Skinny Cow= low fat but LOTS of scary sugars!



  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    perrytyra, yes with the cheaper options! Nothing wrong with a treat that is real and natural. Just measure it out and log it that way. :)

    Skinny Cow products are fine. Again, not dissing them. Just mentioning that the caramel single serve is way too sweet!
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    I love skinny cows just don't eat them all the time~! Healthy choice fudge bars are amazing too. :bigsmile:
  • eeeekie
    eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member
    I love the skinny cow chocolate truffle bars!
    Most of those unpronounceable ingredients are byproducts of corn. They could call it Chocolate Corn Cream! :laugh:
    Anyways, I don't really see what the big deal is. 90% or more of our food contains corn products, including the meat we eat that was fed on corn and our fruit which is coated in corn wax.
    No, it isn't what nature naturally intended for us, but nature never intended for us use penicillin, aspirin, vaccinations, and many other things that have saved millions of lives. Come to think of it.... I'm not sure nature intended us to drink milk, either. Pretty sure she gave it to the cows for the cows to use. But you know us people....

  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    As for milk. And anti-milk people, think of those of us that have osteoporosis in our families. Taking calcium pills each day is not going to cut it. We need dairy with vitamin D to help get the calcium to where we need it. And sunshine, plenty of sunshine.

    I buy milk from local New England dairies and I'm proud to support family farms.

    Also, anyone that can digest cow's milk after age 4 is actually a mutant! It's a mutation that allows this! Kind of like how my Dad and brother can't do milk products but I can without issue.

    Anyway, before being anti-milk think of those of us that don't have a choice regarding osteoporosis prevention.

    Sorry myth you can get plenty of calcium through veggies such as kale, and Almond milk, and not be ingesting something that was made to raise a 1300lb animal.

    Not dissing on anyone that likes to drink milk. It is a personal choice. Got my mom drinking soy as it has a lot more protein for her, and significantly less sugar! Just a thought. I do eat dairy in moderation. Just not milk. Milk in my house has to be organic, so that I know they are not lacing it with hormones and chemicals!:bigsmile:
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    As for milk. And anti-milk people, think of those of us that have osteoporosis in our families. Taking calcium pills each day is not going to cut it. We need dairy with vitamin D to help get the calcium to where we need it. And sunshine, plenty of sunshine.

    I buy milk from local New England dairies and I'm proud to support family farms.

    Also, anyone that can digest cow's milk after age 4 is actually a mutant! It's a mutation that allows this! Kind of like how my Dad and brother can't do milk products but I can without issue.

    Anyway, before being anti-milk think of those of us that don't have a choice regarding osteoporosis prevention.

    Nutritionally milk is not going to prevent osteoporosis. That too is a myth if you do research. drinking milk actually leaches calcium from the bones.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    Yep, organic milk all the way.

    Processed soy products are not advisable for those of us that have breast cancer in the family. And that is straight from my Mom's cancer doctor! Almond milk is wonderful. Lots of good recipes out there for using it. I just try to stick to whole soy beans not processed soy to not mess with my hormones. Plus, soy milk has a ton of sugar typically.

    Humans drank milk back in the day and they were very thin because they worked physical labor all day. I'm pretty sure milk is not the route of our problems if it's bought locally and is hormone and antibiotic free! I'd rather support a local farmer than a factory farm! 99% of our meat comes from Factory Farms in the US. And the USDA allows the chickens to be washed in poop-filled water. Given what the food system in the US has come down to in recent decades, I don't think a bit of local dairy milk is harmful compared to processed soy!
  • appleofmyeye
    I've never had any of the Skinny Cow products before, but I do tend to stay away from most foods that have lots of ingredients, especially ingredients of the polysyllabic variety. I prefer to appease my inner sugar monster with a square or two of good dark chocolate, a small scoop of regular old full-fat ice cream, or a little bit of a real, homemade dessert. I would probably never buy Skinny Cow stuff myself, but I'm not going to tell anyone else not to! I think it's perfectly fine to eat things like this in moderation, especially if they can keep you from making a worse choice (like that whole pint of Ben and Jerry's). :happy:
  • NoExcuseTina
    NoExcuseTina Posts: 506 Member
    I am more satisfied with a 1/2 cup serving on bryers butter pecan...YUM
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    Come to think of it.... I'm not sure nature intended us to drink milk, either. Pretty sure she gave it to the cows for the cows to use. But you know us people....

    If I was drinking milk, it would have come right through my nose when I read this!
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • astovey
    astovey Posts: 578 Member
    I get the no sugar added Skinny Cow sandwiches...they are delish every once in awhile. I'm not too worried about it.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    Thanks all!
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    As for milk. And anti-milk people, think of those of us that have osteoporosis in our families. Taking calcium pills each day is not going to cut it. We need dairy with vitamin D to help get the calcium to where we need it. And sunshine, plenty of sunshine.

    I buy milk from local New England dairies and I'm proud to support family farms.

    Also, anyone that can digest cow's milk after age 4 is actually a mutant! It's a mutation that allows this! Kind of like how my Dad and brother can't do milk products but I can without issue.

    Anyway, before being anti-milk think of those of us that don't have a choice regarding osteoporosis prevention.

    Yay for this. Milk actually helps with weight loss not gain (skim or low fat). I love my skim milk and would never give it up. The sugars in it are natural sugars, not refined or fake sugars (like the sugars in fruits). We are the only species that can digest cow's milk.

    And what else goes perfectly with a hot, fresh out of the oven gooey chocolate chip cookie??!!
  • Mad_Dog_Muscle
    Mad_Dog_Muscle Posts: 1,251 Member
    bummer..... guess I need to finish off all the skinny cow, Weight Watcher Fudge bars in my freezer and go for the Ben & Jerry's!!! Woo Hoo!!!