Ab Exercises

I'm trying to find an ab exercise that I can do at home that I will actually stick with. Possibly a DVD? (But a really good one that will make me curse the instructor for how much it hurts). I know basic ab exercises like leg lifts, bicycle crunch, plank pose, etc.- the problem is that I am never all that motivated to do them at home on my own. I want to have a stronger core so I can further my yoga practice (which technically I don't need to expand my practice, but there are certain postures I just do not have the core strength to get into).

Any ideas or tough love even would be most appreciated.


  • LeslieReagan
    if you have Netflix, there are some great workouts that are on "Instant Stream." i would definitely look into those! i do some of the pilates ab exercises.
  • mirna_ayala0428
    mirna_ayala0428 Posts: 406 Member
    I have found that the jacknife exercises on the Wii give me results, when I do them. ;=)
  • ubabe1
    ubabe1 Posts: 144 Member
    Try "Trouble Zones" by Jillian Michaels. You can workout to different circuits and always include the ab circuit. Thats what I did!!
  • JBennis1013
    JBennis1013 Posts: 377 Member
    The Jackie Warner Crunchless Ab dvd is a killer!
  • Natalie0506
    Natalie0506 Posts: 163
    I use Turbo Fire, and there are some killer core workouts. But you have to buy the whole program, not just the specific workouts. I know that OnDemand on cable has some good stuff, as does Netflix. You could even check out your library and see what they have.
  • gooberr4
    gooberr4 Posts: 253 Member
    if you have Netflix, there are some great workouts that are on "Instant Stream." i would definitely look into those! i do some of the pilates ab exercises.

    o man, never thought of that!

    THANK YOU!!!
  • moyyster
    moyyster Posts: 37 Member
    Thanks everyone!