What made you chose your goal weight?

KCB1978 Posts: 113
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
I initially went for a weight I know I am comfortable at but soon changed that to the highest I can be within a healthy BMI... Have alot to lose but determined to do it with the help of all your lovely people xx


  • KickassYas
    KickassYas Posts: 397 Member
    i divided my fat *kitten* by half :P


    no really. thats how i did it. i figured if i could do that... i could do anything.
  • KCB1978
    KCB1978 Posts: 113
    Thats a good idea... I will keep to my first goal but I might push it further and go for that once I am there :)
  • Angel1066
    Angel1066 Posts: 816 Member
    My goal was determined by my bmi, once i'm in the healthily weight range i might change it.
  • i divided my fat *kitten* by half :P

    Hahahhaa great! :)

    I just took a random nummer - of course lower, than my actual weight. I go more for optics!
  • Aribones
    Aribones Posts: 1
    I also used the BMI for my height
  • Kiwijay
    Kiwijay Posts: 216
    I chose mine because I feel it is doable. If I went by BMI or anything like that I would never feel like I could get there. If I get further down than the goal I set myself then I will be well stoked, if not I will be happy to be at MY personal goal weight. :happy:
  • whiskey9890
    whiskey9890 Posts: 652 Member
    mine was a weight i had been before and was comfortable with, looked half decent at and was withing the healthy bmi, i like to cover all bases lol
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    I chose the weight i remember being happy with. Half a stone heavier than i was at my thinnest when everyone told me i was too thin, but i weight i think i can maintain without being silly and extreme
  • Janet39
    Janet39 Posts: 280 Member
    I have choosen my highest healthy BMI too.:smile:

    The fact is it is more important to be healthy and happy, than to be thin.

    So my reasoning is that I will get a healthy BMI, and then will fine tune from there. A healthy weight will be one in which I am happy with what I see in the mirror balanced against the ease of maintaining the weight.

    I am not prepared to be thin and miserable, I do not want to exchange my happy go lucky life for one of striving to reach an unmaintainable goal of being 2lb lighter because that is the arbitary figure I came up with when I had 100lb to loose.

    Horray for common sense:drinker:
  • LeeBeeW
    LeeBeeW Posts: 100
    I chose what I felt was achieveable for me. My 1st goal was to get anywhere (to lose any weight!) then I wanted to get under 100kgs (220lbs) and I did that so I reassessed and knew I would be happy at 80kgs (176lbs). I am almost there.

    You will do it. Set what you want to do and it will happen.
  • fpueblo
    fpueblo Posts: 241 Member
    I weighed 125 before my first pregnancy and I looked healthy I figured since I've had kids 5 more lbs may be a good thing so I picked 5 lbs more then what I weighed before kids....
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    Start was 235. Goal is 135.

    I was 125 in high school so I figured I'd tack an extra ten onto that because grown@$$ women trying to weigh their high school weight is futile. I probably would have set it a bit higher but

    1. 100 is a nice round number.
    2. I am considering a military program and 137 is the upper limit for my height for one of the branches.
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    bmi is worthless

    body fat percentage is better.

    i go on how my body looks, not weight
  • krixi
    krixi Posts: 44 Member
    I also let the bmi scale guide my choice of goal weight. i think my goal weight in smack in the middle of the bmi healthy weight range. with my body and bone structure, that's the lowest i can go and still look and feel good i think... i'm not made to be skinny skinny
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    bmi is worthless

    body fat percentage is better.

    i go on how my body looks, not weight

    Id love to go by that, but to me, i still look the same as i did when i was heavier. I find it really hard to see the difference in the way i look, even though people tell me i look slimmer
  • enoble11
    enoble11 Posts: 2 Member
    I selected the weight on my drivers license.
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355
    I just figured I could do with losing 20lb. Seemed like a good number and would get me back to a healthy weight.
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    I'm aiming for a weight that will make me healthier than my mom.
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    I picked a weight that:
    1) is in the middle/lower bit of healthy BMI
    2) will make me thinnest in my family

    I might make it 5lb lower once I have got there but I'm just going to see how it looks first.
  • mamijujuphat
    mamijujuphat Posts: 407 Member
    I set up my goal weight to this now because I wanted to set it to a goal weight that I'd be sure I could achieve.. once I take it there then lose a bit more until I'm at a healthy body weight....for my size & frame....
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