
Lately whenever I work out...usually walking on treadmill or outside, I get a headache when I am done. Today not only do I have a headache, but I feel really blah...just kinda like I have the flu. I felt fine before I walked and the longer I sit here the better I feel. Anyone had this problem? Any idea what I can do about it? Someone suggested vitamin B2???? Ever heard of that?


  • mandykasase
    mandykasase Posts: 110
    been there, i call it the hangover effect. When i work out i sweat and if don't drink plenty of water i get that feeling. My trick is to drink a lot more water when i work out and i also have a banana before and after the work out. This keeps the headaches away. it gets better with time. I take multi vets as well and they contain B2 and B6.
  • Angie80281
    Angie80281 Posts: 444 Member
    Are you getting enough water before and after your workouts? I get these headaches sometimes too, usually because I'm dehydrated. It could also be from not getting enough sleep the night before or eating bad foods before working out. Try eating some protein and drinking water following your workout, and of course remember to stay hydrated throughout the day and eat enough beforehand to fuel your workout.
  • parvati
    parvati Posts: 432 Member
    I went through this for months!!! Docs even sent me for a CT scan.
    Turns out I was dehydrated. You should up your fluid levels & cut out any caffeinated beverages for a few days. :)
  • ShakenWithJoy
    try to keep yourself well hydrated. Plenty and well hydrated means the 8-12 cups per day of water on top of any other fluid you drink. Sometimes we loose focus on cool, refreshing plain water.

    If you exercise everyother day, drink plenty the day before too. Who wants to exercise with H2O sloshing around? Get it into your cells the night before :)

    You say this is "lately" - look back on your journal and see if anything has changed in your diet? change in weather (new allergy)? change in exercise environment?

    If you take any regular meds for anything - how long has it been since you've been to the Dr? maybe your good health needs a med adjustment :)
  • Sigra
    Sigra Posts: 374 Member
    I've been having the same problem but only when I'm not working out - I've been drinking tons of water, so I'm not sure were it's coming from :|
  • reba971
    reba971 Posts: 80
    Thanks! I do drink plenty of water, but it is usually in the evening, I drink coffee in the morning (I know...bad, but I love it!) no more than 2 cups, then I drink water the rest of the day, but most of it is at night, so maybe I need to make sure I am getting more before the workout. My diet has not changed, nor my routine. That is why I am questioning it. I will try more water in the morning before I work out, see if that helps. And maybe a banana or protein bar before the workout. The other problem is my sleep patterns are kinda eratic, I get 5 hours some nights and 9 on other nights! Probably messing with me too, but that is nothing new either.
    Thanks for all your ideas!
  • Sarahr73
    Sarahr73 Posts: 454 Member
    I used to have that problem and for me it was not enough water. Make sure you drink some water before you exercise and again after. That helped me with mine. Hope it works for you too.