Elliptical at home?

kcmurray Posts: 33 Member
edited September 26 in Fitness and Exercise
I have the opportunity to buy a $600 elliptical for $150. I have always hated the elliptical, but I know that you can burn calories fairly quickly on one. Do you love your elliptical or hate it? Trying to decide whether or not to buy ...


  • macjenkins
    macjenkins Posts: 62 Member
    I would totally buy it if it's in good condition!
  • Delphi
    Delphi Posts: 97 Member
    I gave my treadmill the boot and went with an elliptical a year ago and do not regret it. Love it!
  • Crystal817
    Crystal817 Posts: 2,021 Member
    Sounds like a pretty good deal. I would choose an elliptical over a treadmill anyday. But that's just me.
  • Niceven
    Niceven Posts: 25 Member
    It's more of a love-hate relationship. I love the burn but good lord it takes a lot of work! When I got the opportunity to bring one home, I took it. Still a fav.
  • kykykenna
    kykykenna Posts: 656 Member
    LOVE LOVE mine. I have a Nordictrack one.Agree about the "work" part. When I first started it, I was horrified to see 3 minutes about killed me.BUT...it works. I also call it the "hell machine" ;)
  • I HATED mine at first, it is much harder than walking on a treadmill lol but now..I'm glad I got it. In the beginning, I struggled to do even a few minutes and now I can do a 25-40 minute workout on it.
  • I like it now but I didn't like mine at first because I was so out of shape and it was so hard. I put it in front of a tv so I could watch while I worked and I increased the time and intensity over time.
  • vininger
    vininger Posts: 14
    I have a love-hate relationship with my elliptical trainer. :-) Seriously, I am glad we have one at home. That way I have no excuse to avoid cardio. If the weather's nice I'd rather go out for a brisk walk/jog, but when I can't get away (because of weather or because I'm busy with the kids) I'm glad the elliptical is here. I queue something up on Netflix, jump on for 20 minutes and burn 200 calories...and I'm done! I'd say go for it if you have the space and the $$.
  • jessilee119
    jessilee119 Posts: 444 Member
    My husband and I liked using the one at the gym but we are no longer members because we were wasting money on the membership. We bought an elliptical for the apartment and I love it!! I was worried that it was going to be another thing that money was spent on and didn't get used, but that is not the case at all. We use it many times during the week...it was a good investment.
  • I bought mine on Craigslist for $80 and I love it. It is a little squeaky, but I use it every night! I think it is definitely a good investment.
  • I bought mine on Craigslist for $80 and I love it. It is a little squeaky, but I use it every night! I think it is definitely a good investment.
  • I agree. If its in good condition, I'd jump on that. Ours cost around $170 something brand new. I love it though. I haven't been on it as much as I should, but I like ellipticals better than treadmills b/c I don't like the impact on my feet and knees. I'm on them enough during the day, so I want as much off them as possible.
  • UneJolieFemme
    UneJolieFemme Posts: 86 Member
    I hate it. If you are looking to burn calories quickly, you will burn way more with a threadmill. Maybe not the first few weeks, but when you will build enough cardio to jog at a 5, 6 mph pace, your work outs will be way more effective.
  • vininger
    vininger Posts: 14
    LOVE LOVE mine. I have a Nordictrack one.Agree about the "work" part. When I first started it, I was horrified to see 3 minutes about killed me.BUT...it works. I also call it the "hell machine" ;)

    HAHA! I totally agree. I call mine the "torture machine." But it works!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I have the opportunity to buy a $600 elliptical for $150. I have always hated the elliptical, but I know that you can burn calories fairly quickly on one. Do you love your elliptical or hate it? Trying to decide whether or not to buy ...

    DO IT! Best piece of equipment I have ever purchased.

    I have gone without using it for a few months (years :laugh:) but I always come back. It is great in between for kicking it up from my walking routine.

    I :heart: my ellip
  • Becky011
    Becky011 Posts: 384
    I have the opportunity to buy a $600 elliptical for $150. I have always hated the elliptical, but I know that you can burn calories fairly quickly on one. Do you love your elliptical or hate it? Trying to decide whether or not to buy ...

    I have one and I loveeee having it. It's not the only thing I do buts it's great to hop on it even for 30 min (an hour when I have time) i used it for my weekday workouts when i don't have so much time to go to the gym.

    I'd say go for it!!
  • macnupe
    macnupe Posts: 19
    I have one that I use in the garage. I use a preset program that selects hills and magnetic tension. Generally, I complete a 30 min program and it indicates that I have burned between 500 and 520 calories. Furthermore it is easy on the knees. $150 sounds like a good deal f it is in good condition. Good Luck!
  • mamijujuphat
    mamijujuphat Posts: 407 Member
    I own an Elliptical I absolutely I:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: it!!!! ...... I burn major calories... in a shorter period of time ... & I can also adjust the incline.... I like the fact that you can exercise the arms too... while working out on it
  • luppic8
    luppic8 Posts: 580 Member
    I love the elliptical! I have lost plenty of weight using it. I bought one for 1500.00 so you are getting a deal. I decided to get one because that is what I would use when I went to the gym. Many times I don't make it to the gym so now that I bought one I don't miss out on working out. My elliptical has several programs to choose from such as fat burner, cardio, hills, alpine, so I change it up so I don't get bored. I think you should buy it, it's a full body work out!
  • northernchic
    northernchic Posts: 117 Member
    Definitely go for it!!
    So what I REALLY wanted was a NordicTrack Elliptical Trainer AudioStrider 990 Pro…but unfortunately my DH knows me and my short attention span and we really can’t afford $1200 for a potential clothes hanger…so I fell across a free cheaper model to start out on…no bells OR whistles…but it does the trick…I love it already!! I just started using it, but I can only do 15 minutes!! So, when I can “prove” myself on it I’ll be approved to “upgrade”…my goodness it will be like driving a caddy!!
    Best of luck on your adventure!! :happy:
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