
I'm struggling a little at themoment, to either find time or energy to exercise.

I work full time, and have a 18 month old very active son. From 6.30am until 7.30pm i'm either sorting my son out, dropping/picking up from Nursery or working. Finally when my son is in bed at 7.30pm I have some time to myself, however after clearing up, wasing etc, I can't seem to find the motivation to exercise....i'm usually dead on my feet and starving by then.

I'm trying to get to nursery at 5.30pm and run for 15 mins before picking my son up, but again finding i'm only making it twice a week, and i'm always harrassed.

I have a wii fit, xbox dance etc, but never seem to find the energy or time to do it - any motivational tips or vitamin supplements etc to give me more energy etc would be gratefully received.



  • cherrieruns
    cherrieruns Posts: 342 Member
    having an infant makes fitting it all in tough. You are tired because you are going all day. You may need to just give yourself credit for what you are able to do and work from there. You don't mention a father. Is that someone who can help out? Maybe with the cleaning or something so that you don't feel so stressed for time. The other thing to consider, if possible, is a walk/run during your lunch. Good luck in finding that schedule that will work for you.
  • abbie017
    abbie017 Posts: 410
    Wow, you have a busy day! Are you able to try to work out in the morning? Maybe before your son gets up? I'm not sure how feasible it is for you, but I find that the gym in the morning makes me more alert for the day, gives me more energy, and I've heard it also kick-starts your metabolism for the day. Once you put your son down for the night, too, you could have a protein-rich snack and then do a quick workout? The protein should give you some energy.

    Other than squeezing more hours into the day (which is something I'm also working on!), I'm not sure what else to suggest. Good luck, and know that you can do this! It'll be challenging, but it isn't permanent!
  • 1crazymom
    1crazymom Posts: 434 Member
    I have a 5yr old and a 11 month old. It's been tuff, but for the last 2 weeks I've been pushing myself to wake up 5am and exercise at home. Very tired before I start but a great boost of energy for most of the day. Good luck.
  • pixietoes
    pixietoes Posts: 1,591 Member
    Bless your heart, it sounds as if you are nearly overwhelmed. That's not unusual for someone with a young child and a career. In fact, I imagine that why so many young mothers start the pattern of putting on weight and not being good to themselves, taking care of their bodies.

    Here's the thing, and trust me, I didn't get this in my 20's or even my 30's. YOU are the only one who can decide what is important in your life and align your actions to your goals. Right now your biggest goal might be to rest more in which case you can stop punishing yourself for working toward that goal. You can wish for a change in your physique, most of us do, but if it's your goal you will move in that direction. You don't have to go to a gym to get it done but you do have to move every day. If it's your goal to change your body you will find a way. You don't need 30 continuous minutes, you can find 10 minutes morning, midday and evening. If you haven't been exercising much making that change will be a big difference for you. It did for me. I still have days when I don't want to move, yesterday was one of them. Tell yourself "just 10 minutes and then I can sit down and put my feet up". I did that yesterday and wound up moving for 20 minutes.

    We all have the exact same 24 hours a day. We fill those hours with what is necessary and what is desired. You can do this, but only if it's really what you want for yourself. Good luck!
  • dawnannmacg
    I am in the same boat. I am the primary drop off and pick up for my son. It takes me about 30 mins to get into work and 45 mins to get home. By the time the baby goes to bed at 7:30pm , I am beat! I workout on my lunch, and when I get home I try to take the baby out for a short walk. It doesn't always happen though.
    I sometimes try to add little things in during the day. Squats while brushing my teeth, drying & flat ironing my hair. I play with the baby, doing leg lifts or arm lifts with him (safely). We have a little group at work that gets together and goes for 10 min walks on our breaks.
  • bella2509
    bella2509 Posts: 36 Member
    Thanks for all your help, tips and encouragement.....I like the idea of trying to do just 10mins and ending up doing 20mins or more, I think I may try and aim for 10-15mins a day and see what I actually end up doing.

    My husband is pretty good and cleaning and tidying so I am lucky in that respect but like dawnannmacg I am the primary carer for my son as my husband quite often works very long hours.

    I think i'll go home now and take my son to the park for a 15 minute kick around! Every little helps, as Tesco's say!!!

    Claire x
  • Annalotte
    I have a 12 month old and was in the exact same boat. I ended up pushing past my fatigue and forced myself to exercise after she went to bed. Oddly, after I got going I ended up having more energy than when I started. Getting going is the hardest part and I am for sure tired but I feel better when I exercise and my endorphins are up so I can handle it all better. Then once you start seeing the weight come off you will feel more motivated to keep going. I either get up early or exercise after she is in bed. Sometimes I take her to the daycare at the gym. My dd still doesn't sleep through the night so I feel the tired thing. You can do it!! Good luck.
  • Annalotte
    I have a 12 month old and was in the exact same boat. I ended up pushing past my fatigue and forced myself to exercise after she went to bed. Oddly, after I got going I ended up having more energy than when I started. Getting going is the hardest part and I am for sure tired but I feel better when I exercise and my endorphins are up so I can handle it all better. Then once you start seeing the weight come off you will feel more motivated to keep going. I either get up early or exercise after she is in bed. Sometimes I take her to the daycare at the gym. My dd still doesn't sleep through the night so I feel the tired thing. You can do it!! Good luck.
  • yyzdnl
    yyzdnl Posts: 127 Member
    You may want to look into workouts at

    They are very short very intense workouts mostly bodyweight exercises that you could do at home in AM before you wake up your son. They are built on the "Tabata" principle of 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest for 8 repetitions or 4 min.

    If you performed three different exercises you would be putting out a good amount of work in 12 minutes.

    At first I thought the workouts would be to hard for me but I tried, just did what I could, and found I got a great workout I could feel all day in a real short amount of time.

    Good Luck,
  • megansmom311
    Well, I'm a mom of three, so I can totally relate. My biggest suggestion would be to wake up thirty minutes earlier in the morning and workout before your son wakes up. I find that if I wait until the kids are in bed at night to exercise, that I'm too exhausted to move my butt off the couch. So I make it a point to wake up early and workout, if only three or four mornings a week. Also, I personally feel so much better when I start the day off exercising, I have tons more energy to chase after the kids!

    Good luck! You can do this! :flowerforyou: