egg beaters vs real eggs



  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I'll chime in for egg beaters here. I eat omelets regularly, and if I used regular eggs my cholesterol levels would be unhealthy.

    I feel like some of the reasons to eat real eggs here are a little off the mark. Regarding the comments that egg beaters are "way higher" in sodium, I disagree. It's 115 mg (5% of RDA) vs 65 mg. Also I worry much less about sodium as I exercise regularly and sweat a lot. You can sweat out sodium, but you don't sweat out cholesterol.

    Secondly, protein. It's the same in each.

    And as far as all the other stuff in egg beaters, it is 99% egg whites. All the other ingredients account for less than 1%.

    While I am generally a proponent of choosing the most natural form of any food, in the case of eggs I use the substitute 95% of the time. For the amount of eggs I eat I cannot afford having 71% of my RDA of cholesterol in one egg yolk.

    Your cholesterol would actually improve by eating real eggs with chosterol. The more cholesterol you eat the lower your cholesterol will be due to your liver not having to make as much.

    If you don't mind eating processed foods.....................
  • lbetancourt
    lbetancourt Posts: 522 Member
    Damn! Egg beaters are bad for me?? I never win with this thing. Will finish up the small carton & switch back.. I guess??
  • Aps123
    Aps123 Posts: 71 Member
    Wow - I just happened to see this topic and you all have convinced me. I am not one to waste stuff so I won't throw out the open carton of eggbeaters I started, but when it's done, I am done with it. After that it's egg whites or whole eggs for me from now on! Thank you all!

    same here! thanks!
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    Eggs! It's funny this came up... I was just talking on my feed about how I'm getting chickens this week so I'll have my own farm fresh WHOLE eggs. :tongue:

    Me too, we're in the process of building the chicken coop (does that count as exercise? LOL!)

    Fresh eggs all the way - just limit it to 1 or 2 a day, or mix in egg whites.

    I had to move the coop (8x6x12 shed) 3 miles. :indifferent: Not a fun day (and you're darned right it counted as exercise!). :laugh: But I'm excited to get the chicks! My son wants to name all 2 dozen of them.
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    Eggs! It's funny this came up... I was just talking on my feed about how I'm getting chickens this week so I'll have my own farm fresh WHOLE eggs. :tongue:

    Me too, we're in the process of building the chicken coop (does that count as exercise? LOL!)

    Fresh eggs all the way - just limit it to 1 or 2 a day, or mix in egg whites.

    I had to move the coop (8x6x12 shed) 3 miles. :indifferent: Not a fun day (and you're darned right it counted as exercise!). :laugh: But I'm excited to get the chicks! My son wants to name all 2 dozen of them.

    I forget where, but someone said craigslist is crawling with free chicks after easter (people get tired of them pretty quickly when they aren't fuzzy little balls).
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    Eggs! It's funny this came up... I was just talking on my feed about how I'm getting chickens this week so I'll have my own farm fresh WHOLE eggs. :tongue:

    Me too, we're in the process of building the chicken coop (does that count as exercise? LOL!)

    Fresh eggs all the way - just limit it to 1 or 2 a day, or mix in egg whites.

    I had to move the coop (8x6x12 shed) 3 miles. :indifferent: Not a fun day (and you're darned right it counted as exercise!). :laugh: But I'm excited to get the chicks! My son wants to name all 2 dozen of them.

    I forget where, but someone said craigslist is crawling with free chicks after easter (people get tired of them pretty quickly when they aren't fuzzy little balls).

    Probably not as much where I live (very rural). But yeah, I'm guessing there are a lot of them. The only issue with that is that a lot of those will be colored chicks (dyed) - and usually the only ones they dye are leghorns, which aren't very good hens for a small free range flock (they are flighty).

    If you haven't looked into it, I would suggest researching the different kinds of hens, as there are big differences between breeds and how they handle climate, whether they brood well (which you may or may not want them to do depending on your needs), how many eggs they lay, and how well they deal with people (some get anxious around people and won't lay well if you interact with them at all.)

    Sorry if I'm hijacking the thread, OP. :tongue:
  • donicagalek
    donicagalek Posts: 526
    If you really love egg whites only, separate them yourself. I promise it isn't hard to do. :-) Feed the yolks to a pet, make a facial with them or bake with them. :-D

    Personally, since I only eat an egg about 4 times a week I love my yolks. They keep me feeling fuller for longer. But that's just a personal preference. I'm not going into the whole "preachy" eggs are a perfect food thing.

    But, as a cheapskate I will plead with you not to overpay for a carton of eggs whites.
  • donicagalek
    donicagalek Posts: 526
    On the "Free Chickens" thing. I've looked into it because I live in a super rural area. It's seriously cheaper to get eggs at Aldi.

    You have to make a coop for them, pay for feed, spend time feeding/watering/cleaning the coop. Then if you live in a cold area (I do) you have to have a heat lamp running in the coop all winter (and then do you *want* to care for them in the freezing cold outside?). Also when the weather cools they lay less often. Then after about 3 years they aren't productive egg layers and you're stuck with, basically, pets. :-D

    Unless you are the kind of person that can kill them from meat or be willing to give them to someone else that can do it (I can't).
  • amberaz
    amberaz Posts: 328 Member
    Egg Beaters are not "bad" for you, you just don't get the benefits from the yolk. I eat both. I eat whole eggs more often lately, becaue I am preferring fried eggs over scrambled, but if I eat scrambled, I mix 1 egg with 1 egg beater egg. I do use them to cook a lot of times and have not seen any difference in the outcome. Costco has Egg Beaters, you get 6 cartons for $8, its equal to about 4 dozen eggs. I don't think that's too expensive considering the convenience factor, and you can freeze the cartons, too if you don't use them fast enough.
  • hajjcomb
    hajjcomb Posts: 118 Member

    From a cardiologist at the Mayo Clinic. Just an FYI.

    The interwebs are too funny.
  • caesarslaw
    So....I'm in the minority with this one, but I like my fake eggs in the morning/brunch. I haven't really watched sodium (already watching fats and carbs) but I like the taste of egg beaters and the texture (less rubbery than a real egg). I mix it w/ veggies and some milk and it's delicious. I also find it less messy and that it cooks faster, better etc. I do have eggs once in a while but only when I run out of the fake eggs.
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    I'm on a first name basis with the hens that provide my eggs. They would be greatly offended if I bought egg beaters. :P

    Real, whole foods are always going to win out over man-made concoctions in my book.
  • LoveleeB
    LoveleeB Posts: 560 Member
    I agree with hajjcomb. I LOVE egg beaters. For those who thing the sodium is too high... drink more water? Either way its a matter of opinion regarding taste and how many calories you want to use on an egg.

    I am so picky when it comes to eating eggs (example: I pick and prode until all those white slimey, gooey, portions connected to the yolk are removed before eating. I know there is a real name for that but can't remember.) that egg beaters are perfect for me.
  • aml17
    aml17 Posts: 30 Member
    I agree with hajjcomb. I LOVE egg beaters. For those who thing the sodium is too high... drink more water? Either way its a matter of opinion regarding taste and how many calories you want to use on an egg.

    I am so picky when it comes to eating eggs (example: I pick and prode until all those white slimey, gooey, portions connected to the yolk are removed before eating. I know there is a real name for that but can't remember.) that egg beaters are perfect for me.

    I do the same thing with the slimy things!
  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    I agree with hajjcomb. I LOVE egg beaters. For those who thing the sodium is too high... drink more water? Either way its a matter of opinion regarding taste and how many calories you want to use on an egg.

    I am so picky when it comes to eating eggs (example: I pick and prode until all those white slimey, gooey, portions connected to the yolk are removed before eating. I know there is a real name for that but can't remember.) that egg beaters are perfect for me.

    I do the same thing with the slimy things!
    I do it too, although I don't know why..the whole egg is slimy until its cooked.
    I do like Egg beaters cause they are super fluffy, but if I do egg beaters one day and real egg the next, its gotta be a decent balance. lol
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    I like Eggbeaters, they are easy and most of us are already watching our sodium so if your under.....your under no matter how much sodium you get from the eggbeaters. If there is one thing I have learned it's most things in moderation are fine. I still use real eggs sometimes but for my quick breakfasts to take to work eggbeaters work great for me and they keep me happy and under my calorie goal. So do whats easy for you, just do it in moderation.
  • katschi
    katschi Posts: 689 Member
    Eggs! It's funny this came up... I was just talking on my feed about how I'm getting chickens this week so I'll have my own farm fresh WHOLE eggs. :tongue:

    You lucky duck!!!
  • aml17
    aml17 Posts: 30 Member
    I do it too, although I don't know why..the whole egg is slimy until its cooked.
    I do like Egg beaters cause they are super fluffy, but if I do egg beaters one day and real egg the next, its gotta be a decent balance. lol

    I think I do it because when I was little I always thought the little slimy thing was the actual baby chicken. I now know it isnt.. but after so many years of thinking that I just cant eat it now haha
  • LoveleeB
    LoveleeB Posts: 560 Member
    I am glad I'm not the only one who does that lol. It vaguely reminds me of an ambilical cord :blushing:

    (I know that gives a not so pleasant mental picture!- SORRY)