
Okay... so I lost 5 pounds the first, 4 the second... and 1 last week. I'm discouraged... to say the least, but I'm really trying to put it all back together this week... so I was thinking maybe my calorie intake was my problem... I didn't change anything else. I was also sick last week... so that might have been a problem... I drank OJ on a few occasions... and I counted the calories... so two days in a row I had 200 calories worth of OJ and I didn't add 200 calories for food. I allowed the calories to remain liquid.

No one yell at me about the "magic number" bull... I try to eat 1200 calories... just because that's as low as she'll pretty much go. I don't really exercise... I mean, I do and when I do I count it, and I also put that I'm sedentary... this isn't always true... because I work at a daycare... and anyone with kids who actively participates with them... will tell you that they're all over the place... and then you wind up being too. However, I didn't want to put anything more than that, just because I wouldn't be working out regularly.

Okay, so... at a sedentary lifestyle... MyFitnessPal recommends I eat 1350 calories. I would up it, but I'm terrified that I won't lose weight because it's obviously 150 calories more than I "officially" need... I do pretty well on nutrition, because I try to keep things pretty balanced. I also drink a TON of water. However, I don't really "work out." I do crunches, girly push ups (GO easy... I'm working on it haha) and butt crunches in the morning just to help tone along the way, but nothing ground breaking, so I don't log it...

What should I do about my calories or do you have some other kind of advice? Please be constructive and not negative. Stay critical in a polite manner. ;-)

I know I'll need to eventually establish a work out routine. I'm not making excuses, I'm just saying I want to start with food first, and allow that to be a realistic lifestyle change... then when I'm ready, I'll make the workout change.

I use to run and dance in high school... after two years of college, I stopped running and dancing... but I NEVER stopped eating like a runner or dancer... hence... the weight gain.

<3 Kit Kat


  • aml17
    aml17 Posts: 30 Member
    I have no advice as far as your calories because I just don't know... I just wanted to say don't get discouraged! Look at the big picture, instead of looking at each week separately. you're down 10 pounds in 3 weeks! that's awesome!
  • ObsessivelyObsessingObsessions
    You think soo? Thanks. that's certainly helpful!
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member
    If you lose a lb a week you will be doing good. It is better to go slow, helps your skin retain shape and it makes it easier for you to keep it off in the long run.
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    If you work at a daycare, I would reset your activity level to 'lightly active'. On MFP, the 'activity level' is meant to represent your normal workday. Conscious attempts to exercise are logged separately. (MFP is different from most other sites in this regard.)

    Your calorie deficit is calculated this way:

    (BMR+ activity level calories) - 500 for a 1lb per week weight loss. Exercise calories are added back in when you log them to keep you at the 500 calorie deficit.

    It sounds as though you are probably not eating enough and that your activity level was set incorrectly.

    If you want to see how MFP has worked out your numbers, go to your Goals page.
  • ck163044
    ck163044 Posts: 5
    I know this is not what you want to hear but I will tell you anyway. Women typically loose weight slower than men. They also retain water more. Water weight is just that. It is not fat which is good. Water weight comes and goes quickly you may loose 3 - 5 pounds in a day depending on your water intake so keep this in mind. If you are drinking alot more water and fluids you will naturally retain more especially if you are not doing any cardovascular excercise to sweat out water. Do not be discouraged the water weight will not stay with you. Keep up the good work 9 pounds in three weeks is great and it sounds like you are right on track. Be carefull not to consistantly go below the 1200 - 1400 calorie mark. Your body will react and start conserving fat. You do not want that.
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    I would still probably put "lightly active" for your activity. Working at a daycare is definitely more than just sedentary. I had mine set to sedentary at first because it was winter so aside from working out, I wasn't doing anything except sitting on the couch. I then did some research and set my activity as "Very active" my calories went up by about 500. Once I started eating more, the weight came off and hasn't stopped. You'll just have to do some tweaking and see what starts to work for you. As for weight loss, remember that 1-2 pounds a week is recommended and a healthy pace to lose at. Don't get discouraged, just do some experimenting and you'll figure out what works.
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    I know this is not what you want to hear but I will tell you anyway. Women typically loose weight slower than men. They also retain water more. Water weight is just that. It is not fat which is good. Water weight comes and goes quickly you may loose 3 - 5 pounds in a day depending on your water intake so keep this in mind. If you are drinking alot more water and fluids you will naturally retain more especially if you are not doing any cardovascular excercise to sweat out water.

    This is not entirely true.

    It is true that women tend to lose weight more slowly, mainly because they tend to have less muscle mass.

    You do not retain water by consuming more water. In fact, it's just the opposite--the more you drink, the less you retain because your body is receiving a steady supply of it and has no reason to hang onto it (excepting that one week a month for menstruating females).

    Your sodium intake and your simple carb intake will both influence your water retetnion though, so if you feel water weight is a problem, watch those two nutrients.
  • ObsessivelyObsessingObsessions
    rileamoyer- Thanks... I never thought about giving my body time to catch up with my weight loss... the LAST thing I want is to have loose skin... that'd be totally upsetting.

    Atlantique- well I kind of set it that way on purpose. I guess it's just hard to get myself to accept that fact that lower calories doesn't necessarily mean more weight loss. I just saw 5 then 4lbs drop and thought... "Hot damn, hell yes ma'am, that's what I want to do then." haha!!!

    ck163044- no, that's fine with me... that may be where my extra weight came from last week... I guess I need to go ahead and accept a possible 1350 as a good number... maybe I'll even see what the lightly active profile looks like... I don't want to store fat... I guess if I'm not hungry I just don't see how I'm losing weight... haha!!!
  • ObsessivelyObsessingObsessions
    I know this is not what you want to hear but I will tell you anyway. Women typically loose weight slower than men. They also retain water more. Water weight is just that. It is not fat which is good. Water weight comes and goes quickly you may loose 3 - 5 pounds in a day depending on your water intake so keep this in mind. If you are drinking alot more water and fluids you will naturally retain more especially if you are not doing any cardovascular excercise to sweat out water.

    This is not entirely true.
    It is true that women tend to lose weight more slowly, mainly because they tend to have less muscle mass.

    You do not retain water by consuming more water. In fact, it's just the opposite--the more you drink, the less you retain because your body is receiving a steady supply of it and has no reason to hang onto it (excepting that one week a month for menstruating females).

    Your sodium intake and your simple carb intake will both influence your water retetnion though, so if you feel water weight is a problem, watch those two nutrients.

    Well see that's what I read... so my sodium intake stays (usually between 1500-2000, which I heard is high? I <3 rice...) so I drink a lot of water to flush some of it out... I drink about 5-12 glasses a day... I fear flushing out my nutrients... so I try to drink... a cup of like G2 or V8 daily as well.
  • ObsessivelyObsessingObsessions
    By Gawd... lmfao! It says 1500 calories a day for lightly active... eee... seems high, when I've been eating soo low... I'll try it though... for a week... haha

    Thanks Kat120285 for encouraging me to up it. Thanks to anyone who replied or is helping me out. I really appreciate it.
  • mommybrain82
    I am right there with you on not eating enough calories. I am supposed to eat 1200 (plus whatever calories added after running) and I do usually eat right about there, but the days that I run I don't eat nearly enough! My weight loss is not great-it has stalled out as a result.

    I know it is hard to workout when you work with kids all day (I am a stay at home, homeschooling mom of 3 under 7). I used to work in a daycare as well and I was EXHAUSTED at the end of the day. However, something like Pilates would be great for you because you don't get exhausted like you do when you are doing full blown cardio but it really, really works! You will start feeling leaner and your stomach will start showing results within a few weeks. I just wanted to throw that out there :).
  • ObsessivelyObsessingObsessions
    I am right there with you on not eating enough calories. I am supposed to eat 1200 (plus whatever calories added after running) and I do usually eat right about there, but the days that I run I don't eat nearly enough! My weight loss is not great-it has stalled out as a result.

    I know it is hard to workout when you work with kids all day (I am a stay at home, homeschooling mom of 3 under 7). I used to work in a daycare as well and I was EXHAUSTED at the end of the day. However, something like Pilates would be great for you because you don't get exhausted like you do when you are doing full blown cardio but it really, really works! You will start feeling leaner and your mach will start showing results within a few weeks. I just wanted to throw that out there :).

    I'm SOOO glad you can relate! I spend my day with a bunch of 3 year olds... 13 to be exact... I spent 15 minutes today "throwing them down the slide" basically grabbing them hoisting them into the air, giving kisses and then sittin them on the slide and pushing them down. Well that's like 40 pounds a kid... and they kept coming back... one is like... 50lbs. She's UBBER tall... pilates? Got a good beginners DVD title? I really like the Wii Fit's Yoga... will that work? haha. I know it seemed to help!
  • ObsessivelyObsessingObsessions
    I just raised it, and it says that in like... 5 wks, I'll be about 7lbs lighter than the previous estimate!