Stupid Question



  • I am not sure; but I would not stop in the mean time. Can you get any walking in while your kids are at track?
  • I see someone answered you after I replied. I had to smile at your next post, now I know somethings I do arent that crazy. I just koined a couple days ago, but I have enjoyed the site so far.
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    I agree. I've read articles that say studies show that even 5 or 10 minutes at a time is better than nothing.

    Some exercise = better than no exercise. :)

    I agree however I believe the REAL question posed is not whether it is heathy but can you add up 4, 5 min walks as exercising 20 min? (walking 3.0 walking a dog)
  • Everything helps, everything however you do not go into fat burning mode until 20 min of consecutive movement.....I worked with an exercise physiologist for 2 years as I was taking off 140 pounds and learned a lot about it. I hope this helps. Also in order to not burn your proteins and muscle eating carbs prior to a good work out not only gives you energy when the "burn" starts the body will attack the carbs and then go into fat burning ..... if the body has no carbs during a work out it will attach any lean muscle and burn it.....This is why breakfast is so important in jump starting the metabolism.
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,013 Member
    I agree. I've read articles that say studies show that even 5 or 10 minutes at a time is better than nothing.

    Some exercise = better than no exercise. :)

    I agree however I believe the REAL question posed is not whether it is heathy but can you add up 4, 5 min walks as exercising 20 min? (walking 3.0 walking a dog)

    Wel, not even 3.0 I would just use the 2.0. but yes, that was what I was getting at, in a round about way. Just on those days where the kids are busy and I am driving here and there and everywhere. For the track meets, I usuallm am watching them because it is a meet, not practice. I get home from work right about the time practice is almost over. So, I go home, let the dogs out, feed the dogs and go get the girls. I bet I could add them in separately on here, I haven't yet though. I just decided to do this instead of doing nothing on the busy days.
  • Now, you may think I am nuts, but I am going to ask anyways. Now, at work we only get so much time for lunch. and at home, if things are crazy then I only walk on the treadmil for a few minutes. So, my real question is....

    If I walk 10 min here and 5 min there through out the day, does it really help things? Like last night, I was interrupted and only got in 10 min of walking. Then tonight the kids have track, and I may only get in the 10 min I walked at lunch (around my department) and maybe another 10-15 at home. Is it worth it? So, is short 5-10 min walks better than nothing or should I just walk when I can do a longer stretch, like 30 min?

    You've already gotten some great responses, but I'm going to throw my 2 cents in as well.

    First, it isn't a stupid question! Actually it's very relevant. The truth is, no, working out in short 5 or 10 minute intervals is not the same as working out for 30 minutes or more. BUT! It is still good for you, and way better than sitting on your butt instead! You're getting up and moving and that's something to be proud of.

    Working out for a longer period of time (30 minutes is a good target to start with) has definite advantages: keeping your heart rate up for longer is better aerobic exercise, it burns more calories (because your HR is up for longer), and it uses more energy from fat stores (as opposed to glycogen stored in your muscles). If you can only exercise for short bursts, though, there's nothing to be ashamed of, that's still burning calories, making you healthier, and bringing you closer to your goal!

    A couple of strategies for you:
    - Try to figure out where you can find that extra 30 minutes. For me, it involved cutting my hair a bit shorter so that it was easier to manage, getting up just a little earlier, doing my high intensity 30 minute workout (right now I'm doing Jillian Michaels' Ripped in 30 - yowza!), showering, and letting my hair air dry rather than blowdrying it. I cut a little bit of fat out of my morning routine and made room for my workout - try to find a place where you can do the same!
    - Instead of walking on a treadmill, try doing something high intensity. I believe someone earlier in the thread suggested high intensity interval training, which would be perfect if you've got limited time. The Jillian workout I just mentioned is something you might try - it's just a matter of finding 26 minutes to do it, giving it your all in that small time frame, and doing it consistently.
    - Try incorporating exercise into things you do every day. On your lunch break, do some push ups. Watching the kids? Take them outside and run and play with them. Cleaning house? Do a squat when you need to get low, keep a fast pace, and you'll find that your heart gets pumping!

    Good luck & take care!
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,013 Member
    Thanks so much! I will try to find the time, even if I have to skip sleep. LOL
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