day before a weight in

I am in a biggest looser weight loss compitition with alot of money banking on my weekly weigh in's. I would like some advice as to
what I should or shouldnt eat or drink the day before weigh in or is there something I can do to make the number alittle higher without
starvation lol. I go to the gym 5-6 days a week now , so should I be doing more cardio or weights day or days prior.
Thanks for the help ! :happy: :smile: :blushing: :flowerforyou:


  • GLLove
    GLLove Posts: 77
    I've been wondering the same thing.
  • angp7711
    angp7711 Posts: 324 Member
    Really watch sodium content and carbs the day before they both cause water retention.
  • KickassYas
    KickassYas Posts: 397 Member
    all i can think of is drink tons and tons of water and avoid sodium and high fat foods.
  • imaprncs
    imaprncs Posts: 77 Member
    drink LOTS of water
  • merrillfoster
    merrillfoster Posts: 855 Member
    Eat lightly and save some calories for a glass or two of red (though white prob works too) wine. I'll get yelled at, but I'm always at least 2-3 lbs lighter the night after I indulge a bit (just don't go overboard, eat a light dinner, and don't let the wine make you feel that an entire pizza is a perfectly acceptable midnight snack, lol!!!!!)
  • Drunkadelic
    Drunkadelic Posts: 948 Member
    - Cardio and little to no strength training (sore muscles retain water)
    - Lots of water!
    - Low sodium!
    - Lots of fiber (to get everything moving)
    - I usually make it a low day (try to stay around 1200 to 1300 calories and don't eat back my exercise calories that day)
    - I also don't eat 2-3 hours before bedtime

    And then I weigh myself first thing in the morning after using the potty :P
  • traciestacie
    Low carbs and high protein, lots of water should do the trick along with some of the other suggestions listed here.
  • JS506
    JS506 Posts: 6
    Avoid sodium and carbs at least three days before. Drink tons of water the few days before to flush the body out(also fiber). But the day of your weigh in don't drink much at all as it will add to your weight. Take a midol(pms medicine) a few hours before as is will help reduce bloating ie water weight. I also do this before I get into a swimsuit just to feel more confident. The day before and day of I would do lots of cardio. Save your weights for the other days. The day of weigh in I would eat things like a protien bar to keep me satisfied. I am a cheerleader for a semi pro football team and before photoshoots/games(we wear half tops) these are some things we do to slim down. Good luck to you! I hope you win the competition!!
  • themomma66
    Thank you everyone! I will log in Fri morning after weight in!