try. Add me as a friend a drop me line!!

I am slightly confused on the exercise portion. Are we supposed to eat those calories? I am very confused on what to do, help!


  • gumby101ca
    gumby101ca Posts: 539 Member
    welcome to the site, tons of support here, feel free to add me if you want !!
  • Sana1116
    Sana1116 Posts: 54 Member
    hey jennifer ....welcome to mfp. its a great site! i'll add ya..

    about the exercise cals......basically mfp adds your exercise cals to your daily total. so the more you exercise ....the more you can eat!!! good deal eh? it sounds counterproductive at really your body needs energy for all the you have to feed it to give it give YOU energy to go exercise! lool get it? i hope i didnt confuse u more....
  • ncldiscavage
    ncldiscavage Posts: 1 Member
    yes, the calories you burn in exercise are added to your daily calorie intake. For instance, I need 1480 cal/day but I burn about 300 in exercise so technically I should be eating around 1780 cal/day. good luck to you! I find this site addicting, its very helpful and cant wait to see my results in a few weeks :happy:
  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    TO calrify even further on what Sana said, most personal trainers/nutritionists set your calories based on your EXPECTED burn working out. The great thing abotu MFP is it doesnt tell you to eat the calories until you burn them basically. SO if you stick to your allotted calories you should still loose weight (it wont come off as efficiently though and you might feel starved)

    Also if you go over, you know you can work it back off. Its really a great visual tool. despite my weight loss pre MFP its been even more helpful now
  • Silky815
    Silky815 Posts: 367 Member
    Welcome and the best of luck to you. I am sending a request.
  • Dteg
    Dteg Posts: 86 Member
  • Thanks everyone for your help! I have been using MFP for over a week and not losing much weight... I have been exercising like crazy, and obviously not doing it correctly because I am HUNGRY all the time! I wasn't eating my exercise calories at all... makes sense now....

    Thanks for your help!
  • Live_Aloha
    Live_Aloha Posts: 28 Member
    Welcome & good luck to you!! See you on the boards :)
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