I'm not regular anymore Help!

lnmackel Posts: 11
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
Help I went on a colon cleanse, a few weeks ago, where a drank a special herbal tea and nothing but fruit and some vegetables fro five days. It worked fine, but before the cleanse I would go 2-3 times a day, now I won't go for 2-3 days unless I take a laxitive. I eat fruit and vegetables daily. Has anyone had this problem? What can I do? I also dont want to go over 100 carbs a day if I can help it.


  • over 100 cals a day as your diet or are you still on your cleanse? ((I am hoping you are still on your cleanse)) If you are only eating 100cals a day you may be hurting yourself, and also, you won't go as much, cause there won't be as much to let go!

    You need more fiber! Since constipation is usually a result of long-term dietary issues, first make sure you're enjoying a high-fiber diet, heavy on a variety of fruits and vegetables. High proportions of breads, potatoes, greasy foods, and meats can encourage constipation. When you feel that way treat vegetables as an entrée instead of a side-dish.Cabbage is particularly good because it's not only high in fiber but it has enzymes which encourage the entire digestive tract to "flush." This is also a good liver cleanse for a build-up of liver toxins. Cabbage can be prepared in a number of ways, including skillet frying if the oil used is grape-seed oil or olive oil. Spices can be used, to taste.

    Constipation can also be caused by insufficient hydration. try to drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces a day. Exercise helps speed up digestion, so it probably just makes all those days worth come out at once!

    Try the banana cure for mild occasional constipation. This requires that you eat a banana with a glass of warm milk, chewing the banana carefully.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    First off, cleanses are completely unnecessary. Second, just make sure you're eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, are drinking lots of water and are eating only whole grains, no refined "white" carbs. Try to eat your fruits and vegetables throughout the day, that can help things stay "regular".
  • mkennedym
    mkennedym Posts: 253 Member
    fiber and water
  • smylex
    smylex Posts: 14
    Fruits and vegetables are essential, but try to eat more vegetables than fruits as fruits are higher in sugar.
  • tdexter
    tdexter Posts: 15
    1/3 cup of natural yoghurt (not activia) with probiotics. Just look for bacteria on the ingredient list. Worked great for me
  • lnmackel
    lnmackel Posts: 11
  • tkc1979
    tkc1979 Posts: 1
    green tea is great, or even a glass of red wine.
  • luppic8
    luppic8 Posts: 580 Member
    drink plenty of water. Hot water with lemon and a dash of tabasco sauce helps too!
  • sweetgal2301
    sweetgal2301 Posts: 26 Member
    if you are only eating fruits and vegetables .... you might not be getting enough food. For example .... hypothetically speaking .... If your body requires 1500 calories and you only get 1000 calories a day .... your body tends to use the 1000 calories and not waste as much as it can. So you will not go to the bathroom. You might go after about 3 days but very lightly because it takes 3 days to accumulate enough waste to pass. Eat a bit more and see how it goes. I would recommend eating more protein while eating high fiber food. I had the same problem and with the above diet it went away.
    Good luck!
  • humblemonkey
    humblemonkey Posts: 576 Member
    I was having really bad...regularity problems around january. I started to take Acidophilis every day and now I go at least once a day. :o) Also-- try to drink a LOT of water, fiber, and include some healthy "good fats" like a drop of EVOO or something...

    Stimulant laxatives are also really bad for you.... If you want "immediate relief"....try taking a cup of prune juice and heating it up a little. It sounds gross but just suck it up and drink it. We do this ALL THE TIME for patients in the hospital and they go within the hour. If they are really having troubles we add a teaspoon of butter. Yes, its unpleasant....but it works!
  • fsugirl26
    fsugirl26 Posts: 207
    Keep in mind too that when you did the colon cleanse, you emptied EVERYTHING out. So you shouldn't be going as much because you don't have as much waste as you did before. I eat a ton of fiber and drink lots of water and still can only go maybe 2-3 times a week now. When you're eating healthier and working out more, your body is more efficient and produces less waste. Unless the constipation becomes painful, I wouldn't try using a laxative, it'll just screw things up even more!
  • I agree with those that mentioned fiber and water. In addition, add a little bit of lemon juice to your water. If you start every morning with a room temperature glass of water with a tablespoon of lemon juice, it should get things moving again.
  • lnmackel
    lnmackel Posts: 11
    Thank You so much! Great advice!
  • momtozmc
    momtozmc Posts: 418 Member
    I add Flax seed to my morning yogurt and my salads... works great.
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