Office Cook Out - THIS Friday - HELP!!

boobee32 Posts: 450 Member
edited September 26 in Motivation and Support
The office is grilling out hotdogs and hamburgers this Friday. My first instinct was to politely decline until my boss..although kidding pipes up and says....Karla is anti-social on all office a few other people chimed in with their two cents ok...I am gonna go.

On the menu
desserts - 2 kinds.

My question is this....would it be rude to bring my own lower cal options to have for myself instead of chips and desserts.....i have decided to go ahead and eat a burger, just with lettuce, tomatoe, mustard..and yeah, a bun...and i thought about maybe making myself a salad and bringing it, or some special k crakcers and laughing cow cheese and maybe a vita top for dessert instead of eating the chips and stuff that i could just mindlessly fill up on....or should I just bite the bullet and have a small amount, and be done with it and work out really hard that nite? Its gonna be hard, I wont lie...thats why i usually just opt OUT of these things....


  • crissi66
    crissi66 Posts: 98
    How about bringing a fruit salad. that is always enjoyable and healthy .
  • SpaceMarkus
    SpaceMarkus Posts: 651
    NOPE! I do it. You could bring some Boca burgers for yourself, maybe some veggie chips and hummus, etc. It may raise some questions and you could spread the word about healthy eating :)
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    I think you should bring the food that you want to eat! Don't let what people think sabotage you! If you would like to indulge and enjoy what they are offering, then I would say enjoy it, watch your portions and get back on track for your next meal. But, if you would really prefer NOT to eat that stuff, then don't! I pass on office parties and potlucks all the time!
  • fatlass70
    fatlass70 Posts: 136 Member
    Sounds to me like they want your company at the party - I don't think they have invited you just so you'll eat the food LOL! I think you are safe to take your own food, no-one should object to you wanting to be healthier. They may be a bit sad there's not enough for them too - so may be worth making and taking a little extra?

    Good luck i hope you have fun.
  • tyslade
    tyslade Posts: 1
    Fruit salad or a garden salad is a great side option. What about a naked hamburger? Leave the bun off saving about 200 calories and keep the lettuce tomato and mustard.
  • boobee32
    boobee32 Posts: 450 Member
    well. those that read my regular posts know that I am ALWAYS running in the opposite direction from all the bad food coming in here...these people loooove to eat...and its sad. I would like to enjoy the cookout, and will with the burger. I like the fruit salad idea...or maybe even fruit plate from the grocery store....I am afraid if i indulge, I wont be able to control
  • bgeer34
    bgeer34 Posts: 135 Member
    In the end you are responsible for YOU.. and if they want your company this badly then they will understand whatever you choose to bring for yourself. We have office lunch every other month... I just fix something at home and sit with them while they eat what was ordered and I eat my food from home... they give me a hard time but I just tell them, "I'm sorry but I am not sabotaging everything I've worked so hard to accomplish with a chili cheese dog, fries, or whatever the "poison" of the day is." They generally accept it as long as they get their free food....

    So if you really WANT the burger... eat it... if the bun is too many calories, do you have a lower cal bun from home you could bring and switch them out with no one really noticing? And get a bigger fruit plate/salad and offer to share.. they will think you are so nice and you'll have something you can eat too. Great compromise.. have fun :)
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    If you want to bring something that fits your life style, do it. No one should have a problem with it. If they do that is their problem.
    Have a burger without a bun and if they have lettuce and tomato put that on top. Maybe you'll inspire someone else.
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    well. those that read my regular posts know that I am ALWAYS running in the opposite direction from all the bad food coming in here...these people loooove to eat...and its sad. I would like to enjoy the cookout, and will with the burger. I like the fruit salad idea...or maybe even fruit plate from the grocery store....I am afraid if i indulge, I wont be able to control

    I know what you mean... we have potlucks for every holiday and special occassion that rolls around. My co-workers tell, "just eat a little". I know me and I know that I have a hard time controlling myself in those types of situations because I want to taste everything until I find something that I actually like; and by that time, I've already eaten way too much! So, I just bring my lunch & snacks like I do everyday! You can be there, be social and enjoy the day. But, you don't have to eat what they eat!
  • audjrey
    audjrey Posts: 360 Member
    I'm with SpaceMarkus and pds06 on their suggestions and love the fruit salad idea. As for the burger, either bring your own and ask them to cook it or eat their burger without the bun and load up on salad stuff. In fact, make a salad from all the burger toppings they offer. If anyone asks what you're doing, just wink and say, "Gotta keep in hot sexy form for my husband!" I find that usually shuts most people up and gets a few giggles as well lol!

    As an aside, if your office has a suggestion box I'd be sure to drop some healthier food choices for the next cook outs! Maybe even a pot-luck!!
  • boobee32
    boobee32 Posts: 450 Member
    I have been designated to bring the drinks for everyone.....haha..I told them I was going to bring WATER!! THAT got a few looks....

    I think I will eat the burger....not sure with or without the bun......and I will make myself a salad and bring THAT with me instead of eating chips....that way I will be sure and get full...and wont be trying to graze through the chips and desserts....(and maybe I will even bring a vita top so I will be sure to stay away from the dessert) or....I may swing by the grocery store and see what kind of fruit plate they have there and bring that as well.
    Ok....thats the plan....THANKS are so right in that it is soooo not worth it for me to sabotage what i have worked hard to accomplish these past few months.
    Any idea how many calories are in a grilled burger, i am sure it will be the fatty ground beef....sigh....
  • boobee32
    boobee32 Posts: 450 Member

    My co-workers tell me..., "just eat a little".

    Thats exactly what the girl told me when i gave her back the paper and told her no thanks, i would decline.....

    NOT easy to do....
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    so your not going now?
  • boobee32
    boobee32 Posts: 450 Member
    no, I am going....I tried to decline until the boss made the comment that he did...and I know he was kidding..but I Dont want them to think that way of me....I will just eat the burger and bring my own sides.
  • ekicinsk
    ekicinsk Posts: 92 Member
    Have a burger, heck, have a little piece of dessert, it won't kill you! A small dessert may be high in fat and sugar but if you're good for the rest of the day, it likely won't set you back.

    What I did for my last office pot luck was make fruit kabobs and a dip w/ greek yogurt and they were a total hit! Everyone loved eating food off a stick and they look so impressive. I just got wood kabob skewers and 4 fruits (pineapple, strawberries, melon and grapes) and alternated them on the stick. Pretty, fun and yummy!
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