New&Sucking! 8 Week challenge anyone???



  • Ambeee11
    Ambeee11 Posts: 51 Member
    so far so good! (24hrs in hahaha)
    stuck to my calories yesterday and done the exercise!

    I've been training with my bro 3 days a week and yesterday just happened to be my train day! We done boxing went for a bike ride and 3x stairs (we've got some big steep hills around this area with some equally steep stairs) my legs are definately feeling the burn today!!! BUT i felt so good afterwards!
    on a side note whilst struggling up the stairs for my 3rd time (heart pounding, sweat dripping!) I got to the last 10m and i did not want to go anymore, I was going to turn around and go back down but then I stopped myself- why do 98% of the stairs? do i cheat just because my brother was at the bottom and couldn't see me? Made me think- How often do I cheat while no one else is looking??? Theres this quote I keep hearing and it rings so true ' character is what you are when no one is looking'

    this is just me and my little epiphany! I want to give everything i've got, rather than give up when it gets a little tough (10m from the finish line? really?) haha sorry just thought i'd share that

    hows everyone else doing?
  • fifibox
    fifibox Posts: 69
    I think if you log in every day, and then post in ur status at the end of each week how you went in the weeks challenge, or blog it, what do u think?:bigsmile:
  • fifibox
    fifibox Posts: 69
    WOW everyone is dong so well and thanks for everyone's honesty!
    Ambeee ur workouts with your bro sound EPIC!!!

    Hype you are so good for getting on that bike when you didn't feel like it! For the 8 week challenge though everyones goals can be different, so if you wanted to start with 15 minutes a day cos youll stick to that then by all means go for it! Its about setting an achievable goal, not one that we'll dread every day. And if you do extra on one day Im sure you can take it off anothers...

    Paige I totes feel ya re the fat thing, I wanted whipped cream with my diet jelly and the cream had like no carbs but the calories were thru the roof it was crazy, those fat calories are outrageous! So what ive been doing to help me keep a track of if I can afford more fat is logging my food througout the day so there's no surprises of disappointment when I do the diary that night, see if you can do that, that way you can guestimate ;-)

    I think it would be helpful if everyone added each other so we can all support and encourage each other, Ive already add you all but you might like to do the same, that way we can read each others blogs, cos I think the blogs might be easier to read then this, but its up to you, post to wherever!

    WOOOOOOOO you guys are awesome. Achievable goals for the 8 week challeneg all the wayyyyyyy!

    :-))) Fifi
  • Lissa40x
    Lissa40x Posts: 5 Member
    Hi there! I have been a very bad poster... well I haven't posted at all. A project landed on my desk that has consumed a lot of time but it is almost done and the presentation is Thursday night and then... Friday! Holiday! Wooo Hoooo! Anyway. I started my diet in January with not much luck....lost a few lbs but not enough to reach my goal by June 17. So I joined a weight loss clinic, I have been excercising (boot camp and riding my bicycle) and I have lost 29 lbs so far. I have been a little off track with this project in my lap but I haven't really cheated, it has been more like lack of excercise and not eating due to lack of time. I am rewriting my schedule this weekend however and should be back on track asap! Talk to you guys soon!
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