I'm new here! Looking for friends with similar goals, situa

muriah2 Posts: 143 Member
I'm not sure if I'm doing this right, but here goes! I've been using the MFP app for Android for a month or so. When I use it, it really helps me to keep track of everything I put into my mouth. Unfortunately there are days when I'm too ashamed to even log my daily food intake, even though I'm the only one who can see it. I am a single mom of two young children, and I am also a full time student. A couple months ago I decided to splurge on a gym membership. I haven't been to the gym in over a month, and once again I feel ashamed to go back, although I know I have no reason to feel that way. I have serious motivation issues....not sure why. I have at least 70lbs to lose, and although I feel like I know exactly what I need to do, I can't seem to stay on track and stay motivated. I'm really excited to make some friends here and to learn new things to help me stay on track. I know I can do it....I just need to keep at it!


  • hyde1977
    hyde1977 Posts: 476 Member
    You will love this site....it is awesome and so helpful and motivating!!!

    Please feel free to add me as a friend if you would like!!!!!
  • SherryR1971
    SherryR1971 Posts: 1,170 Member
    I was having a motivation problem, too, until my cousin suggested this site! good luck, feel free to add me! I have another 100 pounds to lose, so I'm in the same boat.
  • want_to_be_skinny
    DON'T BE ASHAMED!!! we all have our up and down days ... this is a great site for support and motivation add me as a friend if you like

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • adriannenan
    adriannenan Posts: 23 Member
    Welcome to the club!

    When I first joined there were DAYS I didn't add to my food diary, casue I knew I was going to be way over my limits. So understand you're not alone. One of the things people always say here at MFP is that tomorrow is another day. And that's the truth. We may fall off the wagon over and over again, but tomorrow, my tracker will go back to 1600 and it's a new chance for me to do it right.

    Just remember, ONE DAY AT A TIME!

    feel free to add me if you'd like. I love making new friends. :)
  • KristaPFT
    KristaPFT Posts: 63
    Welcome! I am a health & fitness specialist and I use this site ti keep track of everything I eat as well :) If you need anything feel free to message me on here or visit my website KristaDlyn.com...we are all here for ya!
  • Chula0910
    Chula0910 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi and welcome. there is no reason why you should feel ashamed about anything you do or dont do. We all stumble at times and we all make decisions to do things we shouldnt have but we push forward. You cant let those little things keep you from your main goal. and once you start not only feeling the pounds drop but see it as well, it will be easier to stay on track. You will see your progress and it will feel great. I have lost just over 25 lbs and when i put on a pair of jeans that were previously cutting off my circulation and they went on with no effort whatsoever, I cried. that was my first little victory and I have many more set for my self in the near future. small steps will yield big results. So keep logging your food everyday, regardless if you go over or not. We are here to support each other and we are all friends.!!!!!! You can add me if you like, and i hope you do, we have so much to learn from one another!!!!!
  • haxhajt
    haxhajt Posts: 1
    What state do you live in? I am mother of two and struggle with the same challenges. Today is the first day that I have logged and needless to say, it was enlightening and also discouraging ( I was way over my caloric intake and embarrassed that I have no self control) but at least I am admitting it to mysefl by logging and it is a visual reminder that I need to change my ways to meet my goals. I too have to lose 70 pounds too. With the weather, I have started walking and it helps balance some of the calories. I encourage you to use your gym membership and stick with it - it is not easy adn we will all have those days, but it will certainly be worth for you and your children - that is my motivation...my kids! Good Luck!
  • LizaMena
    LizaMena Posts: 47 Member
    We all need motivation!! It's hard to do it alone! You have come to the right place I'm sure! I'm also new and in the same boat! Don't give up, You can do it!! Feel free to add me and we can be in this together!
  • YolondaNicole
    I've learned that I have to be honest with myself in order to get rid of the shame and embarrassment of putting on the weight in the first place. It seems we have a few things in common. 1 - I have to lose 70 lbs to meet goal 2- I've joined a fitness club and have not went consistently for a year. For me, it has been an emotional roller coaster . . . It's bittersweet because I feel good that I'm starting to lose weight but on the other hand I'm pissed off thinking about all of the time lost. This is truly a journey and only the strong will survive . . . Thankfully, there's strength in numbers so please feel free to add me as a friend. Good luck and be encouraged!! :flowerforyou:
  • garifuna
    garifuna Posts: 24
    I have my bad days as well. This site is full of people to encourage, motivate, and support you. Please do not feel ashamed of anything. Feel proud that you took a step to find other people who can support you. I have a lot of weight to lose as well. You have to take it a day at a time. Please feel free to add me!

    Keep your head up!!
  • muriah2
    muriah2 Posts: 143 Member
    Wow, how cool to see such a huge response so soon! I live in northern Michigan. You're so right about waking up each morning to a new day. I'm excited to start over again tomorrow...for real this time. Krista...thank you very much for offering your knowledge! I will absolutely be coming to you with questions!
  • socialite51
    :blushing: This is a great site with a lot of motivation and support. You came to the right place....Welcome
  • peepocheck
    peepocheck Posts: 57 Member
    P L E A S E !! I'm 60 years old! Talk about taking too long to get on the fitness track. In my younger years I had to take weight on pills to try to gain weight. So of course I saw nothing wrong with myself until I was diagnosed pre-diabetic...something my dad and 13 month older than me brother whom I loved dearly both had and died from. To see your picture, girl you should NEVER be ashamed that it took you what...maybe 3 years. I so wish I had started early like you. I comment all you young ladies for taking responsibility for yourselves. You have a long and great future full of wonderful things ahead. I'll be long gone by the time you're 60 +. But Oh the things you're going to see and do.
  • YolondaNicole
    . . . I was diagnosed pre-diabetic...something my dad and 13 month older than me brother whom I loved dearly both had and died from.

    I was diagnosed pre-diabetic about 3 weeks ago and my dad is currently a non-compliant diabetic. His eyesight is failing but yet he still doesn't want to take his meds. This was my wake up call and I'm determined to stay on track. I have no other choice.
  • timeforme23
    timeforme23 Posts: 461
    I have been in shoes. I used to write my food down in my own notebook and would leave things out because I was embarrassed!! I get discouraged by the gym at times too, but the hardest part for me is getting there. Once there im good to go. Have you tried The 30 day shred? Its currently my favorite workout that I can do quickly and at home. I just ordered some of her other workouts. Add me if you want, we can support each other :-)
  • deadmittens
    deadmittens Posts: 536 Member
    I was the exact same way at first with logging food! I felt so ashamed after I would eat something that I thought was high in calories, but just add it! You're the only one can see and once I actually logged the food I would be like "Oh... well that's not too bad I can work with that."

    Plus, it was kind of motivating to see how many bad calories I ate and it would push me to go work out or find SOMETHING to move my body :)
  • ktanderson05
    ktanderson05 Posts: 207 Member
    We can do this together! You have me on FB, and I think we should set up a couple days a week to go workout together since we do live in the same town, and we have the same gym! lol I am just taking it day by day, and some days are easier than others, but you know what if you screw up today don't let it affect tomorrow. Let's shed this weight, so it doesn't hold us back anymore!
  • lanenalatina
    lanenalatina Posts: 239 Member
    Wow girl I feel your pain!!!! I have the same issues, I need the motivation eventhought my children always motivate me specially my youngest son. But I understand when u say is not easy to do on our own. FEEL FREE to add me it is nice to have people around who is going to motivate you and not judge.......We are all here for the same reason and the more friends we have the better it is b/c we have more motivation going on!! DON'T EVER BE SHAME