Why am I suddenly so hungry?

These past few days have been so rough for me hunger-wise. Normally I'm never too hungry. I'm usually right where my calories should be, I drink a lot of water, eat fresh fruits and vegetables and unprocessed foods. I workout 6-7 times per week with a mix of cardio, strength, yoga and pilates with usually a big hiking or biking trip every 2 weeks or so. Suddenly I have been so starving and I don't understand what's going on. I'm literally so hungry every 2 hours now and not just a little bit hungry, but so hungry I'm weak and feel like I have no energy as well as being quite grumpy. I've been trying to space my calories out over the day, but I'm not sure what else I can do. It's really becoming quite the problem.

Anyone have this problem as well? Or know what I can do to fix it?


  • Sparksfly
    Sparksfly Posts: 470 Member
    Your body is telling you that you need to eat more!

    Since I am so close to my goal, and already within a healthy BMI, I had to up my calories so I had a MUCH smaller deficit.

    You seem close to your goal...are you sure you are eating enough? Have you plateaued lately?
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    I agree, it could be simply that you're not eating enough.

    Also you didn't mention any protein in your diet. Are you getting enough?
  • c4ski
    c4ski Posts: 4 Member
    Maybe you are exercising too much? Or not getting enough sleep? We often want to eat more when we are tired, your body could be a little fatigued? Maybe cut it back for a few days and get lots of rest (especially if you may have had broken sleep). See if that makes a difference.

    Also - for me, I notice I want to eat more when I'm either stressed or hormonal! (Such a woman!! lol) I've had the same problem for the last week and I suspect for me personally it's a combination of all of the above! I'm been like a woman possessed when it comes to food!

    But be reassured that it's likely to only be a temporary thing - sometimes we need to have the hiccups so that we can realise how important it is to stay focussed the rest of the time. I'm sure you'll be back on track sooner than you think!

    Hope this helps! xx
  • scarletleavy
    scarletleavy Posts: 841 Member
    I'm set at the lowest loss per week, 1/2 pound. I am very close to my goal, so not quite ready to put in maintenance yet, but being very patient. I haven't seen a loss in a few week, I'm more concerned with fitness than weight loss at this point.

    I am normally getting enough protein, I think. I'm usually at least 10-20 over the recommended levels. I'm mostly a vegetarian so I really do pay attention to my protein levels.

    I have been quite stressed with some work and personal things, so I guess it could definitely be related to that.

  • jbaden01
    jbaden01 Posts: 10
    Make sure to increase your intake to at least half of your added excercise calories. I was set at eating 1750 calories and i stayed with that. Well that was figured for a sedentary lifestyle. I am now burning about 800-1000 calories per day extra in excercise. 4 weeks ago I plateau'ed and was just not very hungry and just stopped losing weight. I went on a snowboarding and golf vacation the next week and pretty much cut loose, drank beer, ate steaks and really didn't worry about things and didn't gain a pound. I returned from vacation back to my program at 1750 calories and was starving. I increased my intake by 500 calories (2250/day) and the weight is falling off at 2lbs/ wk again.
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    You do need to eat your exercise calories, or at least some of them.

    It's also possible that you are overtraining, so try taking two days off from exercising ans see if you feel any better. Overtraining is actually pretty common and it will make you feel like you've been hit by a truck. But it's easily cured with a few days rest and then working at least one rest day into your schedule each week.

    Are you getting enough sleep? If not, that will create fatigue and unusual hunger.

    Any chance you suffer from seasonal allergies or might be coming down with something?