Help! Eating almost obsessively

kcmurray Posts: 33 Member
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
Help! I am really getting worried about the way I eat obsessively. I love, love, love food ... like many others I'm sure. I just can't seem to control myself. Today, for example, I did really well until around 5:00 p.m. I even passed up an ice cream at Dairy Queen when two other people in the car were treating themselves. However, at the mexican restraunt this evening I ate almost a whole basket of chips (with cheese) by myself. When I fall off the wagon, I just totally BLOW it. I came home and ate two cookies and quite a few pringles. This isn't just a one time incident for me though. It is very typical. If I go over my calories I just want to eat as much as I can until I start over the next day. This also happens often ... not like a once a week kind of thing. How do I stop this destructive habit? I weigh the most I've ever weighed, and I'm afraid this downward spiral is going to send the scales tipping further and further to right. Can anyone else relate?


  • Try to change the foods that your eating obsessively, instead of chips, eat carrot sticks, instead of cookies, eat an apple. When your thoughts are consumed with food and you know you are not hungry, occupy yourself, go for a walk, lift weights, do crunches, etc.
    It's a really hard habit to break, and it may take time. Track every single calorie so you can see what you are eating and how to fix it, this helped me the most. If you need any other help, add me as a friend.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    What helped me in the beginning was avoiding the things that tempted me the most. That meant not going to restaurants, not buying sweets and junk food, not buying soda, etc. I had to take myself out of the situations that would make me overeat so that I could retrain myself to eat only healthy foods in healthy portions.
  • suzyr78
    suzyr78 Posts: 16 Member
    I also used to do this.. I felt like I blew it so I mine as well eat every bad thing in sight and just start over tomorrow! I realized this was totally sabotaging my diet and also making me feel horrible about myself.

    All I can tell you is that I started really remembering how bad I felt after I did this and how it wasn't worth it. Now if I screw up a little bit, I just drink a ton of water and start over IMMEDIATELY. Get some exercise, go for a walk.

    Hope this helps, feel free to add me as a friend :)
  • Christie422
    Christie422 Posts: 120 Member
    Yes I can relate! You really just have to change the way you think.. So you ate a basket of chips...big deal, you could probably over come throughout the week by watching what you eat and getting some extra exercise in. You don't have to go completely overboard. Ask yourself WHY you're eating...are you really hungry or is it emotional eating/eating out of boredom?

    I think the key is just to slow down. When I go on a binge I find myself shoveling it in so fast I can't even taste what I'm eating. If you want something, have it in moderation and take the time to savor it.

    Tomorrow is a new day, make the most of it!
  • greeneyed84
    greeneyed84 Posts: 427 Member
    I was just like that but you have to find yourself a motivation, a goal.
    It takes some getting used to. You have the "i'm on a diet" mentality. A lot do. But you're not on a diet, you're on a lifestyle change. It's about getting healthier, fitter and not about restricting yourself of certain foods.
    You have to find as moderation. If you have a cookie too many, then go run it off. Do not say, oh i went over my calories, now i might as well pig out.
    You do not gain a pound until you are 3500 calories over. So being 200 over is nothing. Easily worked off the next day
  • I can totally relate, today was also like that for me. I find it so hard to stay on track somedays.
  • ambivalence11
    ambivalence11 Posts: 93 Member
    At restaurants that give you chips, bread etc. tell the server NOT to bring it. If it's not there, you wont touch it. Also, log the calories BEFORE you eat them. I find the guilt of going over stops me from binging out. It's super hard, but don't be too hard on yourself. You are human and mistakes happen, but there is always tomorrow and the longer you stay on the diet the easier it gets. Promise.
  • KickassYas
    KickassYas Posts: 397 Member
    If i could make a recommendation... have you considered looking into overeaters anonymous? i know it sounds kinda crazy but honestly... it really helps. i realized i was addicted to the act of eating when i would mindlessly eat and not realize it until i was almost finished with the bag of chips or whatever. even healthy food. i'll eat an entire bag of bunched grapes if left alone.

    anyway... its something to consider for help :)
  • I understand completely!!! I am a compulsive eater and I feed my feelings. I joined this support group and one at church called "Overeaters". We meet on Thursday nights and we weigh in and share what is on our minds. There may be one in your area. Celebrate Recovery? You can go to You can add me as a friend too and we can do this together! I will say a prayer for you. :)
  • I've been there. It does get easier. Try to substitute the snacks. When I have a chocolate craving, I try a small glass of chocolate Silk, instead of chowing on a King size Snickers like I used to. But I went cold turkey on things like soda. Another thing that may help is not having your trigger foods in the house until your willpower is stronger. I haven't eaten in a restaurant since I started, because I know that if I start, I'll keep eating, which is why I'm so heavy now. And I don't want to be the fat girl forever.

    Just remember why you're doing it in the first place. You want to be healthier. And try not to beat yourself up. No one is perfect.
  • wvboeder
    wvboeder Posts: 2
    I completely understand, its sort of like, "If I blew it already today, I may as well enjoy it". I unfortunately do the same thing. For me, I'll eat something unhealthy, adn before I even consume it, I'll think to myself that this is a bad idea, yet I do it anyways.

    What has helped me is to drink lots of water. If I think I'm hungry, but I've eaten recently, I'll drink a full glass of water, wait a bit and see if I'm still hungry. Also, if you don't have bad food around, you can't eat it. I know this is easier said than done, but I try to only have healthy options for myself. I've also found that eating smaller portions every 3 hours keeps me fuller longer, and I don't eat as much when I'm bored because I know in less than 3 hours I can eat again.
  • I go through phases like this and phases when i get on track and phases in the middle. I think everyone does this sometimes. My advice would be to exercise. Whenever I start exercising it helps me get motivated to eat better and it speeds up your metabolism. Also, concentrate on what your eating rather than how much of it you eat. Binging on cucumbers is WAY better than binging on chips or something, and its less likely you'll eat as much. Cucumbers might not be your thing but, think of things you like that are really low cal and binge on those. Rice cakes, almost any vegetable (soup/or salad), pineapple, mango, blueberries, cherries, popsicles are some of my favs ^_^
  • I agree with others, it is a long slow process and it is that way as it is a permanent lifestyle change rather than a diet. I allow myself to have a cheat day once a week where I may get a medium pizza or a takeaway dinner (and inhale it through pleasure and excitement) but if you are binging often it may be emotional. You could try keeping a journal and record your thoughts, feelings and environment before and after the binge. You may see a pattern forming and that could make it easier to control.

    I wish you good luck, feel free to add me if you like.
  • hi i also have this issue but i have read in bob harper's book that u need to forgive ur self, then start over the next day. also when u feel that need to go and eat stop ur self and really think, what am i feeling rite now? do i feel sad, mad angry because i went over my calories? write it down or talk to someone. I have been doing better once i forgive my self for having that extra snack. and i just feel awesome. i was so scared at first i thought food would always be there for me but i found out that i will always be there for me and i have just been feeling so awesome that its like my new drug. it just clicked and im going to try hard to stay on track! good luck to you and i/m here if u need to chat... anytime!
  • Jlennhikes
    Jlennhikes Posts: 290 Member
    In that situation, I try to think of my calories in terms of a weekly budget. If you overeat 500 calories one day, you can under eat the next few days and end up still losing. If you start to overeat and just go on and on, you're ruining your progress for a long time. I don't enjoy dieting, so I don't want to do something that's going to make it last a lot longer. :wink:
  • kazzball
    kazzball Posts: 5
    Hi KC,
    I hear your pain! I tend to be the same if I dont stick to something riggidly! It helps me if I try to stay positive. The first couple of days are the hardest but then you can see the results and that you have mentally been able to do it and that tends to help me.
    I am finding it hard starting the diet. I keep thinking, "I will start today, go really well all day then bang, I do something wrong and its all downhill from there! I manage KFC so its not easy staying away from the addictive chips!
    Stay positive, get thru the first day being really strict with yourself, pat yourself on the back when you dont eat something your not supposed to instead of feeling like your depriving yourself. Keep saying "I am in control"! Recognise each acheivement as positive. It does get easier as it is only really habits your breaking , you dont "need" the food.
    Hope this helps!
  • diegelman
    diegelman Posts: 55 Member
    ALWAYS hold yourself accountable for what you ate. Log every single bite that goes into your mouth. That way, you can truely see how much that food is affecting you body. The next day, take a deep breath and move on. Untill you get your eating more under controll, weigh yourself every morning so you can see in numbers what that way of eating does.
  • regentin
    regentin Posts: 60
    I had a day like this today too, and I need to keep this as a refresher when another day like this is starting to show its ugly face.
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