Hi - a fresh face on the boards, but not so fresh with weigh

Hi Everyone!

I don't know why I didn't find this sooner...Found MFP via searching for iphone apps and I'm quite impressed - I'll be even more impressed if I start seeing results.

Am from Australia and my weight loss journey has been a life long struggle. According to my BMI I'm obese, but I think my body is in fairly ok proportion when I look in the mirror, but when I see myself in photos or stand next to an average person and make the comparisons, I know why I'm considered as obese...

I've tried the usual, all sorts of diets...but this time I am currently combining a shake diet with healthy eating. I was on 2 shakes a day and a replacement meal, lost 10kgs (I think that's close to 5lbs) and gained it all back plus a bit more, now I'm back on and for some reason going back on to 2 shakes was not making the weight budge, it's like my body recalled shakes and decided it was going to slow down my metabolism, possibly halt it. Now I'm on 1 shake a day, but only because I'm trying to get rid of the supply of shakes I have! I have a low carb dinner in the evening, I've cut out rice and potatoes and I use my Wii for regular activity - planning to get myself a treadmill or elliptical trainer.

Has anyone else found that you do well on one diet, gain the weight then try to do the same diet again and it just doesn't work the 2nd time round? Also, what do you think is better for weightloss - treadmill or elliptical trainer?

I've done calorie counting before, but it wasn't so easy back then...now with this app, I'm hoping I can visualise more efficiently what foods are causing damage.

Fingers crossed, this is the year for me. I've organised my 30 before 30 list and dropping 3 to 4 dress sizes is right at the top!

Look forward to being inspired by everyone and I hope to inspire others soon too :) Slow and steady wins the race....


  • mrsblair84
    I personally love my elliptical. Though I don't get on it like I should. For me, I don't like the impact on the feet and knees. It's a lot smoother to me. That's just me. Different things work for different people. Good luck!
  • mrphil86
    mrphil86 Posts: 2,382 Member
    10kg is actually about 22 pounds! So it seems you know what it takes to loose it.

    Anyways, I feel most diets fail because of motivation. Best source of motivation is friends. Feel free to add people including myself as friends.

    Welcome to MFP!
  • chelsifina
    chelsifina Posts: 346 Member
    Hey there! Glad you're here! One benefit about this site is that as you begin to experiment with different ways of exercising and eating, you can see what has worked well and what hasn't, since it's all documented! Personally, I don't find that fad diets work for me, and it boils down to calories in/calories out. For myself I've discovered that I need at least 10C of water a day (3 liters minimum) and I need to workout most days, if not everyday, for a burn of at least 300 kcals. That's me. Now that you will begin to log everything, you get to find out what works for you! My first guess about the shakes is that you weren't (are currently aren't) getting enough calories to keep your metabolism running, and that you may have gone into starvation mode. Try eating all of your alloted calories, including whole grains, protein, fats, carbs, the works. And make sure you eat back your exercise calories! That seems to be universally helpful. Good luck! And feel free to add me if you like. :)
  • emily2182
    emily2182 Posts: 7 Member
    Wow! Thanks for the quick responses - this community is great! :)

    Do you think you can get the same results from an elliptical trainer as you do on a treadmill? Currently I'm just using Just Dance since it's quite fun and the sweat after 2 tracks is always a good sign :) I think though a machine will be more beneficial as I need a lot of cardio in my daily routine I would think.

    Hahaha mrphil - oh yeh woops...I tend to think 1kg = 2lbs roughly...so yes 10kgs would be about 20lbs in my head. I do know what it takes to lose it, but at the time I did lose it, I was on a quick fix diet so when I look back it seemed quite easy, but now that I'm giving it a go with some alterations - I'm finding it tough and I have to actually exercise now...but with that said, I'm enjoying being more active :)

    Definitely motivation is key, I know you need to be in the right head space...before weightloss wasn't a real priority in my life, but as I'm getting older and I have set myself a real goal, it's something I think about every day.

    It's funny how you need to eat more (nutritious foods) to lose more weight...I agree with you Chelsifina - I think my body has gone in to starvation mode...just need to find that switch to boost the metabolism again. MFP calculated a 1290 calorie diet for me...does this sound like little? What are you on?
  • JP_Abstract
    Working out in the morning does wonders... good luck on your goal

    People are great for motivation but I personally suggest that self motivation means more cause you're battling yourself, so once you past that stage, you'll be ok
  • rebeccajoy
    Hi hon! Great job for deciding to lose weight! ;-) That is a big step in the right direction.
    Elliptical trainers are much easier on your knees. You can get a great workout on them. I would say if you need to lose 28kg (60 lbs or so) then the elliptical is better for you as it will protect your knees much more than walking on a treadmill will.

    Keep up the good work! You can do it! ;-) Don't give up! You will succeed this time!

    Blessings in Christ,