smlowe1203 Posts: 1 Member
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
Hello everyone , I am 28 years old mom of two girls 8 and 6 , I have PCOS and a weight problem, I am at my heavist in my life and I just have to lose it and get my life back I have begun B12 shots hoping lowering my calorie intake and exercise 2x a day . Any tips to help me would be greatly appreciate it.


  • Welcome! I love this site and it helps to know there is support out there. Just knowing I have to log in and record everything I eat makes me accountable for everything that goes into my mouth. I'm determined to do this one day at a time. I've tried EVERYTHING from weight watchers to south beath to atkins to pills to nutrisystem. I'm convinced that by doing it this way I will change my eating for the rest of my life. Good luck and there are lots of people on this site who will be there to support you!!!
  • donaldwms
    donaldwms Posts: 4 Member
    I would recommend starting with some monitored walking with a pedometer. You can get a decent pedometer "free" or cheap. I got mine from BlueCross BlueShield as a free give away. The first day I put it on, I observed that I only registered 1,009 steps. Hum... I thought... My research led me to conclude that if I wanted to clasify myself as "active," I should be getting a minimum of 10,000 steps per day. When my nutrition is in order and I'm consistent, I can typically drop 5lbs+ per week. I've dropped 62 lbs so far... Although I've fell off the wagon for 4-6 weeks at a time, I just get up and keep moving forward. I'm committed to shedding another 50 lbs over the next 8-12 weeks using the inclined treadmill (15-30% incline), spinning, full-body circuit weight training. Over 50% of my daily 10,000 steps are obtained walking on the inclined treadmill. I believe that walking on the inclined treadmill at 15%+ incline is the single most effective calorie burner.
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