Starting to lose my motivation, HELP!!

lace0211 Posts: 53 Member
edited September 26 in Motivation and Support
I am not sure what is going on but I just cant stay motivated anymore. I try to work out as much as possible but eating all the right food can get so... boring. I need some help on keeping up on everything. Any suggestions?


  • lil_missfit
    lil_missfit Posts: 565 Member
    Hang in there:)) Don't give up:)) We are all in this together:))
  • DKBelle
    DKBelle Posts: 585
    mix up everything! I mean don't do same type of exercises sometimes I also get bored with it. As for food check out my diary if you feel like you are welcome to add me :).

    You can find different exercises on the following pages:
  • Amandamccl
    Amandamccl Posts: 380
    I ask the same thing to my coach one time and he told me ....You can scream, yell, swear, shout, cry, whimper, grunt, bleed, puke and pass out. JUST DON'T QUIT! i lived by those words ever since
  • cbaines74
    cbaines74 Posts: 77
    Keep Going!! This is my first week and I started off strong, but now I feel like I have a LONG road ahead. You can do it!!
  • I ask the same thing to my coach one time and he told me ....You can scream, yell, swear, shout, cry, whimper, grunt, bleed, puke and pass out. JUST DON'T QUIT! i lived by those words ever since

    I love this! I feel like I've been grunting and whimpering a lot lately, but I haven't quit! :)
  • Indygirlien
    Indygirlien Posts: 7 Member
    this might sound crazy, but if you have the ability to watch while working out, watch the Biggest Loser. Watching them makes me feel like if they go through 8 hours of working out a day, I can get up off the couch and do it! Keep your head up! We are all here to motivate!
  • blahlemon
    blahlemon Posts: 18 Member

    Treat yourself. Your body is not designed to go totally without treats, the problem is we over indulge in this society so easily. Sometimes in the midst of trying to hit goals and make good food choices we forget to allow ourselves to indulge every now and then.

    By setting rewards for goals (4 good days earns X or a clothing size earns Y) you will provide motivation.

    Having good cheerleaders from the community helps too!
  • alylynn10
    alylynn10 Posts: 44 Member
    I have that problem too sometimes: I can get bored.....Soooo, here's my suggestions:

    Don't buy the SAME foods repeatedly. For example, breakfast foods, once you're done with a box of oatmeal, don't buy it the next time you go shopping, choose another alternative.

    If you do buy it, pair it with something else for that meal: for instance, add a fruit or yogurt to having the oatmeal.

    Let's say you have leftovers of tacos from dinner: the next day, have it for lunch instead of dinner again.

    This helped me a lot! =)
  • Amandamccl
    Amandamccl Posts: 380
    I ask the same thing to my coach one time and he told me ....You can scream, yell, swear, shout, cry, whimper, grunt, bleed, puke and pass out. JUST DON'T QUIT! i lived by those words ever since

    I love this! I feel like I've been grunting and whimpering a lot lately, but I haven't quit! :)

    dont worry i have to have my days where i do good and days i just pig out but i pick myself up dust myself off and kkep on going and try even harder th next day
  • Losing weight is not an easy task!! You just have to keep at it. I have been on this journey once before and lost 120 lbs, then had 3 babies in 5 years and put 80 lbs of that back on, so I am working to lose that 80 plus some. I love this site because I have the support of others who are on the same journey, no matter if they are wanting to lose 10 lbs or 100+ lbs, we are all in this together! Feel free to add me, I would love to help support you on your journey!
  • Excellent advice, it sounds like my old coach too. He was a marine and also said "Pain is just weakness leaving the body!"
  • SusanMcAvoy
    SusanMcAvoy Posts: 445 Member
    I'm losing my motivation too and I just started a little less than a month ago. Some one said to mix things up and don't do the same exercises all the time. I think that's a good idea. I'll make a deal with you. I won't quit and you don't quit. We are all in this together. If you need a new friend feel free to add me.
  • I agree with treating yourself. Not with food though. Something that will inspire more motivation (night out with friends that requires you to dress up, new workout clothes, etc). I also got a small notebook I can carry everywhere and on one side of every page I write all the reasons I want to lose weight/be healthy and on the opposite page I write the reasons I want to cheat. I don't have to show it to anyone, so I can be totally honest. After flipping through page after page of motivating reasons and stupid reasons to cheat I feel ready to go at it harder. Nothing works for everyone, and nothing is going to work for you 100% of the's good to build lots of things into your day/week/month that motivate you! Good question though!
  • I have a picture of myself from when i was at my ideal weight. I keep a copy on my nightstand so that when i roll over to hit the alarm i see it and make myself get up and excersise. I also keep a copy at my desk at work so i will stop myself from eating junk when i get stressed or bored. I am a firm believer in having a cheat day, without one i will get bored and fall off track. All week i tell myself i have to eat good so i can have whatever it is im craving on sunday! Its so hard after a while to keep up the motivation, i am having the same issue. Good luck and hopefully you find a way to keep motivated!
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    You are associating the process with pain. Pure and simple. You're not seeing any joy in it. Work harder, but work harder at making it enjoyable. Stop making it boring drudgery. Maybe it's exercise that's more enjoyable. Maybe it's cooking with the family and trying out new foods and recipes. Maybe it's just simply keeping a library of progress photos that you update every 5lbs you lose or something to that effect.

    Stop just seeing the negative and instead look for pleasure in living a healthy life. Because in the end, that is what this is. It's your life.
  • Have you checked out Edy's frozen treats? Low cal and carb, creamy coconut is my fav, but there are all kinds of good juice bars, high in antioxidants. Knowing I can have one of them at the end of a day helps keep me ontrack throughout the day. There are so many great foods to eat that if you mix it up a bit, it takes the boredom out of it! Hang in there and think how good you will feel in the morning knowing you did well the day before!!! Support groups such as TOPS and weightwatchers are very helpful too.
  • Amandamccl
    Amandamccl Posts: 380
    Excellent advice, it sounds like my old coach too. He was a marine and also said "Pain is just weakness leaving the body!"

    my softball coach was strick he'll go around the lunch room and if he seen somthing in our plate he didnt like he tell us to put our trys up and come on he made us run the track until he said stop he was strick but we loved him because of it... i miss my school days back when i was fit
  • When is the last time you read your own profile? You seem to have some pretty good motivations listed there too :)

    ** I have always wanted to be healthy and fit. One day i want to become a nutritionist and a personal trainer.**

    How about spending a day to focus on your second goals (nutritionist/trainer)? I am still learning an eating plan, and find myself AMAZED at the number of choices I have not been using. Trust me, there is plenty of "new" to try still.

    And above all, forgive yourself... you are Human, and you have moods and emotions... but they will turn back around soon enough. It is great that you took a moment to reach out! Good sign you are not really ready to throw it in. !!! Hang in there !!!
  • HEY!...YOU CAN DO IT!!!
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