Is quitting Diet coke really important?

Hi! i just joined MFP because a friend reccomended it and I am enjoying the calorie counts and the exercise journal. I have been working out now for a little over a month for about an hour 3-4 times a week.(combo cardio and strength) and I have been watching what I eat and I haven't really lost any wieght yet and my clothes are still tight. My main source of liquids is diet coke which I know is terribly unhealthy but could it be keeping me from losing the weight? I have about 48 lbs to lose and would like to see my hard woork pay off. Any support would be helpful!


  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    Well, the chemicals in it are crippling.

    Just have a real coke sometimes and keep it mostly to water.
  • xaintes
    xaintes Posts: 129
    I used to be an avid diet coke drinker, but I stopped drinking it entirely because of the sodium content. Be sure to log all diet drinks consumed so you can keep track of sodium, and be sure to get some regular water, too.
  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
    You'll be much better off in the long run if you quit.
  • jenniferg83
    jenniferg83 Posts: 278 Member
    do you log in the diet coke to see whats in it? maybe switch to water
  • TNAJackson
    TNAJackson Posts: 686 Member
    Personally, I won't give it up. It's like a drug to me... I have to have it.
  • SimplyDeLish
    You'll get tons of comments both pro and con on this one. I gave up my beloved DC (4 liters a day) when I started MFP. I haven't noticed any difference in ability to lose weight after the first week (when the water weight left). Just my true to life experience.
  • simplynila
    simplynila Posts: 54 Member
    Diet coke, as all diet sodas and regular sodas for that matter, have a lot of sodium. Sodium makes you retain water! Read Jillian Michaels, "Master Your Metabolism", she's got some great insight on sodas. It says in there that for every can of coke that your drinking that you should drink twice that in water just to counter act the affects! That's a lot of water! :) I use crystal light in my water to change it up a little bit. One a day isn't going to kill ya, but you should definitely drink more water!
  • SheilaSisco
    SheilaSisco Posts: 722 Member
    And really... if you HAVE to have coke... Because I get that way too.... I just cut WAY back with it.... I only have maybe 2 or 3 a week now and I drink Coke Zero. WAY less sodium and no calories, sugars, etc.
  • pinksoldier
    stop drinking diet coke lol......i know how you feel, i was there......totally addicted to diet coke. i still drink some, but maybe one or two in a week. i got myself off it by drinking a glass of water before i drank a diet coke. it helped me get full quicker and after time, i found myself drinking only maybe a half a can because i just wasn't thirsty anymore.
    if you don't like water plain, try adding some crystal lite packets to it. i'm serious tho.....soda is a killer negative for weight loss!
  • BobbyDaniel
    BobbyDaniel Posts: 1,460 Member
    Start replacing some of the diet drink with water and build up from there, your body will respond much better. Personally, I still drink 1 coke zero a day most days, but that is it...but I also drink 12 or more cups of water a day too.
  • nicolej216
    I personally was a heavy pop drinker (reg non diet)until 3 1/2 weeks ago and since my life style changes i drink diet coke everyday 1 or 2 cans and no more i work out 6 days a week and i have lost 16 lbs to date so i say drink it just less of it and lots of water i dont know if i could ever give pop up completely!Hope this helps.....And good luck on your journey! :~)
  • LillysGranny
    You need to switch to water--aim for 8 glasses per day, more if you workout hard and/or consume a lot of caffeine (it dehydrates you). And if you need a caffeine boost like most of the diet coke addicts I know, have green tea or coffee. At least it isn't a bunch of chemical crap.
  • ronda_gettinghealthy
    ronda_gettinghealthy Posts: 777 Member
    AAAAAaaaaCCCCCccccKKKKKkkkk Diet drinks are POISON- that said I do love a good ice cold Diet Dr. Pepper. till I really found out what is in them and how really harmful they are for you. I gave them up long before MFP so I dont know how it will affecdt your weight loss- but from my experience my health, mental clarity and general body aches all improved from the stoppage of this nectare of the gods. LOL it is hard the headache was a real killer for several days, but worth it in the end.
  • JennyJogger
    To cut back on Diet Coke I quit buying it at the grocery store. But every time I go out to eat I order one ;) If I told myself I could never have diet soda again, I'm the type that would go out & buy a 12 pack that day, haha.
  • chelsifina
    chelsifina Posts: 346 Member
    My mother was a avid DC drinker all of her life (before Diet Coke was around it was Tab!) and she drank very little water. She now has kidney stones, which her doc says is a direct result. May don't quit so much as look at it as a treat, and only have a couple a day while still get your 64 ozs of water a day. As Buddha says: "Everything in moderation, including moderation."
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Artificial sweeteners which is what is in diet coke aren't good for you - at all. It can and often will hinder your weight loss - even though it is "diet". If it is the caffeine you need - find an alternative for it. (I went from Mt Dew to coffee for the caffeine). Let me tell you that you won't feel so hot as you give it up though. When I gave up Dew, I had a headache, stomachache and felt like crap for a week. But, it was worth it. I dropped 7lbs giving up pop completely.
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    I would definitely cut back and swap some water for some of the diet coke, but you probably don't need to give it up altogether. In addition to the sodium that people have mentioned, you're consuming a lot of caffeine which can overstimulate your adrenals, increase cortisol production, and other things that can mess with your metabolism. That said, though, this is probably not what is keeping you from losing weight, and you need to take a real close look at what you are eating - losing nothing over that period of time suggests calories in are equal to calories out.
  • jeneey
    jeneey Posts: 48
    I personally think Diet Coke is bad all the way around, any soda really. I use to be the queen of DC and have stopped entirely. I drink average 12 glasses of water per day - sometimes more. Once you get into the routine of it, nothing else will do except for water. I highly recommend stopping it, but if you have to have it, one a day with lots of H2O.
  • sweetpeaga7
    If you have to have Coke you are much better off indulging in a regular classic coke than the diet ones. The diet cokes have SOOOO many chemicals and nasty things in them that they end up being worse for you than a regular coke. Just sayin. If it were me I would definitely quit. I drink all water all the time and every once in a while I will indulge in a regular Coke.