Lacking Drive and Motivation

Im finding it tough to stay motivated and want to work out. I am usually a person that sits back in the morning after working all night and usually goes to sleep. I wake up and im bored and it would be the perfect time to workout but instead i find myself avoiding it. I recently had my right shoulder freak out on me 3 months ago because of too much heavy lifting. This time i want to go for tone and definition but that means ALOT of cardio. Any feedback on insanity or p90x? I've tried TONS of diff energy drinks, complexes, concentrates, preworkouts...ETC. I do like preworkouts ALOT but they of course do not have the same kick like the first time which forces me to go buy a different one. I listen to music that makes me want to move like DUBSTEP, Heavy Metal, techno, whatever. If you have any motivating songs you would like to share or any hints or tips on how YOU do things, Id love to hear it. PUMP ME UP!


  • ClarkMer
    ClarkMer Posts: 206 Member
    I have found that if I don't feel like working out but force myself to do it anyway once I get going it gets easier. Like once my body feels the burn it warms up to the idea.

    Hope you feel better :)
  • bethdris
    bethdris Posts: 1,090 Member
    Honestly the fact that my kids deserve to have a healthy mom is a motivator for me. I'm not in the toning phase, but the start of a good amount of weight loss. Somedaay I'l be in just toning and maintaing :) I listen to different types of music, which I need to change up. Right now I only do cardio. We have an elliptical trainer I use 6x a week.
    @schmidtmeredith- LOL yeah getting to the gym seems to be my problem most of the time..ill get a burst of energy and act upon it every once in a while or when im po'd but the energy just isnt there...halfway thru a workout im dead...

    @bethdris- I get what you're saying about a healthy parent. I definitely feel the same. My daughter needs me around. haha
  • campbellcjdm
    I am not a morning workout person. I wake up waaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy slow. I have tried setting the alarm for 5am so I can get up, wake up, exercise, shower, and get to work by 7:30am. Fails every time. I do it for about a month, and then I look for the shotgun to take out the alarm clock :) I find the best motivation is to find YOUR peak workout time. I have started working longer days so I can work out at lunch. I can also do evenings, but I feel guilty leaving the kids downstairs while I hit the treadmill or the TotalGym. If I do it as part of my workday, I tend to have energy, not feel guilty working out because of family time, and feel more energized for the second half of my work/home day. Find your personal 'peak energy' time, and figure out why the other times don't work for you - once you get over the excuses, you'll feel MUCH better.
    As for music, I went thru my iPod and picked out a bunch of upbeat songs and put them in a play list. Then I just hit shuffle. When I get tired of them, I move them out of the play list and add in a few others. VARIETY is the key to this one. When you hear a song come on and think 'not again!!', you may also be getting tired of the same workout routine and it's time to 'switch it up'!
    Good luck - key is ... just do something :drinker:
    @campbellcjdm- haha i agree with you on the morning thing. Thats why i work the Graveyard shift but that also screws with my circadian rhythm. So ill find myself tired at different times of the day and then i must refer to a supplement like those dreadful sugar packed energy drinks that dont even work anymore. I do need to switch my playlist up. Thanks for the tips!