unfavorable celebrity look a like



  • amjmomma
    amjmomma Posts: 41
    When I was young, I was told I looked like Candace Cameron. REALLY young, like around 10. It was during the popularity of Full House. Ha ha!! =)
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    I don't think I've ever been compared to a celebrity. But I'd kill to look like Mia Tyler.

    My husband could pass as Zach Galifianakis. No seriously, they're twins. He also gets Casey Abrams from American Idol this season. A lot. Like we get people that come up to us in stores and tell him they're glad he didn't get voted off.
  • Omicron
    Omicron Posts: 48 Member
    A drunk old man on the bus once told me I looked like Meryl Streep. I was 20 and had platinum blond spiked hair. Those must have been some messed up beer goggles.

    In middle school I got Kelly Bundy a lot.
  • Kirstie_C26
    Kirstie_C26 Posts: 490 Member
    fizz from coronation street is by far my worst :(
  • DarkAngel864
    DarkAngel864 Posts: 229 Member
    I don't think I've ever been compared to a celebrity...BUT there is this chick at the restaurant I get half priced wine at on Tuesdays...looks JUST JUST like Kristen Stewart from Twighlight.
  • ka_42
    ka_42 Posts: 720 Member
    I have been told (when I was much heavier) that I looked like kirsten dunst. I think we just have the same crooked tooth, lol! I took it as a compliment!!!
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    In High school I always got Shirley Manson from Garbage.

    Now...Joan Cusack. :grumble:

    I lover her and she is a riot (so I probably get it because I am goof) but she isn't exactly sexy. :laugh:
  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
    i got Stacy London.. her nose is too jewish :(

    I don't know much about them, nor do I watch their show, but from commercials, I think you could easily be mistaken for a long lost Kardashian ... they are gorgeous.

    you just killed me from happinesss!!!! although, my profile picture is a Kardashian LOL so maybe not..
  • smae1980
    smae1980 Posts: 794 Member
    When I was younger my friends told me my license picture looked like Taylor Hanson....Just what every 16 year old girl wants to hear, that she looks like a 14 year old boy!! ( I think it was the hair though...I hope)
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I am always being told that I look like Sarah Gilbert,:cry: the ugly younger sister on Roseanne. I beat up a girl in High School for calling me Darlene,:explode: cussed out a bus driver(I don't look like that ugly Beep!:angry: ) and cried my face off when my teenaged daughters friend told me that. :cry: I think she is ugly and the sad thing is I DO look like her! :sad:

    ((((superhippiechik)))) I don't think she's ugly and neither are you. At least you don't look like Rudolph!
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    no body ever tells me I look like anyone good or bad
  • LisaLN
    LisaLN Posts: 54
    Amy Whinehouse. I mean, do I really look that cracked out now that I'm skinny? Geesh.

    No, but a much cuter version of Sarah Silverman. :) Way cuter version.
  • LisaLN
    LisaLN Posts: 54
    I've gotten Faith Hill numerous times when I was a bit thinner (don't I WISH I looked like her.) The other one I agree with but wasn't happy about is a blonde version of Sela Ward. Yeah, she's attractive...but she could use a nose job like I need one. LOL!
  • When I was younger some old drunk guy asked me if I was a stripper at "AL's", but that's about it.

    My husband happens to look very much like Patrick Dempsey.. I am a lucky woman. :love:
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    Ann Hathaway
    Gorgeous.. and really talented,too!

    For real. She's beautiful...I'd be REALLY happy if someone said I looked like her!
  • Neliel
    Neliel Posts: 507 Member
    Ann Hathaway. She has bug eyes, a huge red nose, and hairy arms.

    I don't think I look like her at all except for the brown hair.

    Also been told Liv Tyler. I'll take that one please.

    Don't call me Ann Hathaway!! haha

    Me too! If someone told me I looked like her i'd be SOOO happy.
    I think Ann Hathaway is gorgeous!
  • Neliel
    Neliel Posts: 507 Member
    I put a picture of Simone Simons as my display picture on FB once and LOADS of people were commenting and saying how lovely I looked! And these are people I KNOW! That to me was the biggest compliment in the history of EVER. I think she's one of the most naturally beautiful women i've ever seen in my life.
  • amicklin
    amicklin Posts: 452
    Sigourney Weaver and Winona Rider

    I should qualify these... they are both pretty women. The Sigourney Weaver references was said because my "big" forehead and Winona Rider as a "your a chunkier version of her".

    So each one of these woman are beautiful, the people giving me the 'comments' were jsut sayign I was bad version of them! :ohwell:
  • Tamstar1985
    Tamstar1985 Posts: 334 Member
    i get heather graham all the time. actually i think heather graham is very beautiful, but i see no resemblance between myself and her :P
  • maddiex_x
    maddiex_x Posts: 43
    Back when Dawson's Creek was out, people would say I looked like Katie Holmes.
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