Hello MFP!

I joined sometime last week, and I fell in love with this site. It has everything I need, and I can track my water intake, too. My name is Kelli, and I live in sunny florida. I am 30, and am starting to love it. (Yes, I did cry on my birthday.) All my life I have been under weight, not necessarily by choice, but thats just my body. I have a very petite and small build, so any inches or pounds I gain, it is very noticable to me. I have just recently quit my job and am now a full time student and an at home mommy. So since I quit my job, I've noticed I'm packing on a few pounds and my butt, thighs, and waist is larger. I don't have much weight to loose (under 10 lbs,) but I am more interested in getting fit and having a toned body. With regular excercise, stretching and meditation, I wish to achieve a sense of wholeness, mind, body and soul. I guess the key word for me is consistancy...I need to create a routine or a healthy habit. Oh and I'm a chocolate lover!


  • popsicle33
    popsicle33 Posts: 108 Member
    Chocolate Lovers Unite! The problem with Florida is, chocolate melts too fast there!

    Welcome, Kelli. I have been here for about 5 weeks and have lost about 1 lb a week, on average. This site works, even if you just want to lose a little weight. There is so much support from other users. Feel free to add me as one of your friends.

    Glad you like the site so much. So do I!
    Amy from Albuquerque
  • Kellikat80
    Kellikat80 Posts: 591 Member
    Thats awesome, congrats on the weightloss! It does seem very supportive here.