hello out there

Hey, just decided to log into this site. Not that i am new to weight loss- in the past four years i've dropped about 70 lbs, haven't been on a diet for quite sometime though since i have been decently happy with my body as is. I am 5'4" at 132 lbs, so while i necessarily do not need to lose weight, it would be nice to drop 10 lbs or so. Unfortunately these last 10lbs will be the death of me it seems. My body does not want to shed them. keep my calories at around 1200- go jogging for calorie burn between 500-1000 about 4 or 5x a week. Ive even attempted to integrate weight lifting. So I've been back on this diet thing for almost 3 wks, haven't seen much of a change. I'm guessing it may be muscle gain- i'm hoping anyway ;) hopefully the pounds will start shedding.


  • beach61273

    I just joined the site today. Need some motivation to shed this winter weight. :-)
  • Rollyrover
    Rollyrover Posts: 68 Member
    Welcome you 2. I been with this site for 4-5 weeks now and its great. very nice people on here