What is your biggest obstacle?



  • cc2r1511
    cc2r1511 Posts: 127 Member
    Eating out or going to my parents house. At home, I can weigh and measure but eating out, I don't know how many calories its worth. However, this past weekend, I think I turned over a leaf because I got salads and counted every calorie I ate. I still lose weight and I enjoyed what I ate.

    My hardest is my parent's house. My parents and sisters are ALL SKINNY and I have a hard time watching what I eat there.
    This weekend should be interesting since its Easter weekend!
  • kbanzhaf
    kbanzhaf Posts: 601 Member
    For me, the weekends are hard, because I am at home, and there is always something there to eat. I'm much better off at work when it isn't there.
    "Snack" day at work.....when everyone brings a food to share.....VERY hard for me.
    Potluck dinners at church (again a weekend thing).
    Lately, the WEATHER -- it has been the pits to try to get outside and walk, and I'm getting tired of the treadmill.
  • jvsings
    jvsings Posts: 4 Member
    Can you switch to diet soda?
  • jspaulding01
    jspaulding01 Posts: 11 Member
    Hello! My biggest obstacle is date night and weekends. I do great all week the the weekend comes and my husband and I go on a date night every weekend...we go to fabulous restaurants and I dont track..So by Sunday I am working off what I gained and ending up with a very small loss every friday. I really need to get the weekends under controlurl=http://www.myfitnesspal.com/weight-loss-

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • suemar74
    suemar74 Posts: 447 Member
    My emotions...I'm having a bad day and I'm torn between a full-on stupid binge or the bottle of wine sitting in my fridge when I get home tonight. Either one will add calories.

    But not once did exercising my frustrations away pop in my head, until just now. Sigh... guess I'll put my big girl panties on and run it out when I get home instead.
  • Jennette4
    Jennette4 Posts: 2 Member
    I tend to eat junk and A LOT of it when I'm stressed and I seem to be stressed a lot lately. :)
  • gocats1127
    I have a portion control problem too. I love to eat!! I also have a sweet tooth and don't have time (and hate) to exercise!
  • rosiedoes
    rosiedoes Posts: 84 Member
    Two main things:

    Exercise - partly because I'm MASSIVELY self-conscious about doing it in public and partly because I can't run or skate at the moment because of my ankle and I swim like a brick. I'm planning on getting to a spin class at some point, to see how my Achilles handles it.

    Portion control - I've been really conscious of this, recently, as I cook for myself and my flatmate, who is also on here (julie_a_griffin), but we were both raised on really large meals so we both continued on like that into adulthood. Yesterday I did find myself really full on about two thirds of the food I was eating at the start of this month, though, so that's a start!

    (Oh, and we're both into baked foods - cupcakes, savoury pastries, etc. but we've been really good with those.)
  • rosiedoes
    rosiedoes Posts: 84 Member
    But not once did exercising my frustrations away pop in my head, until just now. Sigh... guess I'll put my big girl panties on and run it out when I get home instead.

    While playing roller derby I definitely found that I'd be in a bad mood going there and after I'd started skating I'd forget about it completely. I definitely recommend exercising it out.
  • Kirk_D
    Kirk_D Posts: 85
    FOOD! Portion size and junk I shouldn't be eating. :)
  • kittyinaz
    kittyinaz Posts: 300 Member
    Ditto on the portion sizes thing, although I've gotten much better. However, at stuff like parties I probably take a little bit of everything rather than a little bit of just a few things, so it's just as bad LOL.

    And then when I go out to eat I tend to order horribly (or horribly good? lol) and end up going way over my calorie limit.

    AND then I have a hard time saying no when my boyfriend comes home with food (even though he knows better). Like yesterday, he brought home taco bell. *sigh* ... and the day before, it was a big ol' ice cream cone *sigh*.
  • 145Karen
    145Karen Posts: 80 Member
    My biggest obstacle is me ! I get in my own way too often, I know how but dang what do I do the things I do if I really wanted to loose? so I keep trying never give up!
  • Just1forMe
    Just1forMe Posts: 624 Member
    Definitely my thyroid/metabolism issues...but I am working hard at trying to resolve this in the next few months by finally getting medicated!
  • 145Karen
    145Karen Posts: 80 Member
    EMOTIONS oh boy don't get me started! thats what I am working on. when will I figure out junk food is a double edge sword??
  • MisMolly
    MisMolly Posts: 88 Member
    My emotions...I'm having a bad day and I'm torn between a full-on stupid binge or the bottle of wine sitting in my fridge when I get home tonight. Either one will add calories.

    But not once did exercising my frustrations away pop in my head, until just now. Sigh... guess I'll put my big girl panties on and run it out when I get home instead.

    The nine year old in me just giggled at "big girl panties." LOL. I know...exercise almost always makes me feel better, less stressed and more energetic...but when I am feeling down, I always pout and whine and gripe before I push myself to exercise and work it on out.
  • Jolandolfo
    Popcorn is my biggest weakness. Something about the crunch and saltiness...see.just thinking about it now I want it. :blushing:
  • kely8888
    kely8888 Posts: 11 Member
    My biggest obstacle is the scale not moving like I think it should. Since March 7th, I have lost 21 pounds, I began seeing a trainer last week. She told me to stop concentrating on the scale because it will move with cardio and proper diet. About 3 weeks ago a friend who also uses MFP sent me this site, I ditched weight watchers and began to use this as I feel it's more user friendly. Hopefully the scale won't own me much longer...LOL
  • tinkerkelle7
    My biggest obstacle is exercising during that "time of the month!" I always do really well up until, and then I struggle to keep with it. I am hoping to break that pattern soon.

    Also, working in a place where their are lots of treats.

    Date NIghts.


    AND portion size!
  • goron59
    goron59 Posts: 890 Member
  • samcee
    samcee Posts: 307
    Free food. There is always something on my desk, usually donuts. I can't resist donuts. I wish they would just give me the money....

    LOL, I vote for money too!!!

    Think my biggest obstacle right now is my knee. I damaged it last year from excessive jogging but I've taken up cycling now and that seem to ease it a bit. Also knowing what to eat each day. I'm not even bothered what I eat but I'm just not that creative in the kitchen! I just want something quick and easy. My t.o.m puts me down a lot too because of the mad cravings and I get a bit sulky with exercise. lol. These are just little things so its not too bad actually :P There's always a way around it.