People going way under on calories

Some of my mfp friends complete their diaries with only like 600-1000 calories eaten. Some of them exercise and don't even eat 1200 calories. I will not say wtg or good job if they did not eat atleast 1200 calories before exercise. I am not talking about one or two days here, more like all the time. Would it be rude of me to suggest that they eat a little more. I know there are threasd about eating 700 calories a day and gaining. Should I refer them to the thread or just not say anything and mind my own business. I want everyone to be helthy and loose weight. Just though I would get some other opinions on this.


  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    I'd mention it. But in a gentle manor :)
  • greeneyed84
    greeneyed84 Posts: 427 Member
    No, i had one on my page and i asked her several times about it. I got tired of excuses. I couldn't support her as she was eating 400-800 calories total every single day, lost some weight that way. I couldn't say anything supportive to her so i told her and she deleted me.
    I'm sorry, but i will not have people on my page who are starving themselves and won't take any help
  • MommyLumpkin
    If you're doing it with good intentions, I'm sure they will be receptive. And if they're not, at least you tried. I think posting the thread is a good idea. It's always nice to have something to back you up on something like that.
  • Michelle_J
    Michelle_J Posts: 362 Member
    none of my friends have a problem tell ing me when I'm not eating enough calories =] I think there is a politically correct way to do it.
  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026
    they'll probably just roll their eyes and move on
  • rozarotti
    rozarotti Posts: 139
    I don't think its rude. If they leave their diary open for everyone to read they should be able to handle the comments. You are only trying to help. :) If it bothers them, they can keep their diary private.

  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,798 Member
    i kinda feel the same, but my opinion is, if it works for them, let it matter what you say, they will do what they want anyway, and the way people are, they will think you are unfairly criticizing, and it may end up bad. it's your choice, but it's also of luck
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    I have a friend that is 4' 11" and weighs 110, her target to maintain her weight is under 1000 a day according to a calorie logging site (it will remain un-named since it is not MFP)... :grumble:

    I was shocked when I learned she ate under 1200 but that is all her body needs. I know that I will personally never go below 1200 unless that is what I am "told" by MFP when I reach my goal and just want to maintain. Even then I will have trouble since I know you need a certain amount just to function. :bigsmile:
  • LovelySnugs
    LovelySnugs Posts: 389
    me and my rude, hateful attitude? would tell them what's what! but. . .there's a chance that they're doing what they're doing because it works for them right now. when it stops working (and it probably will), refer them to these websites (bookmark them. they're VERY handy).

    hope that helps!

    oh, and thank MFP user Taso42 for the first url. gotta give due credit!
  • SunLovin1
    SunLovin1 Posts: 682 Member
    I just try not to respond to those. I've seen friends post about diet pills, tummy toners and all sorts of quick fixes that will ultimately backfire in the long run. I try and look for times when they've done well and then comment on how good it is to see a healthy diary.
  • xinzya
    xinzya Posts: 15
    there is a warning on the completion that says- you are eating too few calories- I know this b/c some days- I did eat too few and had to go eat a piece of cheese or something just to get at the 1200 mark.....I have a family member w/ an E.D. so I see where your concern is..
  • Heifort1
    Heifort1 Posts: 14 Member
    I don't think it would be rude at all to suggest the do a little more eating. I don't think people understand that you need to put fuel in the fire to get it to burn. If they're not eating, then they are literally starving and their metabolism will slow right down to ZIP! There's probably a nice little article out there you could gently send them that would speak to that. Example recently I saw while channel surfing was one of those reality shows about a 600lb woman. One day she at a can of soup and 15 saltines - another day a sandwich, etc. The woman is NOT EATING and certainly NOT LOSING. The doc was putting her on an eating plan to lose weight - her fire just went out by not putting in the fuel.
  • ronda_gettinghealthy
    ronda_gettinghealthy Posts: 777 Member
    do you want somebody to tell you??? if the answer is yes- then you need to tell your mfps- I agree do so in a diplomatic,kind caring way and let the chips fall where they may.
  • monkeybuttsmommy
    monkeybuttsmommy Posts: 343 Member
    I am alotted 1580 a day. I excercise every day. I eat breakfast, lunch and dinner and snacks and sometimes simply cannot eat enough calories to reach 1200! If I did I would be eating when I am stuffed and it would literally make me sick! I do strive to hit that 1200 mark though and I am not doing it on purpose. I also know of people who do it on purpose and I think its dangerous. For the larger person its not as bad. We have plenty of stored fat to burn which the body will do if you don't make your 1200 every day. BUT if you do it every day for months and you do not have fat storage you will get sick. I can see both sides of the coin. Maybe and e-mail would be better than a wall post so you can inquire why they do it? Ask as a concerned friend rather that someone who wants to parent them. You might get a better response.
  • cklbrown
    cklbrown Posts: 4,696 Member
    I posted the same things as my status and was answered by my friends, whose diaries I was looking at. They all basically said that everyone here knows what he should be eating. I should either comment positively or not at all. I too felt uncomfortable saying WTG when I read she was far under calories. But I always feel bad when no one has commented. I know I often have trouble meeting my calories. I relate to your dilemma.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    Some of my mfp friends complete their diaries with only like 600-1000 calories eaten. Some of them exercise and don't even eat 1200 calories. I will not say wtg or good job if they did not eat atleast 1200 calories before exercise. I am not talking about one or two days here, more like all the time. Would it be rude of me to suggest that they eat a little more. I know there are threasd about eating 700 calories a day and gaining. Should I refer them to the thread or just not say anything and mind my own business. I want everyone to be helthy and loose weight. Just though I would get some other opinions on this.

    I'm with ya there--I really want to be a support to people working hard like I am to lose weight in a healthy manner...I try not to give a blanket "way to go" or comment on peoples' "completed diary and was under goal" posts unless I
    a) have actually peeked at their food diary for that day and/or b) know they may have special circumstances due to eating disorder issues and are honestly working VERY hard to get over a certain number of calories...then I will try to encourage them to keep working on it.

    I don't think it's rude, but it depends on the person and how you approach it...I only know 2 people on here in "real life" and otherwise, don't know most people well enough to feel comfortable saying something most of the time. Unless someone posts or emails asking for help...then I try to make positive suggestions, because a lot of people on here are really supportive of me and my efforts ;)
  • Vpirwannab
    I don't find it rude though I would suggest you keep in mind that for some it is very difficult to meet the 1200 calories. I normally struggle to meet it and rarely get in my exercise calories. I know to some this sounds ridiculous but it really is an issue. I am in no way starving. I am just too full to eat and trying to do better.
  • Ninjitsu
    Ninjitsu Posts: 163
    Comment away. Some people have trained their bodies to run on fewer calories and are thriving with the small amount of food intake.

    I know the more I exercise, the less of an appetite I have. If I exercise too much and force myself to eat I end up sick.

    Personally I'd rather feel comfortable--by eating when I'm hungry--instead of making myself sick.
  • DannielleMarie90
    It is NOT good/healthy to eat too little calories. Actually, you can gain weight by eating too few calories (not to mention feel worn down because you have no energy to burn). People will start a super low calorie diet and lose some weight and then go on to gain all of the weight they lost back (and then some!) It is NOT a good idea. Your body has a set amount of calories it needs to keep everything working properly ( and that is not including exercising or even normal daily activities). If you have friends eating too few calories confront them about it.
  • travelgirl09
    travelgirl09 Posts: 151 Member
    I usually won't say anything until they complain they are not losing weight. They can only do that for so long before it catches up with them. Then if they don't like what you say, they will usually delete you, which is okay with me, since they really weren't looking for an answer, just wanting a quick fix.